Eartha M. M. White Collection Subject Index


Item identifier:  F-0865

Description: Photograph: Rev. J. Milton Waldron, minister at Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, 1892-1907.

Item identifier:  F-0034-0035

Description: Photograph: Funeral procession into Bethel Baptist. (Rev. J. Milton Waldron, 1892-1907, 5th pastor). 2 copies, Oversize.

Item identifier:  F-1989

Description: Program: Anniversary reception program in honor of Rev. J. Milton Waldron, April 17, 1899. Eartha White is listed on the program, as giving a solo musical performance.

Item identifier:  S2-2850

Description: Newsclipping: "Colored Pastor Here 22 Years Succumbs. Rev. J. Milton Waldron of Shiloh Church was Active in Welfare Movements." Evening Star, November 20, 1931. Note: Reverend Waldron (1863-1931) was instrumental in building two large churches in Jacksonville.

Item identifier:  D1-0330

Description: Photographs (interior views) in The Crisis Magazine (January 1942 issue). Folder D1 - No. 330. Advertisement, page 12. Full Text

Item identifier:  C5-1810

Description: Letter: From Fuller Warren, Governor of Florida, to Eartha White. July 22, 1948.

Item identifier:  Q4-2854

Description: Photographic reproduction: Booker T. Washington. No date given.

Item identifier:  Q4-2870

Description: Photographic reproduction: Booker T. Washington. No date given.

Item identifier:  Q4-1164a-b

Description: Program: City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs; honored guest Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington, March 24, 1913. "Miss Eartha White, Chairman of Committee of Arrangements." Full Text

Item identifier:  Q4-1165;2417

Description: Photographs: Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington. No dates given.

Item identifier:  Q4-1166

Description: Photograph: Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington. Shown visiting public school in Jacksonville, March 1913. Eartha White in photograph. (Image from UNF Digital Commons.)

Item identifier:  Q4-1167

Description: Photograph: Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington. Shown visiting Old Folks Home, March 1913. Eartha White in photograph. (Image from UNF Digital Commons.) 

Item identifier:  Q4-1168a-c

Description: Photograph: Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington. With women of City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, in front of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. Eartha White, on right. Three copies. (Image from UNF Digital Commons.)

Item identifier:  Q4-1796

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Marie Mangrum. August 29, 1950. Card depicts Booker T. Washington. Postmark: Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.

Item identifier:  A2-0443

Description: Photograph: E. L. Weems, Jacksonville photographer. Self-portrait. No date given.

Item identifier:  D1-0330

Description: Photographs in The Crisis Magazine (January 1942 issue). Numerous photographs of African American businesses, organizations, and buildings in Jacksonville. Interior views of Weems Photo Studio featured on page 9. Full Text

Item identifier:  R4-1170

Description: Letter: From Clara White to Eartha White, March 16, 1896.

Item identifier:  R4-1171

Description: Postcard: From Annie Gray to Clara White, September 13, 1912. Postmark: Washington, D. C.

Item identifier:  R4-1172

Description: Card: Christmas card from Annie Gray to Clara White, December 20, 1912. Postmark: Washington, D. C.

Item identifier:  R4-1173

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Clara White, September 18, 1913. Card depicts Jubilee Hall, Fisk University, Nashville,Tennessee. Inscription: "Dear Mamma, I am having a fine time. I have never seen so many colored people in my life attending the convention. I wish you were here with me. This is a fine place. Keep well. Eartha"

Item identifier:  R4-1174

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White, Hampton, Virginia, to Clara White, January 16, 1919. Inscription: "Dear Mamma, I am now a school girl again. There are about 50 women in our class at Hampton from all parts of the country. My cold is some better. I will be home Sunday night. Eartha"

Item identifier:  R4-1175

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Clara White, August 8, 1916. Inscription: "Dear Mamma, I am having a great time. Write me at once. 1539 Division Street, Baltimore. Eartha." Drawing on front of card: "Phyllis Wheatley, servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston (?). LIFTING AS WE CLIMB. First Poetess of the Race."

Item identifier:  R4-1176

Description: Envelope: From the Department of the Interior, United States Pension Agency, Knoxville, Tennessee, to Mrs. Clara White. February 13, 1912.

Item identifier:  R4-1178a-b

Description: Cards: Thank you from Eartha White to friends who offered condolences after the death of Clara White. (Calling card of Mrs. George T. Williams, Savannah, Georgia with card.) [1920]

Item identifier:  R4-1179

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Clara White, December 1, 1919. Postmark: Atlanta, Georgia. "My dear Mother, Am here for a conference for three days. Like (it) here fine, Lovingly, your daughter." Card depicts: Methodist Church, Eatonton, Ga. No date given.

Item identifier:  R4-1180a-b

Description: Poem: "Break Thou The Bread of Life." Published by Eartha White in memory of her mother. No date given. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  R4-1181

Description: Notes: List of persons who sent letters, telegrams, calls and gifts to Eartha White after the death of Clara White. [1920]

Item identifier:  R4-1183-1186

Description: Photographs: Grave site of Clara White. (nos. 1183-1185 - two copies of each; 1186) [1920]

Item identifier:  R4-1187

Description: Photographs: Eartha White at casket of Clara White at Bethel Baptist Institutional Church during funeral service. [1920]

Item identifier:  R4-1188

Description: Photograph: Funeral cortege of Clara White leaving Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. [1920]

Item identifier:  R4-1189

Description: Photograph: Bethel Baptist Institutional Church decorated with flowers in memory of Clara White, January 1, 1922.

Item identifier:  R4-1994

Description: Envelope: From Annie Gray to Clara White, July 19, [1919].

Item identifier:  R4-2044

Description: Note: Thank you note to Clara White from Loretha Myers. No date given.

Item identifier:  R4-2436

Description: Certificate of donation from Clara White of ten dollars to Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, November 10, 1918. (Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)

Item identifier:  R4-2445

Description: Memorial: For Clara White: Mother. With poem appended. No date given.

Item identifier:  R4-2785a-b

Description: Page: Picture of Clara White. No date given.(Two copies)

Item identifier:  T4-0001

Description: Letter: To Franklin Reinstine from Daniel Schafer, April 18, 1974.

Item identifier:  T4-0002

Description: Letter: From Charles Bennett to Franklin Reinstine, April 23, 1974.

Item identifier:  T4-0003

Description: Letter: From Annie D. Covington to Franklin Reinstine, April 30, 1974.

Description: See also Correctional Institutions (Folder C1)

Item identifier:  U4-0693-0694;2081

Description: Photographs: Eartha White at the Seventy-second annual convention of the National Negro Business League, Chicago, 1972. Eartha White and Berkeley G. Burrell, President of Business League. 2081: Berkeley G. Burrell presents award with Charles T. Williams. She received the Booker T. Washington Symbol of Service Award at this convention.

Item identifier:  U4-1231

Description: Newsclipping: "Angel of Mercy," appointed Colonel of Women's Army of National Defense, Florida Tattler, August 19, 1944.

Item identifier:  U4-1232

Description: Newsclipping: "She's 94 and Still Busy Doing for Others," New York Times, December 4, 1970. Article concerning Lane Bryant Award.

Item identifier:  U4-1233

Description: Newsclipping: "Made Colonel in Chicago," Florida Times-Union, August 9, 1919.

Item identifier:  U4-1234

Description: Newsclipping: "Receives Degree," Florida Times-Union, June 3, 1936. Eartha White awarded honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities at Florida Normal Industrial School.

Item identifier:  U4-1235

Description: Newsclipping: "Cited for Service," Florida Times-Union, June 25, 1963. Eartha White receives Harriett T. Dorrah Award, Florida Association of Women's Clubs.

Item identifier:  U4-1236

Description: Booklet: Award for meritorious service presented by Bethune Cookman College to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  U4-1237

Description: Award: Humanitarian award presented to Eartha White by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 1963.

Item identifier:  U4-1238-1239

Description: Awards: Certificate of Award from Matthew W. Gilbert High School for outstanding accomplishments in Civic Enterprises, to Eartha White. School Year 1952-53, 1953-54.

Item identifier:  U4-1240

Description: Award: Presented to Eartha White in recognition of voluntary contributions to the community, by Greater Jacksonville Economic Opportunity Inc. May 31, 1967.

Item identifier:  U4-1241

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with Reubin Askew , Governor of Florida. Eartha White shown holding picture of U. S. Congressman Charles E. Bennett, who nominated her for the Lane Bryant Award. March 12, 1971.

