Item identifier:  K-2855
Description: Photographic reprint and biography.
Item identifier:  O-0180
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Vivian Chavis, goddaughter of Eartha White. Mrs. Chavis was a retired schoolteacher.
Item identifier:  O-0181-0182
Description: Postcards (nos. 181-182): From Vivian Chavis to Eartha White. 181: Dated August 4, 1930. 182: Date not given.
Item identifier:  O-0183
Description: Card: From Vivian Chavis to Eartha White. Easter Greetings, 1962.
Item identifier:  A-0004
Description: Letter: From Rev. C. W. White to Eartha M. M. White concerning Katie Strong. August 8, 1919.
Item identifier:  A-0005
Description: Letter: From Marcus C. Fagg to Mrs. Bullard. December 2, 1921.
Item identifier:  A-0006
Description: Letter: From W. L. Jones to Eartha M. M. White. September 12, 1929.
Item identifier:  A-0007
Description: Letter: From Ada Hayward to Eartha M. M. White. September 27, 1929.
Item identifier:  A-0008
Description: Letter: From R. B. Lane to Mrs. Robert S. Abott. December 7, 1929.
Item identifier:  A-0009
Description: Letter: From Marcus Fagg to Eartha M. M. White. December 24, 1929.
Item identifier:  A-0010
Description: Letter: From Dr. J. Seth Hills to Eartha M. M. White. December 9, 1929.
Item identifier:  A-0011
Description: Letter: From Pearl Thompson to Eartha M. M. White. July 15, 1930.
Item identifier:  A-0012
Description: Letter: From Pearl Thompson to Eartha M. M. White. August 19, 1930.
Item identifier:  A-0013
Description: Letter: From Mrs. H. E. Thompson to Eartha M. M. White. July 16, 1930.
Item identifier:  A-0014
Description: Letter: From John W. Gregg to Eartha M. M. White. November 16, 1931.
Item identifier:  A-0015
Description: Letter: From Lusier Nicklack to Eartha M. M. White. November 26, 1935.
Item identifier:  A-0016
Description: Letter: From Sterling Name Tape Co. to Orphans Industrial Home. No date given.
Item identifier:  A-2015-2016
Description: Photographs: Ruth Green, given as infant to Miss White, later raised by Mrs. Modania Chandley. No dates given.
Item identifier:  A-0017
Description: Paper: Diet suggestions for the growing child. No date given.
Item identifier:  A-0018
Description: Booklet: Florida Children's Commission.
The Florida Children's Commission Recommends. [Tallahassee : The
Commission 1953. (Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full text
Item identifier:  A-2156
Description: Newsclipping: "Big Convention is Secured by City...." No date given.
Item identifier:  Q-0179
Description: Food coupon: To Annie Robinson for one dollar's worth of groceries, February 21, 1936. Note: Eartha White's signature appears along with others.
Item identifier:  Z2-0673a-c
Description: Pamphlet: State Federation Guest of
City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, June 28, to 30, 1916,
Jacksonville, Fla. Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. (Full text
from UNF Digital Commons.) [Photograph of Eartha White, president
of City Federation Colored W. C., on p. 10.]
Full Text
Item identifier:  Z2-0679
Description: Newsclipping: "Miss Lloyd Appointed Canning Manager." Eartha White mentioned as President of City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs.
Item identifier:  Z2-0680
Description: Newsclipping: "City Federation Meeting," July 13, 1917, Metropolis. Eartha White, President.
Item identifier:  Z2-0681
Description: Note: From Mrs. F. Jennings to City Federation concerning her attendance at exhibit, May 28, 1917. Accompanied by response from Eartha White.
Item identifier:  Z2-0682
Description: Note: To Eartha White from Mrs. R. A. Wells.
Item identifier:  Z2-0683
Description: Leaflet: Get In Line Report of City
Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Jacksonville, Florida. June
1917. Lightsy & Cain Print. 520 Broad St. (Full text from UNF
Digital Commons.) On p. 3: Miss Eartha M. M. White, President.
Full Text
Item identifier:  Z2-0684
Description: Program: City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs Celebration of the burning of the mortgage and cornerstone laying of the Melrose Park Clubhouse. March 30, 1952. Eartha White was the guest speaker.
Item identifier:  Z2-2144
Description: Newsclipping: Petition to the Board of County Commissioners by City Federation of Women Clubs regarding lack of ventilation and chapel at County Prison Farm. Metropolis. No date given.
Item identifier:  Z2-2686
Description: Invitation: Women's Club Baby Conference, March 6-11, 1916.
Item identifier:  Z2-2687
Description: Program: Baby Week, March 5-11, 1916.
Sponsored by the City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. (Full text
from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full Text
Item identifier:  Z2-2822
Description: Photograph: Eartha White with delegates
of City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Jacksonville, State
Meeting, Palatka, Florida. May 16, 1915. Eartha White, center, first
row. (Image from UNF Digital Commons.)
Item identifier:  R-0184
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of
Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. 3 1/4" x 5 1/4" snapshot.
