Item identifier:  E4-1063
Description: Photograph: Albert Sammis. No date
Item identifier:  E4-1057
Description: Document: Bill ($223.45). For paving portion of Beaver Street near property owned by J. S. Pope and Albert Sammis. March 26, 1928.
Item identifier:  E4-1058
Description: Document: Statement of property taxes for 1929. November 27, 1929.
Item identifier:  E4-1059
Description: Document: Receipt for property taxes for 1934. March 19, 1935.
Item identifier:  E4-1060-1062
Description: Photographs: Albert C. Sammis, Jr.
(Three photographs - nos. 1060-1062) No dates given.
Item identifier:  E4-1064
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Clara White, January19--?
Item identifier:  E4-1065
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, July 15, 1920.
Item identifier:  E4-1066
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, July 20, 1920.
Item identifier:  E4-1067
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, January 31, 1929. Notes death of Clara White.
Item identifier:  E4-1068
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, March 4, 1929.
Item identifier:  E4-1069
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, October 23, 1929.
Item identifier:  E4-1070
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, December 24, 1929. Encloses money for a Christmas gift.
Item identifier:  E4-1071
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, July 30, 1930.
Item identifier:  E-1072
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, September 21, 1930. Note: He states she is the beneficiary of a ten thousand dollar life insurance policy.
Item identifier:  E4-1073
Description: Letter: From Albert Sammis to Eartha White, November 8, 1930.
Item identifier:  E4-2464
Description: Receipt book of Martha Green, half-sister of Albert Sammis. No date given.
Item identifier:  W3-2381
Description: Cataloged under Unidentified Photographs (Group-W3-2381) Possibly Mary Sammis with husband, A. L. Lewis (?)
Item identifier:  A2-2148
Description: Newsclipping: "Death Takes Pastor After Brief Illness," Reverend William Ira Sanders, January 22, 1959.
Item identifier:  Z5-2845
Description: Statue: "Lift Every Voice and Sing." Note: Augusta Savage was an African American sculptor, born in Green Cove Springs, Florida in 1892. This statue, a small reproduction of the original, was sculpted in 1939 for the World's Fair. The statue in the form of a "Harp of Humanity" was titled from the anthem by James Weldon Johnson. Unfortunately, it was razed at the end of the Fair, along with all the other temporary structures, since money had not been allocated to cast the statue in bronze. (Source of birthdate: United States Census, 1920, see West Palm Beach, Florida.)
Item identifier:  F4-1074
Description: Photograph: A. L. Lewis Elementary
School homeroom mothers in a parade. No date given.
Item identifier:  F4-1075
Description: Program: Closing exercises of Jacksonville Graded School, June 9, 1893.
Item identifier:  F4-2034
Description: Photograph: Coronation of Miss Duval
Vocational High School. No date given.
Item identifier:  F4-2035-2040;2454
Description: Photographs: Scenes from various
school graduations. Nos. 2035-2040, 2454
Item identifier:  F4-2142
Description: Newsclipping: "School Enrollment Showed Big Increase," 1926-27 school year.
Item identifier:  F4-2154
Description: Newsclipping: "Negro School Bid Call Due at Early Date," Florida Times-Union, July 13, 1957.
Item identifier:  F4-2685
Description: Photograph: The Tuskegee Institute Choir, William L. Dawson, Director, 1950.
Item identifier:  G4-1076
Description: Note: I. O. U. from Leonard Lee Washington to laundry for $30.49, November 9, 1923.
Item identifier:  G4-1077
Description: Bill: To Service Laundry, Eartha White from the Willey Company for heating element, December 20, 1921.
Item identifier:  G4-1078
Description: Card: Business card for Service Laundry.
Item identifier:  G4-1079a-l
Description: Leaflet: Prospectus of the Jacksonville Hand (and Steam) Laundry. (twelve copies)
Item identifier:  G4-1080
Description: Letterhead stationery: Service Laundry Company. 1414 Cleveland Street, Jacksonville, Florida. Phone 5780. Eartha White, president and director.
Item identifier:  G4-2090
Description: Photograph: Eartha White and drivers from Laundry. Caption on photograph: "Put Your Duds in Our Suds, We Wash Everything But A Dirty Conscience."
Item identifier:  G4-2878
Description: Card: Business card for Steam Laundry Company. With caption: "Cleanliness next to Godliness."
Item identifier:  H4-0828
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Wellesley Isaacs. October 23, 1901, New York City.
Item identifier:  H4-0829
Description: Photograph: Kitty Cheatham. New York City. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-0831
Description: Photograph: A. Brooks. September 25, 1899, New York City.
Item identifier:  H4-0833
Description: Photograph: N. E. Gross. New York City. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-0846
Description: Photograph: James Whitting. August 19, 1895, New York City.
Item identifier:  H4-0853
Description: Photograph: A. S. Austin (Senior).
Comedian-Producer. Postcard, no date given.