Item identifier:  U4-1242a-c

Description: Photograph: Mrs. Martha L. Gadsden, Mrs. Juliette Winter, Mrs. Amy S. Currie, Eartha White, Governor Askew in the Governor's office, displaying the Lane Bryant Award, March 12, 1971. (Three copies)

Item identifier:  U4-1243

Description: Photograph: Mrs. Raphael Malsin, Wayne Van De Graff, Eartha White, and Dr. Malsin. Eartha White is holding the Lane Bryant Award.

Item identifier:  U4-1244a-j

Description: Document: Proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives, December 3, 1970. Includes letter from U. S. Congressman Charles E. Bennett regarding Lane Bryant award of Eartha White. With personal note to Eartha White from Bennett. (Ten copies)

Item identifier:  U4-1245

Description: Letter: From Pamela Hollingworth, Assistant Director of Lane Bryant Volunteer Awards, to Eartha White, concerning slides shown during Awards Luncheon, December 16, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1246

Description: Letter: From William H. Gray, minister of Bright Hope Baptist Church, Philadelphia, to Eartha White, congratulating her on Lane Bryant Award, December 2, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1247

Description: Newsclipping: "Salute to Eartha White," Editorial, Jacksonville Journal, December 5, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1248

Description: Newsclipping: "What Man Would Put Up With Me... Eartha White Carries Out the Prophecy of Her Name," Jacksonville Journal, December 5, 1970. (Article is a reprint of a New York Times article, December 4, 1970.)

Item identifier:  U4-1249

Description: Newsclipping: "An Ambassador of Concern," Editorial, Florida Times-Union, December 4, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1250

Description: Newsclipping: Statement by Eartha White which was quoted in the New York Times, December 6, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1251a-d

Description: Lane Bryant Volunteer Award. Citation: The Lane Bryant Volunteer Award, 1969. Program: The Decade of Decision: the 1970 Lane Bryant Volunteer Awards, December 3, 1970. Letter: From Richard Nixon, to Miss Eartha M. M. White, December 5, 1970. Letter: From Richard Nixon, to Mr. Raphael Malsin, December 2, 1970.

Item identifier:  U4-1252-1253

Description: Photographs: Eartha White, December 2, 1970. Stamped on back: New York Times. (Two photographs - nos. 1252-1253)

Item identifier:  U4-1254

Description: News release: "Semi-Finalist Citation for Lane Bryant Annual Awards Received Locally," December 3, 1964. Eartha White nominated for Lane Bryant Award by W. B. Stewart.

Item identifier:  U4-1255

Description: Photograph: Eartha White receiving unknown award. No date given.

Item identifier:  U4-1256

Description: Photograph: Conferring of Doctor of Laws on Eartha White, Edward Waters College, May 30, 1961.

Item identifier:  U4-1257

Description: Photograph: Presentation to Eartha White at the New Stanton High School graduation, 1959.

Item identifier:  U4-2045

Description: Document: Certificate authorizing Eartha White to sell and solicit for "The Florida Evangelist," May 1, 1900.

Item identifier:  U4-2079

Description: Photograph: Governor Askew presenting Presidential Commendation to Eartha White, March 12, 1971.

Item identifier:  U4-2080

Description: Photograph: Eartha White, U. S. President Richard Nixon and Mrs.Nixon at White House. [1971?]

Item identifier:  U4-2152a-c

Description: Newsclipping: "Cited for Service," Florida Times-Union, June 25, 1963. Eartha White receives Harriett T. Dorrah Award. (Three copies)

Item identifier:  U4-2450

Description: Document: Merit Award from American Negro Emancipation Centennial Authority, 1963.


Item identifier:  V4-1191

Description: Program: In Memoriam of the Late Eartha Mary Magdalene White. Deceased Friday, January 18, 1974. Funeral Services, Thursday, January 24, 1974, Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. Interment at Old City Cemetery.

Item identifier:  V4-1324

Description: Leaflet: "A Brief Biography of Miss Eartha Mary Magdalene White," Council Secretary, Research Staff, September 22, 1971.

Item identifier:  W4-2787

Description: Souvenir Program: 75th diamond birthday observance of useful life of Eartha Mary Magdalene White. Jacksonville, Fla.? : Eartha Mary Magdalene White Diamond (75th) Birthday Observance Committee of the Florida State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1951. (Full text from the Florida Heritage Collection)

Item identifier:  V4-1326

Description: Notes: Biographical information on Eartha White. (Appears to be in her handwriting.) No date given.

Item identifier:  V4-1327

Description: Leaflet: Accomplishments of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  W4-1258-1263

Description: Photographs: Scenes from Testimonial Ceremony and Launching of Building Fund Drive for Clara White Mission. Nos. 1258-1263. Nos. 1260-63 by photographer E. L. Weems.

Item identifier:  W4-1264

Description: Newsclipping: "Eartha White Will Celebrate 78th Birthday," Jacksonville Journal, November 5, 1954.

Item identifier:  W4-1265

Description: Newsclipping: "Angel of Mercy Marks 84th Birthday Tuesday," Florida Times-Union, November 6, 1960.

Item identifier:  W4-1266

Description: Newsclipping: "Angel of Mercy Honored 86th Birthday Party," Florida Times-Union, December 2, 1962.

Item identifier:  W4-1267

Description: Newsclipping: "Will be 87 Friday," Florida Times-Union, November 6, 1963.

Item identifier:  W4-1268

Description: Letter: From Richard W. Ervin, Attorney General, State of Florida, to Eartha White. October 11, 1960. He conveys regrets at inability to attend her birthday party.

Item identifier:  W4-1269

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Ervin O. Shelley, Secretary to Governor LeRoy Collins, to Clara White Mission. October 13, 1960. She conveys Collins' regrets at inability to attend Birthday Party for Eartha White.

Item identifier:  W4-1270

Description: Letter: From Alfonso E. Brown, Director of Education, Florida Industrial School for Girls, to Eartha White. November 18, 1960. He expresses birthday greetings to her.

Item identifier:  W4-1271

Description: Letter: From Thomas D. Bailey, Superintendent, Department of Education, State of Florida to Birthday Committee. October 10, 1960. He conveys regret at inability to attend birthday party.

Item identifier:  W4-1272

Description: Letter: From U. S. Congressman Charles E. Bennett, to Eartha White, congratulating her and confirming his plans to attend her Birthday Festivities. No date given.

Item identifier:  W4-1273

Description: Letter: From Clyde H. Simpson, Tax Collector, to Eartha White. November 2, 1960. He extends congratulations on her eighty-fourth birthday.

Item identifier:  W4-1274

Description: Letter: From William H. Gray, Jr., Minister of Bright Hope Baptist Church, Philadelphia. To Eartha White, expressing congratulations on her eighty-fourth birthday. October 15, 1960.

Item identifier:  W4-1275-1285

Description: Programs from Birthday Celebrations for Eartha White. 1955-1956; 1958; 1964; 1966-1970; 1972-1973. Nos. 1275-1285. PDF

Item identifier:  W4-1286

Description: Telegram: From Dr. Carrie Figgs and family, Chicago. To Eartha White, expressing birthday greetings. November 1, 1963.

Item identifier:  W4-1287

Description: Birthday card from Grenada V. Robinson to Eartha White. October 31, 1960.

Item identifier:  W4-1288

Description: Letter: From M. L. Stewart, Secretary of Board of Directors, Old Folks Home, announcing open house at the Home in honor of Eartha White's birthday. November 8, 1942.

Item identifier:  W4-1289

Description: Form letter from Eartha White, thanking attendees for their gifts at her ninetieth Birthday Party. [1966]

Item identifier:  W4-1290-1292

Description: Photographs: Scenes from Eartha White's seventy-eighth birthday party, 1954. Nos. 1290-1292.

Item identifier:  W4-1293-1295

Description: Photographs: Scenes from Eartha White's eighty-second birthday party. November 8, 1958. l-r: Mrs. Arrelia Hilman Johnson, Deacon Jackson, and Eartha White.

Item identifier:  W4-1296-1298

Description: Photographs: Scenes from Eartha White's eighty-fourth birthday party, 1960. Nos. 1296-1298.

Item identifier:  W4-1299-1320

Description: Photographs: Scenes from Eartha White's various birthday parties. Dates unknown. Nos. 1299-1320. No. 1299 by photographer E. L. Weems.

Item identifier:  W4-1321

Description: Newsclipping: "Pioneer Social Worker Honored at Testimonial," Pittsburgh Courier, July 5, 1947.