Note: Hollywood Music Store and view of Ashley Street in background.
Item identifier:  R-0185-0187
Description: Photographs: Dedication ceremony of
Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. 3 1/4" x 5 1/4" snapshots.
Note: Front, side views of dias.
Item identifier:  R-0188
Description: Photograph: Open Air Dedication of
Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. 8 1/2" x 11" photograph of
audience and dais with Eartha White speaking.
Item identifier:  R-0189
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. 8" x 10" photograph of unidentified male speaker.
Item identifier:  R-0190
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of Clara White Mission, Sunday, July 13, 1947. Photograph of Mrs. Margaret Simms, guest soloist.
Item identifier:  R-0191a-e
Description: Program: Dedication ceremonies of
the Clara White Mission, Inc., new building and launching of mortgage
liquidation drive, Sunday, July 13th, through Friday, July
18th, 1947. Jacksonville, Fla. : Clara White Mission, Inc., 1947.
(Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full Text
Item identifier:  R-0192
Description: Photograph: Group in Clara White Mission office, including Eartha White, Grace Bateman, Mayor Frank Whitehead, Mr. Flanders, Earl T.Cullens, and three WOBS officials. January 23, 1950.
Item identifier:  R-0193-0194
Description: Photographs (193-194): Workers at Clara White Mission. Dates not given.
Item identifier:  R-0195-0198
Description: Photographs (195-198): Interior views of Clara White Mission. Dates not given.
Item identifier:  R-0199-0201
Description: Photographs (199-201): Decorative trays on display at Clara White Mission. Dates not given.
Item identifier:  R-0202a-c
Description: Booklet: History of Clara White Mission. Date not given. 3 copies.
Item identifier:  R-0203a-c
Description: Booklet: History of Clara White Mission. Date not given. 3 copies.
Item identifier:  R-0204
Description: Leaflet: Officers and directors of Clara White Mission. 1967-68.
Item identifier:  R-0205
Description: Booklet: Clara White Mission.
[Jacksonville, Fla. : Clara White Mission, 1972]. A description and
statistics of the 1971 activities of the Mission and a financial
statement for the year ended Dec. 31, 1971. (Full text from UNF
Digital Commons.)
Full Text
Item identifier:  R-0206
Description: Newsclipping: "Negro Agencies of Chest Take Care of Many Homeless and Ill," November 1, 1941. Clara White Mission mentioned as clearing house for charity activities.
Item identifier:  R-0207a-c
Description: Leaflet: Excerpts of an article, "Clara White Mission, an Adventure in Service," Chicago Criterion, March 1943. Original and 2 copies.
Item identifier:  R-0208a-b
Description: Booklet: Service annual report, Clara White Mission, 1968. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  R-0209
Description: Newsclipping: "Aunt Clara's Spirit Perpetuated in Works of Daughter," January 15, 1950.
Item identifier:  R-0210
Description: Photograph: People standing in lines
outside Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-0232
Description: Booklet: A Pictorial Review of
Activities Conducted Under Auspices of the Clara White Mission...
Jacksonville, Florida. [Jacksonville, Fla.?: Clara White Mission?,
193-] Edited by Martin D. Richardson. No date given. (Full text from
UNF Digital Commons.)
Full Text
Item identifier:  R-0234a-c
Description: Card: Free meal ticket at the Clara White Mission. 1 original and 2 copies. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-0300
Description: Newsletter: The Friend, v. 1, no. 1.
June 1933. Published monthly by Mission Publishing Company, 615 W.
Ashley Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Affiliated with the Clara White
Mission. (Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full Text
Item identifier:  R-0707
Description: Photograph: Nursery at the Maternity Home operated under the auspices of the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-2058
Description: Photograph: Eartha White, Grace
Bateman, Aurrelia Johnson, and others having dinner at the Clara White
Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-2135
Description: Newsclipping: "Movement for Boys Home," ND. "May Pole Party" mentions Eartha White. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-2136
Description: Newsclipping: "G. Winniman Dies; Rites set Tuesday," Florida Times-Union, May 2, 1961. Mr. Winniman was a member of the Clara White Mission for more than 20 years.
Item identifier:  R-2398
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of
Clara White Mission; Eartha White speaking near Mrs. Lucille G.
Coleman and Dr. William H. Gray. July 13, 1947.
Item identifier:  R-2444
Description: Card: Free soup and bread, for the hungry and unemployed, white and black. No date given.
Item identifier:  R-2680
Description: Photograph: Room at the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0235
Description: Photograph: WPA sewing room at the
Clara White Mission. More than one hundred women were given regular
employment through this project. Mrs. Martha Green, supervisor. No
date given.
Item identifier:  S-0236-0237
Description: Photographs (236-237): Home canning
courses. Two photographs show group and Eartha White in various stages
of the canning process. No dates given. (Images from UNF Digital
Item identifier:  S-0238
Description: Photograph: Homemaking and service
training class. No date given. (Image from UNF Digital Commons.)
