Student Resources

All the check out privileges, loan periods, fines.

Materials Available for Check Out

library books

UNF students can borrow library materials for free using their Osprey 1Card, which is their student ID card. Remember, you also need your Osprey 1Card to enter the library building!

Here are some of the items that students can check out:Osprey1Card

  • Books (academic, fiction, graphic novels, and more)
  • Movies (DVDs)
  • CDs, Musical Scores, and Score Parts
  • Laptops (Dell and Mac)
  • Graphing calculators
  • Handheld whiteboards
  • Dry-erase markers
  • Phone and laptop chargers
  • Audio visual equipment (cameras, microphones, and more)

Loan Periods

The Library houses over 800,000 items in the building and provides access to millions more online. Ebooks can be read online or "checked out" by downloading for use offline (ebook checkouts vary from 3 to 7 days).

Undergraduate students may check out 100 items at a time, including up to 40 media items. You can read more about loan periods and fines at the policy below.