Item identifier:  H4-1081a-b
Description: Photograph: Strand Theatre. No date
given. (two copies)
Item identifier:  H4-1082
Description: Brochure: Publicity for Mrs. Essie Love Queen, dramatic artist, teacher of elocution and aesthetic dancing. Studio located at 746 Hobart Place, NW, Washington, D. C. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-1083
Description: Photograph: Comedy team of Cox and Perry. Cox dressed as Charlie Chaplin and Perry as Mable. Photograph taken by Lay Brothers, Nashville, Tennessee. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-1084
Description: Photograph: South African Kaffir Choir. Photograph taken by The Royal Photographic & Portrait Studio, Boston, Massachusetts. (In Eartha White's handwriting: Property of E. M. M. White from Mr. J. Sams.)
Item identifier:  H4-1085
Description: Photograph: Publicity for play entitled "A Rabbit's Foot," in two acts. "8th Season of the Grand Spectacular Comedy" Pat Chappell, sole owner. "Don't fail to see the greatest bunch of creole girls, singers, dancers and cake walkers." No date given. (see also H4-2650)
Item identifier:  H4-1086
Description: Photograph: Men outside Strand Theatre. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-1087
Description: Photograph: Strand Theatre. No date given. Oversize photograph.
Item identifier:  H4-1088
Description: Photograph: Willie Weaver's "Big Apple" Swingtime Review. No date given. Oversize photograph.
Item identifier:  H4-2409
Description: Postcard: A. G. Allen's Big Minstrel
Show. (in front of Royal Hotel) No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-2650
Description: Scroll: [Route for a traveling
theatrical troupe in 10 Southern states.] [1900 or 1901?] Outline of
the route for a traveling theatrical troupe or possible minstrel
show for a typical season beginning in Sept.-Oct. and closing in
June. "The route embraces 10 different southern states as follows.
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, South
Carolina, Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee. ... The population
of each city and villages are given, likewis [sic] the distance from
one place to the other, also giving nearly all the names of the
opera houses, theaters, auditoriums, music hall [sic] with the
seating capacity of all the regular stands." Probably intended for
use by theatrical agents. The show may have been operated by Patrick
H. Chappell; wife was Rosa A. Brooks, who married S. D. McGill after
Chappell's death.
Full Text
Item identifier:  H4-2811
Description: Photograph: Unidentified dancing
girl. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-2863
Description: Program: From the Ninth Annual Music Festival, The National Negro Opera Foundation, Washington, D. C., Saturday. August 27, 19--?
Item identifier:  I4-0419;0421
Description: News release, leaflet: Announcement of Silas Green Show. February 10, 1930.
Item identifier:  I4-0420
Description: Card: Business card of Charles Collier, of Silas Green Show. No date given.
Item identifier:  I4-0422
Description: Letter: From Johnson Rooks, to Eartha White, February 3, 1930. Note: Eartha White mentions that Johnson Rooks, manager of the Silas Green Company, is a native of Jacksonville.
Item identifier:  I4-0423
Description: Letter: From Jacksonville Mayor John T. Alsop, Jr., to Eartha White, concerning authorization to hold Silas Green Show on Northwest corner of Kings Road and Davis Street. January 25, 1929.
Item identifier:  I4-2005
Description: Telegram: From Johnson Rooks, manager of Silas Green Show, to Eartha White, concerning location for show, January 29, 1929.
Item identifier:  A2-0448
Description: Photograph: Margaret Simms, singer. No date given.
Item identifier:  E-0033
Description: Newsclipping: Solicitation for help
for the American National Red Cross, November 19--?
Item identifier:  E-2654
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Margaret Simms,
Chairman, Red Cross Roll Call pledges. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-0190
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. Photograph of Mrs. Margaret Simms, guest soloist.
Item identifier:  J4-1090
Description: Photograph: Caldonia Simpson, receiving the Sarah Blocker Award at Florida Normal & Industrial Memorial College, St. Augustine, Florida, May 25, 1953. Caldonia Simpson was a teacher at A. L. Lewis Junior High School in Jacksonville, Florida. Active in the Duval County Teachers' Association. Home at: 1620 Steele Street (1952)
Item identifier:  J4-1091
Description: Photograph: Audience attending Interracial Seminar, January 3, 1947. Ms. Simpson near window.
Item identifier:  J4-1092
Description: Photograph: Group attending Interracial Seminar, Tennessee State College, July 11, 1947. Ms. Simpson, center.
Item identifier:  J4-1093
Description: Photograph: Panel of Interracial Seminar, Fisk University, July 1-19, 1947.
Item identifier:  J4-1094
Description: Photograph: Ms. Simpson with students. Appears to be a graduation party, possibly at her home. No date given.
Item identifier:  J4-1095
Description: Photograph: Ms. Simpson with students in classroom. No date given.
Item identifier:  J4-1096
Description: Photograph: Ms. Simpson with students in workshop. March 1957.
Item identifier:  Q5-0874a
Description: Photograph: U. S. Representative Charles E. Bennett and Mary Singleton. No date given.