Item identifier:  S-0239
Description: Photograph: Waitress and waiter training course at the Clara White Mission. Group pose. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0240
Description: Photograph: Waitress training course at the Clara White Mission. With Eartha White. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0242
Description: Photograph: Audience of unidentified program at the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0243-244
Description: Photographs (243-244): Group picture of
unidentified program at the Clara White Mission. No dates given. (Also
T 213, 219)
Item identifier:  S-0245
Description: Photograph: Group at reception at the Clara White Mission. Eartha White, in front center. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0246
Description: Leaflet: "Pontius Pilate," a pre-Easter drama in one act, sponsored by the Clara White Mission and performed by the Gilbert Players, of Savannah, Georgia. April 14, 1954. In Oversize Folder S.
Item identifier:  S-0247a-b
Description: Tickets: Mt. Ararat Male Quartet Program to benefit the Clara White Mission, April 29, 1948. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  S-0248
Description: Leaflet: Advance promotion of Roland Hayes' performances, October,1931.
Item identifier:  S-0249-0250
Description: Photographs: Art Display at the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0251
Description: News release: Minstrel show, "It Pays to Go Straight," written by Eartha White. Presented by the Clara White Mission at the Knights of Pythias Auditorium for the benefit of the Boys Improvement Club. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0252
Description: Newsclipping: "Clara White Mission ready for Annual Outing," July 16, 19--? [to Moncrief Springs].
Item identifier:  S-0253
Description: Newsclipping: "Summer School Classes at Clara White Mission Today," June 16, 1941. Music classes sponsored by the University of Florida and held at the Mission.
Item identifier:  S-0254
Description: Newsclipping: "Hopping John is Latest Love of Jacksonville Citizenry," November 4, 1932. Concerns quilting bee at the Clara White Mission.
Item identifier:  S-0255
Description: Note: Dedication of Maternity Home, September 22, 19--?
Item identifier:  S-0256
Description: Photograph: Four unidentified women and Eartha White at a Clara White Mission religious service. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0257
Description: Photograph: Ladies group at a Clara
White Mission religious service. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0258
Description: Photograph: Bible study class at the Clara White Mission, taught by George E. Stokes. March 5, 1953.
Item identifier:  S-0293
Description: Photograph: Hudson Car raffle to
benefit the Clara White Mission. July 5, 19--? Eartha White pictured
with winner and friends. Oversize photograph. (Image from UNF Digital
Item identifier:  S-0384
Description: News release: Easter at Clara White Mission features Junior Girls Auxiliary of the Riverside Baptist Church. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-0386
Description: Photograph: Group of students in a creative art class at the ClaraWhite Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-1354
Description: Letter: From Charles W. Spalding for W. H. Brennan, manager, Boston Symphony Orchestra, to Eartha White concerning the appearance of Mr. Hayes in Jacksonville. December 22, 1931.
Item identifier:  S-2041
Description: Note: Boys Improvement Club organized in 1904 by Eartha White.
Item identifier:  S-2048
Description: Photograph: Open Air Religious Service
at the Clara White Mission. No date given. Oversize photograph.
Item identifier:  S-2056a-d
Description: Photograph: Eartha White and group
following religious services at the Clara White Mission. Four similar
photographs. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-2096
Description: Photograph: Easter dinner at the Clara White Mission. Eartha White in background of photograph. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-2151a-b
Description: Newsclipping: "Pontius Pilate Drama Plays in City at Duval Armory," Jacksonville Journal, March 1, 1954. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  S-2196
Description: Ticket: Clara White Mission benefit - five cents. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-2387
Description: Photograph: Eartha White and recipient of an automobile won at a raffle held for the benefit of the Clara White Mission. July 5, 19--?
Item identifier:  S-2451-2452
Description: Photographs (2451-2452): Religious
program at the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  S-2886
Description: Charter: Name of S. D. McGill printed on the Boy Scouts of America charter to Troop no. 46 sponsored by the Clara White Mission, October 31, 1941. McGill served on the Troop Committee. (In Oversize Folder S - Clara White Mission - Activities)
Item identifier:  S1-0404
Description: Form letter from Eartha White thanking
individuals for donations to the Fresh Air Camp. No date given. (Full
text from UNF Digital Commons)
Full Text
Item identifier:  U-0273
Description: Receipt: To Eartha White from A.J. Hill for seventeen dollars. No date given.
Item identifier:  U-0274
Description: Bill: For two hundred ninety two dollars and fifty cents from G.A.J. of Jeffries' Market, Inc., March 23, 1928.
Item identifier:  U-0275
Description: Receipt: From A. Gibbs for one dollar and fifty cents, for hanging a door.
Item identifier:  U-0276
Description: Bill: From Hazard Bros., bill of one dollar and fifty cents for one load of firewood, January 4, 1930.
Item identifier:  U-0277
Description: Bill: From Auto Repair Shop, Roscoe Garage, in the amount of twenty three dollars and forty cents, May 10, 1930.
