Graduate Student Resources

Place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request

Log into the Tipasa portal with your UNF credentials and complete the online form for articles, books, or other material formats. Each form requires specific details about the requested item, so please provide as much information as possible to help us locate the correct materials.

Place an ILL Request

General Information

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service obtains materials that are not owned by the UNF Library from other libraries for current UNF faculty, students and staff. 

  • The Library will request articles, books, primary documents, etc
  • The majority of ILL request have no associated cost. 
  • Please allow 10 business days for ILL request to be filled

Items with restrictions and prohibitions

  • Whole volumes of periodicals, reference books, computer programs, pre-1800 imprints, rare books, popular videos, manuscripts, and genealogical materials are typically not provided via ILL. 
  • Textbooks requests will be canceled at the department's discretion.
  • Videotapes, media materials, compact discs, dissertations/theses and other expensive, fragile, or unique items may not be loaned by Libraries participating in the interlibrary loan service. 

UBorrow and Tipasa (ILL)- what's the difference?


  • UBorrow is a borrowing service that allows you to request material directly from participating libraries within Florida's state university and college system. Materials may include books, articles, book chapters, microforms, maps, and musical scores.
  • UBorrow is an unmediated borrowing service.  
  • The loan period for UBorrow books is 45 days from the time the item arrives on campus.  You can request one 30 day renewal for UBorrow books. 
  • UBorrow requests usually arrive within one week.
  • UBorrow  requests are free
  • UBorrow will not provide eBooks

Tipasa (ILL)

  • Tipasa (ILL) is a borrowing service that allows you to request articles as well as  books and other materials not available through UBorrow.
  • Tipasa (ILL) requests are processed by UNF Library staff.
  • The loan period for Tipasa (ILL) materials is determined by the supplying library. Typically the borrowing time spans from three to four weeks with a possibility to renew for an additional two weeks.
  • Tipasa (ILL) article requests have a timely turn around typically and arrive in Iliad in pdf forms for one to save and or print.
  • Most requests are free, however, patrons will indicate the cost that they are willing to pay when submitting the request.