Library Policies and Guidelines

Lobby Displays and Bulletin Boards

Number: Policy #0011
Date: 03/08/2024
Department: Access Services


This policy governs the selection and placement of all items displayed in the library lobby, including but not limited to:

  • literature
  • publications
  • free-standing displays and racks
  • donation boxes


  • No flyers or announcements (except those relating to library operation) may be posted on any glass surfaces in the lobby and entryway. Items attached to the glass by anyone other than Library personnel will be removed immediately.
  • The only publication that is currently approved for location in the Library entryway is the display rack with the Spinnaker.
  • Materials placed in the literature rack in front of Special Collections must pertain to collections, events, and activities that are library-sponsored or library-related and support the Library mission.
  • Materials placed on the kiosk in front of the first-floor elevators must pertain to events and activities that are library-sponsored or library-related and support the Library mission.
  • Requests for placement of items in the Library lobby will be referred to the Assistant Program Director for Public Services Paul Mosley.
  • Donation boxes: The Thomas G. Carpenter Library is committed to supporting the basic needs of University of North Florida students and promote the university’s support of the community. Due to the large number of requests from various organizations to the library for sponsoring donation drives, the space allotted for donation boxes in the library is limited. These specific guidelines govern the donation drives in the library:
    • The Thomas G. Carpenter Library selected the UNF Military & Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) and the Lend-a-Wing Pantry for two donation drives each year. The MVRC Supplies for Soldiers drive is held each spring and the Lend-a-Wing food drive each fall.
    • The library will help promote each donation drive through established methods of communication (social media, library calendar, newsletter, etc.). The partner organizations will include the library in their promotional materials.
    • Collection containers will be located in the entryway of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library and may be set up for no more than 30 days.
    • Each organization is responsible for supplying their own collection container. Containers must be made of a solid material that will not break down.
    • Collection containers must clearly and visibly display the following information:
      • Name and contact information of the sponsoring organization
      • Purpose of the collection drive
      • Collection start and end dates
      • List of acceptable items 
    • The sponsoring organization is responsible for monitoring the collection container and picking up the collection container and all collected items no later than 5pm on the last day of the donation drive. The sponsoring organization must be available to pick-up accumulated items within 24 hours of a call.
    • The Thomas G. Carpenter Library is not responsible for the security of collection containers, nor any of the items collected. No cash or checks are to be dropped off in any collection container. Employees of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library will not accept cash or check donations on behalf of the organization.
    • The Assistant Program Director for Public Services Paul Mosley is the primary contact and will be responsible for all donation drives in the library.
  • Bulletin Boards: The Library provides public bulletin boards on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors (near the main restrooms) for the posting of announcements. Anyone can post items on our bulletin boards regardless of their affiliation with UNF. There is no approval needed for flyers. The late-night library services coordinator monitors these boards and may remove postings if:
    • They are found in other places aside from the bulletin board.
    • There are multiple posts for the same event on the same bulletin board. (If anyone posts the same flyer on the same floor multiple times, the excess ones will be removed to accommodate space for everyone on campus.)
    • The posting is date-specific and the date has elapsed.
    • The posting has been up for more than seven (7) days.
      • To be fair to all departments on campus, we will remove non-library-specific flyers if they have been up for more than seven days. The late-night coordinator marks flyers that are up on the date the employee sees them and removes them seven (7) days after the initial marking.
    • The library reserves the right to remove any postings that are not UNF library promotions and/or university events.