Item identifier:  W4-1322a-b

Description: Program: Testimonial reception in honor of Eartha White. Sponsored by the Citizen's Committee, Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, June 23, 1949. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  W4-2010

Description: News release: To Miami Whip from Joseph H. James, Publicity Chairman of Diamond Anniversary Committee. November 10, 1951.

Item identifier:  W4-2672

Description: Photograph: Eartha White receiving birthday cake from Mrs. Julia Walker Brown. With Mrs. Mamie Crowd. No date given.

Item identifier:  W4-2787

Description: Souvenir Program: 75th diamond birthday observance of useful life of Eartha Mary Magdalene White, "Doctor of Humanities". Full text from UNF Digital Commons. [Jacksonville, Fla.? : Eartha Mary Magdalene White Diamond (75th) Birthday Observance Committee of the Florida State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1951]   Full Text

Item identifier:  W4-2851

Description: Letter: From Leah Sommer to Eartha White on the occasion of her seventy-fifth birthday. April 8, 1951.

Item identifier:  W4-2852

Description: Card: Sent with flowers for a "Happy Birthday" from Dr. Salterwhite and family. No date given.

Item identifier:  W4-2880

Description: Invitation: To Eartha White's eighty-first birthday observance. Printed on card: "We hope at this time to burn the mortgage on the Clara White Mission building." No date given.

Item identifier:  Z7-2117

Description: Directory: Webb's Jacksonville and consolidated directory of the representative cities of east and south Florida. Jacksonville, Fla. : Wanton S. Webb, 1886..

Item identifier:  Z7-2789

Description: Monograph: Glimpses of heaven, or, Light beyond Jordan. Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, 1852.

Item identifier:  Z7-2790

Description: Monograph: Fuller, Thomas O. Pictorial history of the American Negro; a story of progress and development along social, political, economic, educational and spiritual lines. Memphis, Tenn., Pictorial History, Inc., 1933.

Item identifier:  Z7-2791

Description: Monograph: Simmons, William J. Men of mark, eminent, progressive and rising. With an introductory sketch of the author by Rev. Henry M. Turner. Cleveland, Ohio, G. M. Rewell, 1887.

Item identifier:  Z7-2793

Description: Monograph: Roosevelt, Theodore. Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter. New York : Scribner, 1923, c1908. Inside front cover: Signed, Mrs. Mary L. Hunter, 89 Ave., Apalachicola, Fla., 1929.

Item identifier:  Z7-2794

Description: Monograph: Washington, Booker T. Frederick Douglass. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs & company [1906] Inside front cover: I. A. White, 1626 Davis Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Apr. 20, 1934.

Item identifier:  Z7-2795

Description: Monograph: The Negro problem; a series of articles by representative American Negroes of today; contributions by Booker T. Washington, W.E. Burghardt Du Bois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles W. Chesnutt, and others. New York, J. Pott, 1903.

Item identifier:  Z7-2796

Description: Monograph: Andrews, R. McCants. John Merrick, a biographical sketch. New York, Seeman, c1920.

Item identifier:  Z7-2797

Description: Monograph: Brawley, Benjamin Griffith. A toast to love and death. [S.l. : s.n., c1902 ([Atlanta, Ga.?] : Atlanta Baptist College Print.)

Item identifier:  X4-1576+

Description: Business Cards (Personal): Cards advertising businesses and organizations. Nos. 2093; 2082-2085; 1643-1647; 1576-1579. 1576:6 copies; 1577: 8 copies; 1578: 3 copies; 1579: 3 copies; 1646: 2 copies; 1647: 2 copies; 1645: 2 copies.

Item identifier:  Y4-1329

Description: Letter: From Board of Census, to Eartha White, concerning rates of compensation as census enumerator. April 29, 1910.

Item identifier:  Y4-1330

Description: Letter: From Board of Census, to Eartha White, requesting corrections on vouchers she submitted. May 26, 1910.

Item identifier:  Y4-1331

Description: Letter: From Sadie Black Hamilton to Eartha White, requesting her to write a short article for "National Association Notes." February 24, 1913.

Item identifier:  Y4-1332

Description: Letter: From Eartha White to the National Secretary of the YWCA, requesting a position in the Association. October 8, 1919.

Item identifier:  Y4-1334

Description: Letter: From A. L. Lewis, President of Afro-American Insurance Company, to Eartha White, recalling a five hundred dollar loan. October 27, 1924.

Item identifier:  Y4-1338

Description: Document: From Gussie Smith giving power of attorney to Eartha White. August 30, 1928.

Item identifier:  Y4-1339

Description: Letter: From W. L. McMorris, Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, to Eartha White, concerning a lost ticket. April 11, 1929.

Item identifier:  Y4-1340-1341

Description: Letter: From Irving L. McCathran, Attorney and Counselor in Patent and Trademark, to Eartha White, concerning her tea recipe. January 18, 1929. A copy of the recipe accompanies the letter. Nos. 1340-1341.

Item identifier:  Y4-1342

Description: Letter: From Irving L. McCathran, Attorney and Counselor in Patent and Trademark, to Eartha White, concerning trademarks and formulas. April 27, 1929.

Item identifier:  Y4-1343

Description: Letter: From Irving L. McCathran, Attorney and Counselor in Patent and Trademark, to Eartha White, concerning her intentions for patent. January 10, 1930.

Item identifier:  Y4-1344

Description: Letter: From H. Clay Crawford, Secretary of State of Florida, to Eartha White, July 31, 1929. Includes Rules of the State Board of Pardons, sent to Eartha White at her request. (See also Folder C1 - Correctional Institutions)

Item identifier:  Y4-1345

Description: Letter: From Sterchi Brothers Store, Inc., to Eartha White, extending credit for furnishings. September 27, 1929. (Eartha White used the envelope for a grocery list.)

Item identifier:  Y4-1346

Description: Letter: From A. R. Howard, Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C. to Eartha White. January 25, 1930. Concerning temperance work.

Item identifier:  Y4-1348

Description: Letter: From Poro College, St. Louis, Missouri, to Eartha White. April 22, 1930.

Item identifier:  Y4-1349

Description: Letter: From Francis P. L'Engle, Attorney at Law, to Eartha White, concerning payment of loans. July 28, 1930.

Item identifier:  Y4-1351-1352

Description: Letter: From C. Adelaide Barker, Associate Secretary, Duval County Welfare Agency to Eartha White, concerning Clara Belle Wright, applicant for position at Welfare Agency. Eartha White wrote a letter of reference for Miss Wright. Nos. 1351-1352. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y4-1353

Description: Letter: From Estelle, West Southern Pines - Welfare Department, to Eartha White concerning the sale of land. September 18, 1930.

Item identifier:  Y4-1355

Description: Letter: From Harry H. Sutton, State Director, Jacksonville Federal Art Gallery. An open invitation to the opening of the Negro unit of the Jacksonville Federal Art Gallery. June 19, 1936.

Item identifier:  Y4-1356

Description: Form letter to Flara Matchett from the Florida State Department of Public Welfare, informing Miss Matchett of her admission to the Aid for the Blind Program. June 29, 1948.

Item identifier:  Y4-1357

Description: Letter: To Flara Matchett from the Florida State Department of Public Welfare, informing her of an increase in her grant. October 10, 1956.

Item identifier:  Y4-1359

Description: Unsigned letter to Mr. H. C. Perrin, Manager, Heard Bank Building, concerning discriminatory practices in the building. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y4-1360

Description: Card: From Methodist Hospital, statement of payment procedures. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y4-1982

Description: Bill: From John W. DuBose, County Judge, to Eartha White, for executing the will of Maria Fuller. March 6, 1931.

Item identifier:  Y4-2043

Description: Letter: From Mr. Frew, Paradise, Pennsylvania, concerning payment due for seeds. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y4-2063

Description: Letter: From Mercantile Credit Reporting and Collecting Agency, concerning overdue bill for subscriptions. November 14, 1929.

Item identifier:  Y4-2426

Description: Bill: From Kohn-Furchgott Company. August 1930.

Item identifier:  Y4-2429

Description: Notice: From City Electric Light Plant, concerning notification of discontinuance of service. July 26, 1929.

Item identifier:  Y4-2430

Description: Parking ticket. April 5, 1972.

Item identifier:  Y4-2434

Description: Bill: From Home Stove Shop, for materials and labor. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y4-2760

Description: Receipt: Received from Miss E. M. White, one dollar, Geter & Bryan. April 19, 1960.