Item identifier:  S2-2736
Description: Newsclipping: "St. Mary's Home Stands as Monument to Beloved Sister Mary Ann." Florida Times-Union, January 30, 1949. Includes photographs of Sister Mary Ann and St. Mary's Home.
Item identifier:  S2-2754
Description: Newsclipping: "Sister Mary Ann passed quietly away--Will be Missed by Poor of Jacksonville--Entire Life Given to Charity--Death of Angel of Mercy Brings Regrets to Residents of City." Florida Metropolis, January 15, 1914.
Item identifier:  K4-1100-1101
Description: Report: Case history of Thelma Brooks, of Olympia, Florida. Report includes referral letter to Eartha White and case history. No date given.
Item identifier:  K4-1102
Description: Case history: Notes on Effie Frazier. No date given.
Item identifier:  K4-1103
Description: Case history: Notes on Ethel Copeland. July 17, 1928.
Item identifier:  K4-1104
Description: Case history: Investigation of child of Ben Moseley. No date given.
Item identifier:  K4-1105
Description: Case history: Notes on William Presley. No date given.
Item identifier:  K4-1106
Description: Case history: Notes on Hazel Wright. April 19, 1930.
Item identifier:  K4-1107
Description: Case history: Notes on George Mitchell. August 24, 1931.
Item identifier:  K4-1108-1114
Description: Report: Daily reports of activities of Eartha White from April 20,1919 - April 26, 1919. Nos. 1108-1114.
Item identifier:  K4-1115
Description: Letter: From Margaret Thowman to Eartha White, regarding case of Willie Simmons. June 21, 1911.
Item identifier:  K4-1116
Description: Notes: On various case histories. No dates given.
Item identifier:  K4-1117
Description: List: Names of individuals working in various welfare departments. No dates given.
Item identifier:  K4-2006
Description: Notes: Case history of Pinkney family. No date given.
Item identifier:  K4-2463
Description: Card: Referral cards for the Jacksonville Employment Bureau. No date given.
Item identifier:  Z2-2172
Description: Badge: Seventeenth Biennial Session of the Southeastern Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Columbia, South Carolina. August 14-16,1953.
Item identifier:  Z2-2180
Description: Badge: Sixteenth Biennial Session of the Southeastern Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Atlanta, Georgia. July 29-31, 1951.
Item identifier:  Z2-2198
Description: Badge: 15th Biennial Session, Southeastern Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Daytona Beach, Florida. July 31 - August 2, 1949.
Item identifier:  D1-0330
Description: Photograph of building in The Crisis
Magazine (January 1942 issue).
Full Text
Item identifier:  L4-0085
Description: Photograph: Stanton High School
before the Great Jacksonville Fire in 1901. Eartha White taught at
Stanton High School in 1902. See also index no. L4 - 1328.
Item identifier:  L4-1118
Description: Photograph: Eartha White delivering
address to Vocational School closing, May 1957.
Item identifier:  L4-1119
Description: Photograph: Stanton School faculty,
Item identifier:  L4-1120
Description: Photograph: Graduating class at
Stanton. No date given.
Item identifier:  L4-1121
Description: Photograph: Mathematics Essentials II
Club, 1943-44. Eartha White, on right.
Item identifier:  L4-1122
Description: Letter: From S. Perry Penland to Richard L. Wilson, concerning Stanton High School property. April 28, 1972.
Item identifier:  L4-1123a-b
Description: History: Stanton School. (Two copies)
Item identifier:  L4-1124
Description: History: Stanton School. No date given.
Item identifier:  L4-1125
Description: Card: Invitation to graduation of Stanton High School, from Delores LaVern Price to Eartha White. June 6, 1929.
Item identifier:  L4-1126
Description: Photograph: Eartha White, friend and
dog on the grounds of Stanton High School. No date given.
Item identifier:  L4-1328
Description: Letter: From Board of Public Instruction, Duval County, to Eartha White, informing her of her new position at Stanton School. January 30, 1902.
Item identifier:  L4-2066
Description: Photograph: Stanton Class of 1887.
Item identifier:  L4-2067
Description: Photograph: Stanton Class of 1931.
Item identifier:  L4-2068
Description: Photograph: Group of Stanton School
children. No date given - 188-?
Item identifier:  L4-2069
Description: Photograph: Eartha White as young teacher at Stanton School. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0444
Description: Photograph: Mamie Stewart, mother of
Amy Currie. No date given.
Item identifier:  O2-0349
Description: Photograph: Dedication of Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Mandarin, Florida. May 21, 1940.
Item identifier:  O2-0547a-d
Description: Postcard: Home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mandarin, Florida. Compliments of Lincoln Memorial and Literary Association. (4 copies)
Item identifier:  H4-1081a-b
Description: Photograph: Strand Theatre. No date
given. (two copies)
Item identifier:  H4-1086
Description: Photograph: Men outside Strand
Theatre. No date given.
Item identifier:  H4-1087
Description: Photograph: Strand Theatre. No date given. Oversize photograph.