Item identifier:  U-0278
Description: Bill: From Daylight Grocery and Markets, in the amount of three dollars and eighty cents, September 5, 1931.
Item identifier:  U-0279
Description: Receipt: From Thomas J. Imeson Company for five dollars and thirty six cents, January 28, 1930.
Item identifier:  U-0280
Description: Receipt: From American Hardware Company, for nails, cost thirty cents. September 21, 1956.
Item identifier:  U-0281
Description: Receipt: From National Bellas Hess Company, for eighty-nine cents,March 7, 19--?
Item identifier:  U-0282
Description: Bills: Expenditures for months of January, February, April, 1930.
Item identifier:  U-0283
Description: Receipt: From S. B. Hubbard Company for fence and supplies for five dollars and six cents, February 23, 1926.
Item identifier:  U-1980
Description: Bill: From George R. Foster, Jr., to Eartha White for building materials, November 8, 1902.
Item identifier:  U-1981
Description: Bill: From Daylight Groceries and Market, April 25, 1930.
Item identifier:  U-2002
Description: Bill: From Loughridge Insurance, Inc., to Eartha White for fire insurance renewal, July 29, 1963.
Item identifier:  U-2064
Description: Bill: From the Florida Sentinel Publishing Company, to Eartha White, June 3, 1929.
Item identifier:  V-0301
Description: Report: Daily report of the transients housed in the dormitory of the Clara White Mission, June 1934.
Item identifier:  V-0302
Description: Newsclipping: "Annual Meeting Held at Mission." No date given.
Item identifier:  V-0303
Description: Statistical form for meals and relief given at Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  V-0304
Description: Letter: From Tom Greene of the Florida House of Representatives concerning bills before the House, April 16, 1963.
Item identifier:  V-0305
Description: Letter: From Ralph B. Wilson, Vice President of Babson's Statistical Organization, concerning business reports. No date given.
Item identifier:  V-0306
Description: Letter: From William J. Bolena & Sons, Contractor, concerning work to be done on the Mission, April 23, 1958.
Item identifier:  V-0307
Description: Annual Report of persons served at the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  V-0308
Description: Report of transient lodging provided by the Clara White Mission. November 21 - December 6, 1933.
Item identifier:  T-0211
Description: Newsclipping: "Announces Xmas Activities." Eartha White announces holiday activities of Clara White Mission, December 1947.
Item identifier:  T-0212
Description: Photograph: Rev. Robert Walson, speaker
at Christmas program at Clara White Mission, December 24, 1957. Eartha
White on stage in photograph.
Item identifier:  T-0213
Description: Photograph: Audience at Christmas
program at Clara White Mission, December 24, 1957. Marie Mangrum and
Eartha White on stage in foreground of photograph.
Item identifier:  T-0214
Description: Photograph: Audience at Christmas
program at Clara White Mission, December 24, 1957. Eartha White on
stage in background of photograph, standing by window.
Item identifier:  T-0215
Description: Photograph: Children's Christmas
program at Clara White Mission, December 25, 1957. Eartha White and
her dog, center aisle.
Item identifier:  T-0216a-b
Description: Newsclippings: "Kiddies and Poor Aided Christmas." "Mission Thanks Many for Aid." No dates given.
Item identifier:  T-0217
Description: Newsclipping: "Clara White Mission launches its holiday season activities," December 15, 1962.
Item identifier:  T-0218
Description: Photograph: Children at Christmas party
at the Clara White Mission, December 25, 1963.
Item identifier:  T-0219
Description: Photograph: Christmas party at the Clara White Mission. Eartha White and Marie Mangrum speaking.
Item identifier:  T-0220
Description: Photograph: Audience at Christmas
program at the Clara White Mission. Grace Bateman handing out
groceries. Group eating ice cream bars while awaiting their turn for
groceries. No date given.
Item identifier:  T-0221
Description: Photograph: View of audience at Christmas program at the Clara White Mission. Eartha White and Marie Mangrum in background. Rev. Robert Walson, guest speaker. December 24, 1957.
Item identifier:  T-0222-0223
Description: Photographs: Audience leaving Clara
White Mission after Christmas program. No dates given.
Item identifier:  T-0224
Description: Photograph: Eartha White and group
repairing dolls, for Christmas party at Clara White Mission. No date
Item identifier:  T-0225
Description: Photograph: Group standing outside of
Clara White Mission, with Eartha White. No date given.
Item identifier:  T-0226
Description: Photograph: Children selecting toys at
Clara White Mission, with Eartha White and Grace Bateman. No date
Item identifier:  T-0227
Description: Photograph: Display of Christmas toys
at Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  T-0228
Description: Photograph: Members of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church at Clara White Mission with Christmas boxes. Eartha White in photograph. No date given.
Item identifier:  T-0229
Description: Photograph: Christmas party for underprivileged children at Clara White Mission. Presentation of gifts from Church of the Good Shepherd. December 25, 1957.
Item identifier:  T-0230
Description: Photograph: Children's Christmas party
at Clara White Mission. Eartha White, center background. No date
Item identifier:  T-0231
Description: Photograph: Christmas toys on display
at the Clara White Mission. December 24,1957.