Item identifier:  Y4-2799

Description: Letter and form: From Maggie Walker of Right Worthy Grand Council, Independent Order of Saint Luke, Richmond, Virginia. November 16, 1931.

Item identifier:  Y4-2800

Description: Certificate: Right Worthy Grand Council, Independent Order of Saint Luke, Whole Life Benefit Certificate. May 9, 1930.


Item identifier:  B5-1580

Description: Letter: From Sarah Best to Eartha White. Request for help in procuring a release for Miss Best from the Florida State Hospital at Chattahoochee. April 10, 1929.

Item identifier:  B5-1581

Description: Letter: From Willie Harn to Eartha White. Request for assistance in finding a job. No date given.

Item identifier:  B5-1582

Description: Letter: From Mr. G. D. Rogers, Notary Public, to Eartha White. Request for information about a woman who was the insurance beneficiary of a soldier killed during World War I. November 12, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1583

Description: Letter: From H. B. Perkins to Eartha White, requesting assistance in finding a job. August 19, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1648

Description: Letter: From Mrs. G. R. Swain to Eartha White, requesting assistance in finding a job. April 11, 1929.

Item identifier:  B5-1649

Description: Letter: From J. A. Wynn, Chairman, and S.G. Bellamy, Secretary, School Committee, Marianna, Florida, to Eartha White, soliciting donations for school building. January 2?, 1925.

Item identifier:  B5-1650

Description: Letter: From Mrs. F. V. Williams, to Eartha White, asking her to write to James Renley, an elderly man living in the Soldiers Home. Hampton, Virginia, July 9, 1934.

Item identifier:  B5-1651

Description: Letter: From Rebecca S. Thompson to Eartha White, requesting assistance in finding a job. September 24, 1931.

Item identifier:  B5-1652

Description: Letter: From Willie Elron, prisoner in the Duval County Jail, to Eartha White, asking for her assistance with his motherless children. July 21, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1653

Description: Letter: From George W. Caldwell to Eartha White, asking her to file an affidavit. July 19, 1911.

Item identifier:  B5-1654

Description: Letter: From H. C. Barnes to Eartha White, appealing for aid. His family lost all of their possessions in a fire. September 28, 1900.

Item identifier:  B5-1655

Description: Letter: From Lucille Boston to Eartha White, requesting visit. February 15, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1656

Description: Letter: From Edward Jones, student at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College to Eartha White, requesting aid in obtaining information on black history in Florida. April 11, 1967.

Item identifier:  B5-1657

Description: Letter: From Gracie Armstrong to Eartha White, soliciting donations for a District Rally, Bethel Baptist Church. April 13, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1658

Description: Letter: From Reverend J. W. Drake, Minister of St. John Baptist Church, Miami, Florida to Eartha White, soliciting donations. April 18, 1929.

Item identifier:  B5-1659

Description: Letter: From E. D. Ballard, President and J. H. Lewis, Secretary, Lincoln Golf and Country Club to Eartha White, soliciting donations for furnishings. November 20, 1929.

Item identifier:  B5-1660

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Deborah Daniels to Eartha White, soliciting donations for the funeral of Mr. Lorenzo DeCosta. February 16, 1930.

Item identifier:  B5-1661

Description: Letter: From Mrs. E. C. Jenkins, Secretary/Treasurer, Jenkins Orphanage Institute to Eartha White, soliciting donations. November 7, 1928.

Item identifier:  B5-1662

Description: Letter: From Ruth ? to Eartha White, requesting financial assistance to pay creditors. No date given.

Item identifier:  B5-1663

Description: Letter: From York Price, Savannah, Georgia, to Eartha White. December 5, 1929.

Item identifier:  C5-1679

Description: Letter: From William H. Gray, Minister of Bright Hope Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. February 9, 1965.

Item identifier:  C5-1680

Description: Letter: From Jacksonville Board of Trade, to Eartha White, commending her work at Old Folks Home. July 22, 1904.

Item identifier:  C5-1681

Description: Letter: Introduction from Councilman Charles T. Paxon for Eartha White. August 2, 1916.

Item identifier:  C5-1682

Description: Letter: Letter of certification from Charles H. Dorsey, Grand Chief Templar and J. H. Miller, Grand Secretary, confirming the appointment of Eartha White as Grand Organizer and Lecturer in the International Order of Good Templars. July 12, 1909.

Item identifier:  C5-1683

Description: Letter: From Laura, Carrie and Frank Stewart, to Eartha White, expressing appreciation. November 17, 1931.

Item identifier:  C5-1686

Description: Letter: From Ida Rand to Eartha White, expressing thanks. September 23, 1931.

Item identifier:  C5-1810

Description: Letter: From Fuller Warren, Governor of Florida, to Eartha White. July 22, 1948.

Item identifier:  C5-2457

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Matilda O'Donald to Eartha White, thanking her for a gift. April 26, 1931.

Item identifier:  C5-2876

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Matilda O'Donald to Eartha White. March 29, 1931.

Item identifier:  G5-1741

Description: Letter: From D. A. Armstrong to Eartha White. July 30, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1742

Description: Letter: From Florence Banks to Eartha White. January 22, 1961.

Item identifier:  G5-1743

Description: Letter: From Anna C. Whitehurst to Eartha White. September 1934. Mrs. Whitehurst was formerly Anna Chappell. Her brother, Patrick, owned a minstrel show which toured the country. His widow married Attorney S. D. McGill of Jacksonville.

Item identifier:  G5-1744

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Parkhill to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1745

Description: Postcard: From Miss Mary C. Yarrow to Eartha White. March 3, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1746

Description: Postcard: From Miss Mary C. Yarrow to Eartha White. October 26, 1934.

Item identifier:  G5-1747

Description: Letter: From Miss Mary C. Yarrow to Eartha White. May 1, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1748

Description: Letter: From Miss Mary C. Yarrow to Eartha White. March 5, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1749

Description: Postcard: From Mrs. Edith F. Stamets (Mrs. Raymond) to Eartha White. March 6, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1750

Description: Letter: From Mrs. J. E. Young to Eartha White, concerning Eartha White's alleged romantic interests in Mrs. Young's husband. [1910?]

Item identifier:  G5-1751

Description: Letter: From Eartha White to Mrs. J. E. Young, concerning her disinterest in Mr. Young. March 4, 1910.

Item identifier:  G5-1752

Description: Letter: From J. Gardner Ross, former pastor of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, to Eartha White. August 22, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1753

Description: Card: From Cecil to Eartha White, expressing Christmas wishes. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1754

Description: Letter: Partial letter from Johnny ?. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1755

Description: Postcard: From unidentified writer to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1756

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Frank Jennings to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1757

Description: Letter: From Joseph M. Sams to Eartha White. July 16, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1758

Description: Telegram: From Bobby Dobbs to Eartha White. May 24, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1759-1760

Description: Letter: From Edna Woodson to Eartha White, with accompanying note from Mary ?. April 25, 1934. Nos. 1759-1760.

Item identifier:  G5-1761-1763

Description: Letters: From S. A. Brown to Eartha White. November 11, 1931; June 8, 1930; and July 27, 1932. Nos. 1761-1763.

Item identifier:  G5-1764

Description: Letter: From Mrs. Emily Norton Stuart to Eartha White. August 9, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1765

Description: Letter: From Hattie S. Gibson to Eartha White. June 28, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1766

Description: Letter: From Mrs. E. W. Jackson to Eartha White. July 14, 1920. On letterhead: Principal's Office, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. Signed "Mrs. E. W. Jackson, better known as Christina your cousin."

Item identifier:  G5-1767

Description: Card: From E. W. Jackson to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1768

Description: Letter: From Fannie Pepper Collins to Eartha White. November 10, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1769

Description: Card: From Fannie Pepper Collins to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1770

Description: Letter: From J. C. Bradley to Eartha White. July 25, 1933.

Item identifier:  G5-1771;1785

Description: Letters: From Sam P. Dilworth to Eartha White. February 20, 1930; October 14, 1929. Nos. 1771, 1785.

Item identifier:  G5-1772

Description: Letter: From R. Fortson, classmate of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1773

Description: Letter: From Rachel Burney to Eartha White. March 11, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1774-1775

Description: Letter: From R. A. Crump to Eartha White. February 7, 1922; May 3, 1922. Note: Mr. Crump mentions "my last sermon" and other religious persons in Jacksonville. Nos. 1774-1775.

Item identifier:  G5-1776

Description: Letter: From William H. Gray, Jr., Executive Director, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor and Industry Race Relations Commission to Eartha White. September 16, 1953.

