Graduate Student Resources

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Books, Articles, Videos and more

The library's holdings include books, journals, audio and video recordings, and maps in both print and electronic format.  The library subscribes to over 38,000 print and electronic journals and over 1 million print and electronic books.  Use OneSearch to find books, articles, audio and video recordings, and maps in any format.

Why use OneSearch?

OneSearch is a discovery tool that searches the UNF Library's content with one easy search.  With one Google-like search you can find a wide variety of library holdings.  Filters let you easily refine your search by format, date ranges, subjects, and more. OneSearch searches books, ebooks, scholarly articles, audiovisual resources, images, and more. It includes:

  • the library catalog
  • articles from online journals
  • streaming audio and video content
  • local digital collections (images, videos, documents)

OneSearch searches most but not all library holdings. Some database content may not be included.  In-depth or comprehensive research is better done in subject specific databases.

The Statewide Library Catalog is also available. If you're searching for a particular title or works by a particular author, the Statewide Library Catalog may be a good place to look. From there you can initiate an interlibrary loan request for a needed title if it's not available locally.

Electronic Resources

Other Library Holdings

Borrowing Information

Library Card Information

All borrowing transactions, requests for library services, and off-campus access to electronic resources require a UNF Osprey 1Card.

Borrowing Materials

The Access Services Desk handles all circulation transactions and may be reached at (904) 620-2615. The central circulation desk supervises the general circulating collections, all fines and replacement charges, and general circulation services.

Graduate Students Loan Period

For general circulating items the normal loan period for graduate students is 5 weeks which correlates to an academic term. More restrictive loan periods and privileges may apply for some collections. Overdue fines and replacement charges apply to all borrowers, including faculty. Regular fines are billed only when they accrue to $2.00 (or more) per item (a 7-day fine-waiver grace period). Renewals are accepted either at the Library's Access Services Desk or by signing into OneSearch (see "Sign in" top right corner).

Purchase Request Form