Item identifier:  T-0241
Description: Photograph: Groceries, toys and
household supplies given out at the Clara White Mission. Eartha White
in foreground. December 24,1957.
Item identifier:  T-0385
Description: Notes: Lists of children to receive Christmas gifts from the Clara White Mission. Christmas 1952.
Item identifier:  W-0259
Description: Letter: Acknowledgement for donations, October 26,1911.
Item identifier:  W-0260
Description: Letter of thanks to H. Varnun from Eartha White for donation of ten dollars. December 29, 1930.
Item identifier:  W-0261
Description: Letter: Lists persons who donated items to Old Folks Home. July 9, 1912.
Item identifier:  W-0262
Description: Letter: From Pearl LaFitte, Duval County Home Demonstration Agent, to Eartha White concerning donation of five dollars and apology for not acquiring funds from Board. 1930.
Item identifier:  W-0263
Description: Letter: To Pearl LaFitte, Duval County Home Demonstration Agent, from Eartha White thanking Ms. LaFitte for donation. September 13, 1930.
Item identifier:  W-0264
Description: Letter: From M. B. Jarvis to Eartha White concerning five dollars donation for fuel. November 5, 1931.
Item identifier:  W-0265
Description: Letter: From B. A. Gregory of Gulf Life Insurance Company concerning five dollars donation. July 6, 1931. Other donations listed on back of letter.
Item identifier:  W-0266
Description: Notes: List of persons to thank for donations. No date given.
Item identifier:  W-0267
Description: Letter: From J. M. Chupp and H. Joe Dillon, Florida Industrial Realty Company, concerning donation of clothing. October 15, 1960.
Item identifier:  W-0268
Description: Newsclipping: "Clara White Mission Wins Jaxville Aid," Pittsburgh Courier, June 6, 1953. Regarding bill approved by Florida House of Representatives giving aid to Clara White Mission and Mercy Hospital.
Item identifier:  W-0269
Description: Letter: From D. W. Pickering, manager of Purity Cone Company, concerning donation of ice cream cones. August 8, 1930.
Item identifier:  W-0270
Description: Newsclipping: "Delegation Cuts Child Guidance Funds Increase," concerning County Denial and City Approval of Aid, Jacksonville Journal, April 3, 1961.
Item identifier:  W-0271
Description: Letter: From M. G. Shaw, secretary to Mrs. Alfred I. DuPont, concerning five hundred dollars donation. December 15, 1960.
Item identifier:  W-0272
Description: Notes: List of persons and their donations to the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  W-0309
Description: Notes: List of persons and their donations to the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  W-0716
Description: Postcard: Thank you note for contribution to the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  W-2146
Description: Newsclipping: "Legislators to Conduct 4th Hearing." (attached are Eartha White's notes concerning article.) No date given.
Item identifier:  X-0294+
Description: Leaflet: The Clara White Mission "Continued Dedication to Service in Jacksonville." 198-?. Multiple copies.
Item identifier:  X-0295+
Description: Postcard: Agencies of Clara White
Mission. No date given. Multiple copies.
Item identifier:  X-0296a-l
Description: Postcard: Clara White Mission. No date
given.12 copies.
Item identifier:  X-0297a-c
Description: Leaflet: Copies of poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling, compliments of the Clara White Mission. 3 copies. No date given.
Item identifier:  X-0298a-d
Description: Leaflet: Copies of Poem "Because of Thy Great Bounty," Grace Noll Crowell, compliments of the Clara White Mission. 4 copies. No date given.
Item identifier:  X-0299
Description: Leaflet: Copies of Poem "Break Thou the Bread of Life," compliments of Eartha White in memory of Clara White. Duplicate copies in Clara White Folder (R4). No date given.
Item identifier:  X-2158a-b
Description: Newspaper: Florida Globe section, September 7, 1957. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  Y-0284a-b
Description: Letter: From Eartha White, a general solicitation for funds for the Clara White Mission. 1961. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  Y-0285
Description: Postcard: Solicitation for donation for Fresh Air Encampment at Manhattan Beach, sponsored by Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y-0286
Description: Ticket: Solicitation for donation to Elevator Fund for the Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y-0287
Description: Leaflet: Solicitation for donation for Mortgage Liquidation campaign of Clara White Mission. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y-0288
Description: Letter: Solicitation for donation to purchase Mission real estate. 1933.
Item identifier:  Y-0289a-b
Description: Letter: Solicitation for donation for Mortgage Liquidation Campaign, August 1947. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  Y-0290a-b
Description: Newsclipping: "Mission seeking Mortgage Fund," December 6, 1951. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  Y-0291
Description: Letter: Solicitation for donation to Clara White Mission, February 9, 1972.
Item identifier:  Y-0292
Description: Coin gleamer: Clara White Mission solicitations. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y-2871
Description: Letter: From Spessard Holland, Governor of Florida, regarding endorsement of Mission's work. June 1943.