Item identifier:  G5-1777;1782

Description: Letters: From C. Dobbins to Eartha White. January 10, 1931; February 4, 1931. Nos. 1777, 1782.

Item identifier:  G5-1778-1780

Description: Letters: From Carrie Massey to Eartha White. April 13, 1930; July 25, 1930; August 24, 1930. Nos. 1778-1780.

Item identifier:  G5-1783

Description: Letter: From Mr. Yager, Edward Waters College, to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1784

Description: Letter: From Florence B. Breed, Executive Secretary, Tuberculosis Association of Duval County, to Eartha White. November 27, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1785

Description: Letter: From Sam P. Dilworth to Eartha White. February 20, 1930; and October 14, 1929. Nos. 1771, 1785.

Item identifier:  G5-1786;1827

Description: Letter: From Katie Handy to Eartha White. August 8, 1955. Christmas Card, December 15, 1933. Nos. 1786, 1827.

Item identifier:  G5-1787

Description: Letter: From Roylee Hayward to Eartha White. March 3, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1788

Description: Letter: From Retha D. Howard to Eartha White. November 18, 1929. Note: Ms. Howard was a close friend living in Washington, D. C.

Item identifier:  G5-1789-1790

Description: Letters: From Ora Williams to Eartha White. January 5, 1932; January 12, 1932. Nos. 1789-1790.

Item identifier:  G5-1791-1793

Description: Letters: From F. A. and W. W. Hamilton to Eartha White. January 3, 1930; July 2, 1930 and September 13, 1931. Nos. 1791-1793.

Item identifier:  G5-1794

Description: Letter: From Magdalene Ranniar to Eartha White. May 27, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1795

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Anna Cooper. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1797-1798

Description: Letter: From Emma Phinizee to Eartha White. August 27, 1931. Christmas Card, December 24, 1931. Nos. 1797-1798.

Item identifier:  G5-1799

Description: Postcard: From Eartha White to Miss Lucy Moore. July 28, 1941.

Item identifier:  G5-1800

Description: Letter: From Ennis G. Syphay to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1801

Description: Letter: From Dunnard Collins to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1802-1803

Description: Postcard: From Ada R. Speight to Eartha White. December 8, 1930. Christmas Card, December 22, 1931. Nos. 1802-1803.

Item identifier:  G5-1804

Description: Letter: From J. W. Ward to Eartha White. June 28, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1805

Description: Letter: Anonymous letter to Eartha White. November 15, 1927.

Item identifier:  G5-1806-1808

Description: Letters: From Cornelius and Daisy Robinson to Eartha White. November 3, 1925; March 1, 1930; March 6, 1930; and December 9, 1931. Nos. 1806-1808.

Item identifier:  G5-1811-1812

Description: Postcard: From Robert Sams to Eartha White. March 20, 1913. Christmas Card, December 22, 1930. Nos. 1811-1812.

Item identifier:  G5-1813

Description: Letter: From Mary B. Talbert to Eartha White. July 24, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1814

Description: Letter: From M. E. J. Washington to Eartha White. July 22, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1815

Description: Letter: From J. Henry Brown, Archdeacon of Georgia, to Eartha White. July 22, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1816-1819

Description: Letters: From Leroy Daniel Singleton, godson of Eartha White, to Eartha White. September 22, 1931; November 2, 1937. With accompanying photograph. Nos. 1816-1819.

Item identifier:  G5-1820

Description: Card: Christmas card from Bertha Bryant Cummings to Eartha White. December 23, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1821

Description: Card: Christmas card from Irma Carter to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1822

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Alberta Deal to Eartha White. December 19, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1824

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Washington to Eartha White. December 19, 1931.

Item identifier:  G5-1825

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Ella C. Wilson to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1826

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Selina Waley to Eartha White. December 16, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1827

Description: Letter: From Katie Handy to Eartha White. August 8, 1955. Christmas Card, December 15, 1933. Nos. 1786, 1827.

Item identifier:  G5-1828

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Isaiah Breaker to Eartha White. December 18, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1829

Description: Card: Anonymous Christmas greeting to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1830

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Edward & Mary Deas to Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  G5-1831

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from William and Annie Owens to Eartha White. December 14, 1958.

Item identifier:  G5-1832

Description: Postcard: From H. G. Andrews to Eartha White. August 2, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1833

Description: Postcard: From S. L. Spivey to Eartha White. November 11, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1834

Description: Postcard: From S. Maude Black to Eartha White. July 22, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1835

Description: Postcard: From M. W. Conner to Eartha White. November 28, ??.

Item identifier:  G5-1836

Description: Postcard: From Margaret McL. to Eartha White. December 19, ??.

Item identifier:  G5-1837

Description: Postcard: From Rosa to Eartha White. October 15, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1838

Description: Postcard: From C. Spaudy to Eartha White. January 20, 1910.

Item identifier:  G5-1839

Description: Postcard: From M. V. Sherman to Eartha White. December 31, 1910.

Item identifier:  G5-1840

Description: Postcard: From C. O. Lewis to Eartha White. December 23, 1912.

Item identifier:  G5-1841

Description: Postcard: From A. M. Edwards to Eartha White. December 22, 1912.

Item identifier:  G5-1842

Description: Postcard: From Willie Anderson to Eartha White. April 2, 1910.

Item identifier:  G5-1843

Description: Postcard: From W. A. D. to Eartha White. September 16, 1912.

Item identifier:  G5-1844

Description: Postcard: From Emerson to Eartha White. January 21, 1912.

Item identifier:  G5-1845

Description: Postcard: From John ? to Eartha White. October 3, 1950.

Item identifier:  G5-1846

Description: Postcard: From W. to Eartha White. October 28, 1912.

Item identifier:  G5-1847

Description: Postcard: From D. S. C. to Eartha White. March 29, 1921.

Item identifier:  G5-1848

Description: Postcard: From Robert ? to Eartha White. June 4, 1913.

Item identifier:  G5-1849

Description: Postcard: From J. G. A. to Eartha White. May 21, 1910.

Item identifier:  G5-1850

Description: Postcard: From Reverend John E. Ford to Eartha White. August 15, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1851

Description: Postcard: From Natalie Murray to Eartha White. September 8, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1852

Description: Postcard: From Emily to Eartha White. May 20, 1913.

Item identifier:  G5-1853

Description: Postcard: From Jessie Everett to Eartha White. July 15, 1920.

Item identifier:  G5-1854

Description: Postcard: From J. A. Butler to Eartha White. November 27, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-1855

Description: Postcard: From Dr. H. Sweeting to Eartha White. October 25, 1955.

Item identifier:  G5-1975

Description: Invitation to wedding of Rachel Dennis and Alfredo Guzman. January 30, 1895. Note: Rachel was the niece of S. M. Dennis of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church.

Item identifier:  G5-1976

Description: Invitation to wedding of Olive Fairfax Tolbert and Frank Frederick Donalson. December 29, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-1977

Description: Thank you note from Celestine C. Joyner and James A. Joyner, Jr., to Eartha White. March 18, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-2000

Description: Invitation to wedding of Julia Anita Sumter and Thomas Edward Posey. August 16, 1930.

Item identifier:  G5-2688

Description: Invitation to wedding of Ruth Althea Bartley and Eddie McLaughlin. July 10, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-2694

Description: Card: From Katie Handy to Eartha White. December 19, 1929.

Item identifier:  G5-2868

Description: Letter: From C. R. Robinson (Cornelius), to Daniel LeRoy Singleton, godson of Eartha White. Requests her to sell Murray Hill property for him. Palatka, Florida; November 3, 1925.

Item identifier:  Z4-1404-1415

Description: Statements: Account of Eartha White from the Citizen's Bank of Jacksonville. (Thirteen statements, from July 10, 1928 to December 30, 1931.) Nos. 1404-1415.

Item identifier:  Z4-1416

Description: Statements: Account of Eartha White from the Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville, from March 1, 1954 to March 31, 1954.

Item identifier:  Z4-1422

Description: Passbook for account of Eartha White, Citizens Bank of Jacksonville. From 6-4-1929 -11-19-1931.

Item identifier:  Z4-1423

Description: Passbook for account of Eartha White, Citizens Bank of Jacksonville. From 7-10-1928 - 2-3-1930.

Item identifier:  Z4-1424

Description: Statement from Citizen's Bank of Jacksonville. (Two copies) No date given.

Item identifier:  Z4-1425

Description: Counter check (blank), from Citizen's Bank of Jacksonville. Dated October 16, 1911.

Item identifier:  Z4-1426

Description: Payment form to the order of R. F. Bowden, Tax Collector. No date given.

Item identifier:  Z4-1427

Description: Brochure: "You Are Invited to Open a Charge Account that Builds Dollars." From the Citizens Bank of Jacksonville. No date given.

Item identifier:  Z4-1428-1433

Description: Deposit slips: Deposited to the account of Eartha White, Atlantic National Bank: $479.00 (1-2-63); $229.05 (1-4-63); $98.90 (1-8-63); $1467.00 (10-12-66); $800.00 (4-26-71); $201.80 (3-8-72); Nos. 1428-1433.

Item identifier:  Z4-1434

Description: Cancelled check, Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville. February 12, 1925.

Item identifier:  Z4-1435-1436

Description: Cancelled checks, Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville. March 3-4, 1920. Nos. 1435-1436.

Item identifier:  Z4-1437

Description: Statement: Account of Eartha White, Heard National Bank of Jacksonville. December 1 -10, 1913.

Item identifier:  Z4-1438-1441

Description: Cancelled checks, Heard National Bank. November 29, 1913 - December 8, 1913. Nos. 1438-1441.

Item identifier:  Z4-1442-1575;1584-1642

Description: Cancelled checks, Citizen Bank of Jacksonville. From November 5, 1908 - December 19, 1931. Nos. 1442-1575;1584-1642.

Item identifier:  Z4-1984

Description: Deposit Slip: From Citizen's Bank of Jacksonville, for twenty-nine dollars. March 7, 1929.

Item identifier:  Z4-2432

Description: Check: To Bernard A. Pollak Company, for five dollars. January 28,1911.


Item identifier:  A5-1361

Description: Note: Thomas Baxter promises to pay $150.00 to the order of the Joseph Zaph Company. June 11, 1909.

Item identifier:  A5-1362

Description: Note: Eartha White promises to pay $10.00 to the order of the State Bank of Florida. August 14, 1900.

Item identifier:  A5-1363-1368

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of George A. Jeffries: $50.00 (1-17-24); $59.00 (3-24-24); $25.00 (1-5-25); $27.00 (7-30-27); $26.50 (11-2-27); $25.00 (7-23-25) Nos. 1363-1368

Item identifier:  A5-1369-1375

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of the Union Savings Bank: $65.00 (7-13-04); $50.00 (7-20-08); $50.00 (10-15-08); $50.00 (10-15-08); $50.00 (3-10-09); $15.00 (4-7-10) Nos. 1369-1375

Item identifier:  A5-1376-1379

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of the Citizens Bank of Jacksonville: $100.00 (3-10-08); $83.00 (5-23-08); $88.00 (7-21-08); $44.00 (6-22-08) Nos. 1376-1379

Item identifier:  A5-1380-1386

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of the Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville: $35.00 (5-06-08); $50.00 (8-26-08); $50.00 (8-26-08); $26.00 (10-15-08); $35.00 (11-16-08); $200.00 (3-10-09); $120.00 (4-29-29); $55.00 (7-23-30); $50.00 (8-22-30); $35.00 (1-20-31) Nos. 1380-1386

Item identifier:  A5-1390-1396

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of the Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville: $50.00 (2-16-09); $25.00 (10-08-09); $25.00 (12-7-09); $115.00 (2-3-13); $420.00 (7-29-29); $420.00 (10-28-29); $315.00 (7-22-31) Nos. 1390-1396

Item identifier:  A5-1397-1398

Description: Notes: Eartha White promises to pay to the order of Thomas Baxter: $25.00 (10-25-08); $90.00 (9-29-10) Nos. 1397-1398

Item identifier:  A5-1399

Description: Notice: To Eartha White from the Citizen's Bank of Jacksonville, regarding mortgage payment due date. September 16, 1930.

Item identifier:  A5-1400

Description: Loan certificate for $354.00. Clara and Eartha White borrowed on the life insurance policy of Clara White. March 25, 1908.

Item identifier:  A5-1401-1403

Description: Documents: Statement on $150.00 loan taken by Eartha White from the Personal Finance Company of Jacksonville; accompanying orders on wages attached. April 4, 1930. Nos. 1401-1403.

Item identifier:  A5-1417

Description: Passbook for account of Eartha White on $300.00 loan by the Personal Finance Company of Jacksonville. August 8, 1930.

Item identifier:  A5-1418

Description: Passbook for account of Eartha White on $150.00 loan by the Personal Finance Company of Jacksonville. June 17, 1929.

Item identifier:  A5-1419-1421

Description: Receipts: Received from Eartha White for payment on loan: $15.39 (6-4-30); $22.84 (3-9-31); $26.20 (1-16-32). Nos. 1419-1421.

Item identifier:  A5-1863

Description: Letter: From W. A. Bours, Jacksonville Loan and Insurance Company to Eartha White, concerning loan application. May 7, 1912.

Item identifier:  D5-1687a-b

Description: Manuscript title: Suspense. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  E5-1664

Description: Brochure: White House Conference on Children and Youth, Washington, D. C. March 27 - April 2, 1960.

Item identifier:  E5-1665

Description: Notes: Rough draft of press release concerning Eartha White's trip to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Colored Women, in California. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1666

Description: Membership card: Institute on Race Relations, Washington, D. C. March 5, 1946.

Item identifier:  E5-1667

Description: Membership card: Colored Sons and Daughters of the State of Florida. April 1919.

Item identifier:  E5-1668

Description: Card: Convention assignment card for housing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1669

Description: Note: Rough draft of press release announcing Eartha White's departure for a conference on race in Washington, D. C. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1670

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at a Mason function, Atlantic City, New Jersey. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1671

Description: Invitation to attend a Health Conference at Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. August 22, ??.

Item identifier:  E5-1672

Description: Booklet: "Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Florida State Conference of Social Work," Orlando, Florida. May 16-19, 1948.

Item identifier:  E5-1673

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and the Reverend William H. Simmons, Sr., at the National Negro Business League Conference, Tuskeegee Institute, Alabama. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1674

Description: Photograph: Group attending Conference of the National Negro Business League Conference, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. No date given.

Item identifier:  E5-1675a-c

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and three unidentified women at Conference, Washington, D. C. October 29, 1946. (Three copies)

Item identifier:  E5-1676a-b

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with group at Conference, Washington, D. C. October 18, 1946. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  E5-2675

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with group at Interracial Conference, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. No date given.

Item identifier:  F5-1688+

Description: Notes: Assorted notes kept by Eartha White. Nos. 1688-1728; 2469-2479; 2007-2008; 2046.

Item identifier:  F5-1729-1736

Description: Notes: Assorted notes of speeches by Eartha White. Nos. 1729-1736.

Item identifier:  F5-1737-1740

Description: Notes: Assorted notes of meetings kept by Eartha White. Nos. 1737-1740.

Item identifier:  F5-2788

Description: Notebook: Notes of Eartha White from Poro Beauty School.

Item identifier:  V4-1191

Description: Program: In Memoriam of the Late Eartha Mary Magdalene White. Deceased Friday, January 18, 1974. V4-1911 In Memoriam

Item identifier:  H5-1182a

Description: Cards: Best wishes from Eartha Mary Magdalene White. (Six copies)

Item identifier:  H5-1182b

Description: Photograph: Eartha White, age 25?

Item identifier:  H5-1196

Description: Card: Dr. Eartha M. M. White, "Angel of Mercy," 613 West Ashley Street, Jacksonville.

Item identifier:  H5-1197-1203

Description: Photographs: Assorted photographs of Eartha White. Nos. 1197-1203; 1182. No. 1203 dated 1914.

Item identifier:  H5-1200

Description: Photograph: Inscription: "Citizen of the Month," Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1201

Description: Photograph: Eartha White. On photograph: Respess Engraving Co., Jacksonville, Florida. No. 61159. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1204a-b

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and Clara White at the races. On photograph: P. J. Coates Photo Co., 27 East Bay St., Jacksonville, Florida. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  H5-1205a-b

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and Sgt. Elijah Johnson receiving Christmas gift of a $25.00 war bond from soldiers at Camp Blanding. December 1941. (Two copies)

Item identifier:  H5-1206

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at the Coronation of Miss Florida. 1941.

Item identifier:  H5-1207-1216

Description: Miscellaneous photographs of Eartha White. Nos. 1207; 1209-1213; 1215-1216. No dates given.