Item identifier:  Z-0310
Description: Program: An Aerial Frolic honoring Bessie Coleman, Saturday, May 1, 1926. (The program was scheduled but never held, as she was killed in a fall from a plane during a practice flight in Jacksonville, Florida on April 30, 1926.)
Item identifier:  Z-0311
Description: Program: Funeral Program for Bessie Coleman, Sunday, May 2, 1926.
Item identifier:  A2-0457
Description: Photograph: Lucille G. Coleman. No date
given. Lucille Coleman was the principal of Arlington Elementary
School in 1953.
Item identifier:  R-2398
Description: Photograph: Dedication ceremony of Clara White Mission; Eartha White speaking as Mrs. Lucille G. Coleman and Dr. William H. Gray look on. July 13, 1947.
Item identifier:  K-2867
Description: Music score: Book of twenty-four melodies transcribed for the piano by S. Coleridge-Taylor with a preface by Booker T. Washington (signed at Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, Oct 24, 1904). Owned by Sadye Mae Hunter (April 1917) and found among Eartha White's papers.
Item identifier:  Q1-0393
Description: Photograph: Class of 1907, Florida Baptist Academy. Nathan W. Collier, principal, center. Note: Academy founded in Bethel Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida in 1892. Academy moved to St. Augustine in 1918. Name changed to Florida Normal and Industrial College in 1944; name change in 1950 to include "Memorial."
Item identifier:  Q1-0394
Description: Photograph: Dr. Nathan W. Collier, President of College, 1896-1941. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q1-0398
Description: Letter: From Nathan W. Collier to Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, thanking her for donation, April 10, 1929, through Eartha White. Note: Eartha White was active in collecting funds for the Institute before the "duly appointed" letter dated January 26, 1930.
Item identifier:  Q1-0399a-b
Description: Letter: From Nathan W. Collier to Mrs. Lester, thanking her for her donation and inviting her to the Founder's Day exercises, April 16, 1929. 2 items. Note: Donation was made through Eartha White.
Item identifier:  Q1-0400
Description: Letter: Open letter from Nathan W. Collier authorizing Eartha White as a financial agent for the College. Dated January 26, 1930.
Item identifier:  Q1-1685
Description: Letter: From Nathan W. Collier, President of Florida Normal and Industrial Institute to Eartha White, thanking her for a donation of supplies, November 13, 1931.
Item identifier:  Q1-1978
Description: Photograph: Nathan W. Collier, President of FN&IC, 1896-1941. No date given.
Item identifier:  H1-0360a-e
Description: Booklet: Collins, Leroy. Transcript of
statewide TV-radio talk to the people of Florida on race relations by
Governor LeRoy Collins. Delivered over statewide TV-radio network
5:30-6:00 p.m., Sunday, March 20, 1960. [Florida? : S.n., 1960?].
(Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full text
Item identifier:  A1-0341
Description: Newsclipping: "Notice of Meeting of Patrons of Community Affairs,"Jacksonville Journal, April 30, 1941. Held at the Clara White Mission.
Item identifier:  A1-0342
Description: Newsclipping: "Playground for Negroes will be secured at once." Metropolis, April 28, 19--?. Eartha White was on the committee - see paragraph one.
Item identifier:  A1-0343
Description: Newsclipping: "Better Day Care." Eartha White leases building to Anti-Poverty Agency. Jacksonville Journal, October 20, 1966.
Item identifier:  A1-0344
Description: Newsclipping: "Miss E. White Purchases Land for YMCA Day Camp." Florida Times-Union, May 20, 1960.
Item identifier:  A1-0345
Description: Newsclipping: "Tea Honoring Mrs. Alma A. Polk and Mrs. Margaret Mosely." Pittsburgh Courier, November 4, 1944.
Item identifier:  A1-0346
Description: Newsclipping: "Lecturer to Speak in Jax." Mrs. Rebecca Stiles Taylor speaks at a meeting of Happy Reapers of St. Joseph's Church. Jacksonville Journal, September 8, 1930. See paragraph 3 - Eartha White, principal speaker at morning services.
Item identifier:  A1-0347
Description: Card: Admission ticket to benefit Duval Cemetery, held at Jones Hall, March 22, 1897.
Item identifier:  A1-0348
Description: Form: Membership Drive Form for "Colored Branch of the YMCA," 193?.
Item identifier:  A1-0350
Description: Photograph: Eartha M.M. White in parade
of Jacksonville Negro Chamber of Commerce, January 1, 1941.
Item identifier:  A1-0351-0352
Description: Photographs (351-352): Eartha White speaking at reception for Mayor Haydon Burns at Elks Home. Mayor Burns in foreground of photograph. No dates given.
Item identifier:  A1-0353
Description: Photograph: Mayor Burns, Eartha White
and unidentified woman pose at the Podium, during a reception at Elks
Home, Duval Street. No date given.
Item identifier:  A1-0354
Description: Photograph: Eartha White speaking at a
reception for Haydon Burns. No date given.