Item identifier:  H5-1208

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and unidentified friend aboard ship. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1214

Description: Photograph: Eartha White handing out packages. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1217

Description: Photograph: Earliest known photograph of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1218

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and Joe James. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1219

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and cat in front of Clara White Mission. March 19, 1939.

Item identifier:  H5-1220

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at the Suwannee River. March 19, 1939.

Item identifier:  H5-1221

Description: Photograph: Eartha White repairing toys for Annual Children's Christmas Party at the Clara White Mission. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1222

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at home, examining an old canteen. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1223

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with horse and dog. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1224

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with cow, calf, and cat. December 31, 1915.

Item identifier:  H5-1225-1226

Description: Photographs: Eartha White with gifts. Royal Art Studios, 515 Davis St., Jacksonville, Florida. Clarence J. Simon, photographer. Nos. 1225-1226.

Item identifier:  H5-1227

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with Christmas toys. December 25, 1963.

Item identifier:  H5-1228

Description: Photograph: Eartha White in front of Moncrief Drive In. Picture is a "composite" cut and taped for a newspaper story. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1229

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at a train station. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-1230

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at Parkway Ballroom in Chicago, Illinois. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2001

Description: Photograph: Eartha White, on right, at unidentified reception. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2028

Description: Photograph: Eartha White in office with Marie Mangrum, Grace Bateman and others. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2051

Description: Photograph: Eartha White speaking at the Clara White Mission. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2054

Description: Photograph: Eartha White, center, with unidentified group. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2072

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and unidentified friend. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2073

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with unidentified group. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2074

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with unidentified man at school in Bayard, Florida. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2075

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and her dog. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2076

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at age 16. [1892]

Item identifier:  H5-2077a-b

Description: Photographs: Eartha White. No dates given.

Item identifier:  H5-2078

Description: Photograph: Eartha White's dog, Lily White. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2388

Description: Photograph: Eartha White (front row, 2nd on left) at tea with group: Mrs. Vivian Chavis, Amy Curry, Mrs. Greene, Emmett Reed, Mrs. Ruth Solomon and others. Photograph for newspaper by Paul K. Reid, city. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2389

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with male friend at plane. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2390

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with group in front of unidentified building. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2391

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and group of women at unidentified governmental office. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2392

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with group of men and women, Civil Defense Volunteer Organization. 1943.

Item identifier:  H5-2402

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with unidentified group. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2403

Description: Photograph: Seated: Mrs. Portia Thornton, Mr. R. T. Thomas, Eartha White. Standing: 4th from left, Mrs. Viola Meuse. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2404-2405

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at reception with: (l-r) Emmett Reed, Robert Gray, Mrs. Bowman, Attorney Anthony Perkins, and Mrs. Lucille Coleman. Nos. 2404-2405. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2671

Description: Photograph: Eartha White at NAACP meeting, held at Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. January 1952. Written on back: "At Mo. J. Earl Morse.s Memorial Sunday 20 at Bethel Jan 1952 Miss White presenting 106.00 donated by friends to NAACP at Mass Meeting... From friend Irvin ( ) to the Greatest Lady in the whole world"

Item identifier:  H5-2673

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with male friend. 1914.

Item identifier:  H5-2674

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with orphan infants. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2689

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with female friend. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2690

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with Mamie Stewart and unknown female. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2758

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with Thurgood Marshall, first African American to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. Nominated by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967. Served as Chief Counsel for NAACP from 1938 to 1961. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2815

Description: Photograph: Eartha White, sitting front row, with unidentified group of young women. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2836

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with the Oriental American Opera Company, African American opera company. Circa 1895-96?. Eartha White, center front. Oversize photograph - 16" x 19"

Item identifier:  I5-1177a-f

Description: Booklet: "Some Sayings of My Mother," published by Eartha White, 1933. (Five copies)

Item identifier:  I5-1857-1859

Description: Biographies: Copies of various biographies of James Weldon Johnson attributed to Eartha White's authorship. Nos. 1857-1859.

Item identifier:  I5-2011

Description: Poem: "Mother," printed on a contribution form for the Old Folks Home. Includes photograph of Clara White. See also Folder J3 - Contributions. No date given.

Item identifier:  J6-1893+

Description: Miscellaneous papers concerning property owned by Eartha White. Nos. 1893-1943; 2104-2106 (K5); 2435

Item identifier:  K5-2104+

Description: Miscellaneous tax statements and bills. Nos. 2104-2106; 1883-1892.

Item identifier:  K5-2104

Description: Miscellaneous tax statements and bills: Blair Grant of Easement; including description of property of Eartha M. M. White Foundation. No date given.

Item identifier:  K5-2105

Description: Letter: From H. H. Simmons, Agt.; regarding "Holding off of rent payments until tax paid." No date given.

Item identifier:  K5-2106

Description: Receipt: For $500.00 for four months rent on 4875 Moncrief Road. Dated November 1, 1953 - February 28, 1954.


Description: See also White, Eartha M. M.--Correspondence (Business) Folder Y4; White, Eartha M. M.--Correspondence (Personal) Folder G5; Thompson, Charles J.- Folder O4

Item identifier:  J5-1358

Description: Letter: From Julia Smith to Eartha White, concerning sale of a house belonging to Ms. Smith. January 22, 1962.

Item identifier:  J5-1865-1866

Description: Notes on real estate locations. Nos. 1865-1866.

Item identifier:  J5-1867-1869

Description: Bills: From Biggs & Masser, Plumbing and Heating for services. May 1929; June 3, 1930; and July 1, 1930. Nos. 1867-1869.

Item identifier:  J5-1870

Description: Bill: From D. F. Sheppard, Contractor, for roof repairs. January 22, 1930.

Item identifier:  J5-1874

Description: Typed note concerning property adjacent to Berrier Plant, Hogan Street.

Item identifier:  J5-1875

Description: Survey: From Engineering Dept., City of Jacksonville, Florida. April 7, 1914. Plat on Louisiana Street for Mrs. E. E. Jackson.

Item identifier:  J5-1876

Description: Quit claim deed: To Land As a Public Road, signed by Luciel King, Neal A. King, Leo Anderson, and Diana Howard. LETTER: from Title & Trust Co. of Florida to Mr. Alston Cockrell listing Trustees of the Mandarin Community Center as: Eartha M. M. White, Neal King, Lucille King, Leo Anderson, Lena Anderson, Dinah Howard and Glenwood Hartley. Signatures on Notes: Barbara Forester, Joe Smith, and John Forrester.

Item identifier:  J5-1877

Description: Bill: To Phyllis Ford, from H. H. Simmons Realty Company. September 27, 1934.

Item identifier:  J5-1878

Description: Letter: From Lawton L. Pratt, mortician, to Eartha White, concerning property of Henry B. DaCosta on Catherine Street. No date given.

Item identifier:  J5-1879-1880

Description: Abstract of Title: Prepared for George U. Walker. December 9, 1909. Concerns Ella E. Jackson.

Item identifier:  J5-1881

Description: Warranty Deed: from Bulmer heirs to B. B. MacDonell. November 22, 1892.

Item identifier:  J5-2118

Description: Letter: From Anita Stewart of Tallahassee, Florida. September 28, 1930. Regarding property for sale.

Item identifier:  J5-2119

Description: Letter: From W. G. Stewart to Eartha White, concerning her offer to buy property. No date given.

Item identifier:  J5-2120

Description: Statement: From Fant & Stanly, Law Offices, concerning a warranty deed. Sketch of property included. No date given.

Item identifier:  J5-2121

Description: Bill of Sale and Mortgage Deed: For property owned by Washington Battle, sold to the Union Benevolent Association. October 2, 1929. Note: Includes Eartha White's signature.

Item identifier:  J5-2122

Description: Copy of land description dated June 2, 1885.

Item identifier:  J5-2123

Description: Card: From the Florida Real Estate Commission certifying Eartha White as a Registered Real Estate Broker. November 19, 1926. Expiration Date: September 30, 1927.

Item identifier:  J5-2125-2126

Description: Letters: To Eartha White from Curtis & O'Neal Company (Insurance and Loans) concerning Eartha White's inquiry as to property owned by Mrs. E. W. Jackson. Letters dated October 14 & 21, 1929. Nos. 2125-2126.

Item identifier:  J5-2127

Description: Note: From J. Wilson, real estate dealer, to Eartha White. December 7, 1929.

Item identifier:  J5-2128

Description: Legal descriptions and appraisals of pieces of property. (Six typed pages) No date given.

Item identifier:  J5-2129

Description: Statement from lawyers giving details of property transaction. No date given.

Item identifier:  J5-2449

Description: License: City real estate license of Eartha White, 1926-1927.

Item identifier:  L5-426

Description: Photograph: Aldonia Cone, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-978

Description: Photograph: Juanita D. Stewart, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-1781

Description: Letter: From Mirriah McTain, to Eartha White. December 18, 1929. (Aunt living in Wildwood, Florida.)

Item identifier:  L5-1809

Description: Letter: From Ellen Drummond to Eartha White. January 30, 1930.

Item identifier:  L5-1823

Description: Card: Christmas greeting from Betsy English, to Eartha White, New York City. December 2, 1929.

Item identifier:  L5-1944

Description: Photograph: Jim Drummond, great-grandfather of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-1945

Description: Photograph: Unidentified relatives of Eartha White. No dates given.

Item identifier:  L5-1946

Description: Letter: From George U. Walker and Son, Attorneys and Counselors-at-law to Eartha White, concerning fees for drawing deeds to land in the case of Maltida Williams versus Sam English, October 29, 1902.

Item identifier:  L5-2042

Description: Letter: Partial letter from Patsy L. Weston, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2248

Description: Photograph: Glory Faye, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2250-2251

Description: Photograph: H. Shaw, cousin of Eartha White. Nos. 2250-2251. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2256

Description: Photograph: Mary Louise Boyd, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2257

Description: Photograph: Bernice Jones, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2264-2265

Description: Photographs: Leola Humphrey, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2281

Description: Photograph: Joseph Taylor, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  L5-2774-2781

Description: Photographs: Unidentified photographs of relatives of Eartha White. Nos. 2774-2781. No dates given.

Item identifier:  L5-2775

Description: Photograph: Lewis Thomas, cousin of Eartha White. No date given.

Item identifier:  H5-2074

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with unidentified man at school in Bayard, Florida. No date given.

Item identifier:  Y5-1328

Description: Letter: From Duval County Board of Public Instruction, to Eartha White, notifying her of her appointment as teacher at Stanton School. January 30, 1902. (Copy of letter in Folder L4 - Stanton High School; no. 1328)

Item identifier:  Y5-1335

Description: Letter: From George P. Glen, Board of Public Instruction, to Eartha White, notifying her of appointment as teacher at Bayard School. September 26, 1901.

Item identifier:  S4-1031a-b

Description: Postcard: Printed on back: "The Coronation of Miss Florida - Presented Annually in Connection with 'Florida Quartets on Parade,' the State's Foremost Outdoor Musical Attraction at Jacksonville, Florida." Card shows Eartha White crowning Miss Florida, 1941. (two copies - additional copies in Y3)

Item identifier:  S4-1032

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and group visit Morro Castle, in Havana, Cuba. 1947. (See also Organizations, Social. M3 - 1098)

Item identifier:  S4-1190

Description: Newsclipping: The Broad Ax, Chicago, Illinois.Vol. 34, no. 42 (July 6, 1929). Photograph and brief article regarding travels of Eartha White. (Oversize Collection)

Item identifier:  S4-1192a-d

Description: Calling Cards: "Eartha M. M. White A Constant Reminder 'God First' ". Photograph of Eartha White on front and an inspirational verse on back. (Four copies differ slightly.)

Item identifier:  S4-1193-1194

Description: Newsclippings: Articles concerning Eartha White and her contributions, Jacksonville Journal, January 9, 1937; Florida Times-Union, January 14, 1940. (Two copies of each article - Nos.1193-1194)

Item identifier:  S4-1195

Description: Letterhead stationery (1 sheet): Miss Eartha M. M. White. President Old Folks' Home and City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Head of Department of National Juvenile Court, State Treasurer F.C.W. Clubs. 233 Eagle Street, Jacksonville, Florida

Item identifier:  S4-1947

Description: Photograph: Eartha White and fellow travelers photographed on camels in front of the Sphinx and Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt. July 31, 1955.

Item identifier:  S4-1948

Description: Postcard: Eartha M. M. White tours the Palace of Versailles, France. [1955?]

Item identifier:  S4-1949

Description: Booklet: Souvenir of the Herzl Room at the Head Office of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish National Fund), Jerusalem. [1953?]

Item identifier:  S4-1950

Description: Newsclipping: "Committee Meets Angel of Mercy at Airport on her Return From Europe," Jacksonville Journal, September 10, 1955.

Item identifier:  S4-1192

Description: Calling Card with caption: Miss Eartha M. M. White, President of the Clara White Mission... Handwriting on back of card.

Item identifier:  S4-1993

Description: Card: Photograph with caption: Best Wishes, Eartha Mary Magdalene White. (Additional copies in Folder H5.)

Item identifier:  S4-2385

Description: Photograph: Eartha White on top of rock formation. July 1914.

Item identifier:  S4-2399

Description: Photograph: Eartha White with group of fellow travelers in Jordan. Also shown is Reverend Robert Wilson, pastor of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, right front. 1955?

Item identifier:  S4-2458

Description: Booklet: Souvenir of Brussels, Belgium. 1955?

Item identifier:  S4-2786

Description: Genealogical notes on Eartha White's family. No date given.

Item identifier:  S4-2853

Description: Letter: Addressed to Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Carey A. Gibbs, Liberia, enclosing 75th birthday anniversary card. No date given.

Item identifier:  S4-2858

Description: Memento: Hand coloured print of the ship "R.M.S. Adriatic" signed by fellow passengers. No date given.

Item identifier:  S4-2872

Description: Advertisement, application form: Chicago World's Fair Excursion Round Trip Jacksonville to Chicago (Bus Fare only)... St. Augustine, Fla. : Florida Normal World Fair Tour Committee, 1933. Full text from UNF Digital Commons

Item identifier:  S4-2881

Description: Sheet: Piedmont Good Will Tour by the State Negro Commission of the South Carolina Natural Resources Commission. March 18-20, 1930.

Item identifier:  S4-2882

Description: Photograph: Snapshot of Eartha White. Written on back--Hampton, Virginia, August 28, 1912.

Item identifier:  M5-1951

Description: Telegram: From I. A. White to Eartha White. August 9, 1929.

Item identifier:  M5-1952

Description: Christmas card from I. A. White and family to Eartha White. December 18, 1929.

Item identifier:  M5-1953

Description: Diploma for Dr. I. A. White, from Mercy Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee. 1910.

Item identifier:  M5-1954

Description: Letter: From S. J. White to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). May 29, 1948.

Item identifier:  M5-1955

Description: Letter: From Sherman J. White to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). December 1, 1949.

Item identifier:  M5-1956

Description: Letter: From Sherman J. White to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). May 15, 1950.

Item identifier:  M5-1957

Description: Letter: From Rev. J. C. Blackshear to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). May 22, 1951.

Item identifier:  M5-1958

Description: Letter: From Callie Russ to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). May 26, 1951.

Item identifier:  M5-1959

Description: Letter: From Henry Speight, Jr., to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White). December 19, 1946.

Item identifier:  M5-1960

Description: Photograph: Doctors outside Mercy Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee. (Dr. White, second from left.)

Item identifier:  M5-1961-1962

Description: Photographs: Dr. Isham A. White. Nos. 1961-1962.

Item identifier:  M5-1969

Description: Bill: From Strayer Brothers Furniture Company, to Mary Hunter White (Mrs. I. A. White) for a mirror. November 2, 1944.

Item identifier:  M5-2425

Description: Prescription: Written by Dr. I. A. White. (Note on verso, "These are not city prescriptions.")

Item identifier:  M5-2456

Description: Photograph: Group photograph of Dr. White and others. (Possibly family members.) No date given.

Item identifier:  D1-0330

Description: Photograph (exterior view) in The Crisis Magazine (January 1942 issue). Page 27. _Crisis Magazine Full Text

Item identifier:  N5-0686

Description: Leaflet: "No Corn for Whiskey." No date given.

Item identifier:  N5-0687

Description: Leaflet: "When a City Goes Dry," issued by the Union. No date given.

Item identifier:  N5-0688

Description: Leaflet: "What the Money Spent for Drink Would Buy," issued by the Union. No date given.

Item identifier:  N5-0689

Description: Leaflet: "The Plight of the Farmer," issued by the Union. No date given.

Item identifier:  N5-1964

Description: Leaflet: "A Telegraph Operator's Story," issued by the Union. No date given.

Item identifier:  N5-2442

Description: Membership pledge form for the Union. No date given.