Item identifier:  A1-0355a-d
Description: Photograph: Joseph T. Star, general manager of WOBS presents award to Miss Evelyn Jones, with Eartha White and John Fulton in background. November 25, 1957. 4 copies
Item identifier:  A1-0379
Description: Photograph: Victory girls and Eartha
White in parade. November 11,1942. Eartha White, right foreground.
(Image from UNF Digital Commons.)
Item identifier:  A1-0380
Description: Photograph: Advertisement for Ethel Davenport Gospel Hour, Sunday,10:45 on W.O.B.S. No date given.
Item identifier:  A1-0381a,b
Description: Photographs: Staff at WOBS Radio
Station (1360KC) Clara White Mission Building, 613 W. Ashley Street,
Jacksonville, Florida. January 23, 1950. In Oversize Folders.
Item identifier:  A1-1030
Description: Postcard with caption: "Continued a clean, progressive administration with Haydon Burns, Mayor-Commissioner." No date given.
Item identifier:  A1-1159a-b
Description: Membership card for the Voters League, Jacksonville, Florida, Duval County. No date given. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  A1-2027
Description: Photograph: Group drive for War Bonds.
No date given.
Item identifier:  A1-2140
Description: Newsclipping: "They discuss Negro History Week," March 1, 1954. High School program attended by Eartha White as a platform guest.
Item identifier:  A1-2447
Description: Leaflet: Women's Mass Meeting for Voter's Registration, August 20,19--?. Eartha White, Chairman.
Item identifier:  A1-2693
Description: Program: An Exposition, "The Negroes'
Making in America," June 14,19--?
Item identifier:  A1-2879
Description: Passcard: Pink concession and exhibitor card for the 1930 Florida State Fair held in Jacksonville, Florida.
Description: See also Jacksonville Negro Welfare League (Fla.)
Item identifier:  B1-0233a-f
Description: Leaflet: "Did You Say You Were Tired of Giving?" A publication of the Community Chest Drive. No date given. 6 copies.
Item identifier:  B1-0312
Description: Photograph: Workers for the Community
Chest Drive. Eartha White, center background. No date given. (In
Oversize Folder B1)
Item identifier:  B1-0313
Description: Receipts: Stubs from the Community Chest Donation tickets. Eartha White served as the Community Chest solicitor, 1929.
Item identifier:  B1-0314
Description: Postcard: Notice of a Board Meeting of the Community Chest Drive, November 3, 1931.
Item identifier:  B1-0315
Description: Card: Eartha White's pledge card to the Community Chest Drive, in the amount of five dollars. No date given.
Item identifier:  B1-0316
Description: Receipt book for donations to the Community Chest Drive. No date given.
Item identifier:  B1-0317a-c
Description: Booklet: Information booklet on the activities and agencies supported by the Community Chest, February 14-20, 1926. 3 copies.
Item identifier:  B1-0318
Description: Newsclipping: "Colored Division of the Community Chest has a Successful Launching of Drive," November 17, 1930.
Item identifier:  B1-0319
Description: Newsclipping: "Prominent Fraternal Man Praises Chest Plan," Mr. R.T. Thomas, Florida Times-Union, November 10, 1930.
Item identifier:  B1-0320
Description: Newsclipping: "Endorses Chest," H. Clarence Brown, praises Community Chest Plan. Florida Times-Union, November 18, 1930.
Item identifier:  B1-0321
Description: Newsclipping: "Their Battalions Exceed Quotas," Florida Times-Union, November 20, 1930.
Item identifier:  B1-0322
Description: Newsclipping: "The Chest Helps Him, So He Helps the Chest." George Brown poses for sketch, to benefit Community Chest. Jacksonville Journal, November 10, 1939.
Item identifier:  B1-0323
Description: Newsclipping: "Negro Agencies of Chest Take Care of Many Homeless and Ill." November 1, 1941.
Item identifier:  B1-0324
Description: Leaflet: Five Relief Agencies of the
Negro Welfare League Participating in the Community Chest. No date
Item identifier:  B1-0325
Description: Letter: From Joe H. James Jr. to Board members regarding a meeting to "determine if the colored division of the Community Chest will dissolve or continue," October 5, 1928.
Item identifier:  B1-0326
Description: Letter: From T. Pollard, Executive Secretary of the Community Chest Association, soliciting donations. December 4, 1929.
Item identifier:  B1-0327
Description: Letter: From A. L. Lewis to Community Chest Association Board members, regarding a meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. January 24, 1930.
Item identifier:  B1-2461
Description: Leaflet: Community Chest Fund Drive instruction sheet. No date given.
Item identifier:  -
Description: See African American Business Enterprises (Folder I); Jacksonville (Fla.)--Community Leaders (Folder A2)
Item identifier:  C1-1040
Description: Receipt: Docket clerk's receipt for Rosa Clark, aged 84, charged with disorderly conduct. February 26, 1929.
Item identifier:  C1-1041a-b
Description: Invitation: A book shower for the State Prison Farm at Raiford given by Eartha White. December 21, 1925. 2 copies.
Item identifier:  C1-1042
Description: Letter: From C. Benedict, County Commissioner, to Mr. Skinner, requesting permission for Eartha White and Associates to visit prisoners as Missionaries. October 6, 1906.
Item identifier:  C1-1043
Description: Photograph: Group at Dedication of Forest Hill Correctional School for Girls, Lowell, Florida. June 27, 1953. (See newspaper article in Folder C1, no. 2761)
Item identifier:  C1-1044
Description: Photograph: Men's Choir at Raiford, January 20, 1957. (Inscription on back of photograph: Harry L. Weisman, Chaplain's Secretary, All Souls Church)
Item identifier:  C1-1045
Description: Newsclipping: "Mission Sponsors Program for Farm Inmates on 4th, Miss Eartha M. M. White gives prisoners big day." (July 4th Celebration)
Item identifier:  C1-1046
Description: Newsclipping: "Protest Location of Girls School at Raiford," Jacksonville Journal, September 21, 1945. (Protest written by Eartha White, paragraph 7)
Item identifier:  C1-1047
Description: Newsclipping: "Prison Farm Abolition Protested," Jacksonville Journal, June 9, 1954. (Protest made by Eartha White)
Item identifier:  C1-1048
Description: Bill of lading: To State Reform School, Colored Department at Marianna. From Eartha White, for two boxes of books, December 24, 1929.
Item identifier:  C1-1049
Description: Newsclipping: "Duval Prison Farm Inmates Enjoy Fourth; Clara White Mission gives Vaudeville Program for Prisoners," Jacksonville Journal, July 7, 1933. Annual Event (see no. 1045)
Item identifier:  C1-1050
Description: Newsclipping: "Architect to Submit Girl's Cottage Plan." Regarding Parental Home. No date given.
Item identifier:  C1-1051
Description: Newsclipping: "Bus Trip to Forest Hill honored Dr. Eartha M. White," Jacksonville Journal, August 18, 1957.
Item identifier:  C1-1333
Description: Letter: From Southern Railway System, to Eartha White. Regarding special fares to American Prison Congress, 52nd Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan. October 2, 1922.
Item identifier:  C1-1999
Description: Notes: Recounting Christmas Activities at Duval County Prison Farm. Written on EARTHA M. M. WHITE stationery, presumably by Eartha White.
Item identifier:  C1-2143
Description: Newsclipping: "Negro Prisoners Decrease." Moundsville, West Virginia. No date given.
Item identifier:  C1-2651
Description: Program: Dedication of the Duval County Negro Boys Parental Home, April 6, 1952.
Item identifier:  C1-2682
Description: Stationery: Florida Industrial School for Boys, Marianna, Florida. (lists address of Lindsay Hearn, 2139-7th Ave., Apt.1, New York, New York.)
Item identifier:  C1-2761
Description: Newsclipping: "Florida Women Honored at Forest Hills." No date. (Cottage at Forest Hills School for Girls, Forest Hills, Florida, named for Eartha M. M. White & six other distinguished women leaders.)
Item identifier:  C1-2762
Description: Newsclipping: "Architect to Submit Girl's Cottage Plan." No date given.
Item identifier:  D1-0330
Description: Photographs (7) in The Crisis Magazine
(January 1942 issue). "The James Craddock Enterprises," pages 14-15.
Item identifier:  D1-0329
Description: September 1942. Page 289: Photograph of
Eartha White, selected as one of the "First Ladies of Colored America"
by The Crisis Magazine, official organ of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People.
Item identifier:  D1-0330a-b
Description: January 1942. Page 29: "The Clara White
Mission, headed by her daughter, Miss Eartha M. M. White." Page 30:
Photograph of Eartha White and members of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority. (2
copies) Note: This issue also contains information and numerous
photographs of African American businesses and buildings in
Item identifier:  E1-0331
Description: Calling Card of Nancy Violette Cunningham, chairman of the Social Services Dept., Chicago and Northern District, Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. (Mrs. Cunningham was born in Jacksonville, Florida.) No date given.
Item identifier:  E1-0332
Description: Letter: To Eartha White from Nancy Cunningham, June 1, 1928.
Item identifier:  E1-0333
Description: Letter: To Eartha White from Nancy Cunningham, November 30, 1929.
Item identifier:  E1-0334
Description: Card: To Eartha White from Nancy Cunningham, December 24, 1929.
Item identifier:  E1-0335
Description: Letter: To Eartha White from Nancy Cunningham, January 28, 1930.
Item identifier:  E1-0336
Description: Letter: To Eartha White from Nancy Cunningham, October 22, 1930.
Item identifier:  E1-0337
Description: Christmas card from Nancy Cunningham to Eartha White. Envelope postmarked December 20, 1930, Chicago, Illinois.
Item identifier:  N-0103a-b
Description: Business card: Cunningham, N. Violette, Chairman Social Service Dept., 4525 Prairie Ave., Apt. 1, Chicago, Illinois (2 cards)