Item identifier:  H1-0364
Description: Case Record: State of Florida vs. Joseph Jackson. Murder trial. August 30, 1930.
Item identifier:  H1-2847
Description: Record: The State of Florida vs. Joseph Jackson, signed by D. W. Parfitt, Clerk, Criminal Court, Duval County, March 6, 1931.
Item identifier:  Y1-0439
Description: List: Standing Committees - City Council, June 1932. [Jacksonville, Fla.] 1 typed page. Written on top: Mrs. W. S. Jennings.
Item identifier:  Y1-2102
Description: Brochure: A "THUMB-NAIL" SKETCH of Colored Jacksonville, Florida: Welcome from Courtesy Committee. Published for the information of Delegates to the National Baptist Convention, Inc. held in Jacksonville, Florida, September 7-14, 1936. Compiled and published by the Courtesy Committee of the Convention, Eartha M. M. White, Chairman. 8 pages. (3 copies). Full Text
Item identifier:  Y1-2164
Description: Newsclipping: "Romance of Old Horse Drawn Fire Engines of Days Gone By," recalled by R. S. Somerville, Florida Times-Union, August 27, 1934. (Note: African American fire station was located on Bay Street, between Washington and Catherine Streets.) See also Folder Y1-2086
Item identifier:  Y1-2165
Description: Newsclipping: "Private Clubs, Dating from 1877, Play Important Role in City's History," Florida Times-Union, January 1, 1950. (On verso: article concerning Jacksonville Beach)
Item identifier:  Y1-2177
Description: Badge: Dedication of Joe H. James Community Center, 1968.
Item identifier:  Y1-2468
Description: Leaflet: Indigent hospital patients admitted for treatment in Duval County during year ending June 30, 1915.
Item identifier:  Y1-0434
Description: Photograph: Street scene of
Jacksonville; shows horses and buggies. [1915?]
Item identifier:  Y1-0435
Description: Photograph: Union Bus Station, corner of Bay and Hogan Streets. February 1954.
Item identifier:  Y1-0436
Description: Photograph: Snapshot of downtown Jacksonville, near St. Johns River. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y1-0437
Description: Photograph: Snapshot of Atlantic Coast Line Train Yards. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y1-0440
Description: Postcard: Colored Masonic Temple, Jacksonville. Erected by John H. Hickerson, Grand Master of Masonics. (duplicate in Y3, no. 2770)
Item identifier:  Y1-2070
Description: Booklet: Photographs of sites in Jacksonville. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y1-2071
Description: Photographs: Assorted scenes of Jacksonville. No dates given.
Item identifier:  Y1-2086
Description: Photograph: One of the first African
American fire stations, located on Catherine Street, between Bay and
Forsyth Streets. No date given. See also Folder Y1-2164
Item identifier:  Y1-2087
Description: Photograph: Fire station on Kings Road
near Davis Street. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y1-2101
Description: Photographs: Assorted scenes of Jacksonville. No dates given.
Item identifier:  Y1-2769
Description: Photographic reproduction: [Jacksonville] Court House and Market Street... Armory. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y1-2832
Description: Photograph: Courthouse. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0443
Description: Photograph: E. L. Weems, Jacksonville
photographer. Self-portrait. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0444
Description: Photograph: Mamie Stewart, mother of
Amy Currie. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0445
Description: Photograph: Emmett Reed. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0446
Description: Photograph: Ethel Davenport, "First
Lady of Gospel Songs." No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0447
Description: Photograph: Beaulah McClellan. She
wrote the Social Note Column for the Florida Times-Union. No date
Item identifier:  A2-0448
Description: Photograph: Margaret Simms, singer. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0449-0450
Description: Photographs: Ed Vaughn, one of the
original directors of the Old Folks Home. No dates given.
Item identifier:  A2-0451
Description: Photograph: Office scene, with Mrs.
Julia Walker Brown, center. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0452
Description: Photograph: Bishop Gregg of African
Methodist Church. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0453
Description: Photograph: Joseph James, organizer of
Negro Welfare League. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0454
Description: Photograph: Dr. James Seth Hill. No
date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0455
Description: Photograph: Charles D. Brooks,
principal of Stanton High School. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0456
Description: Photograph: Oscar Hillman, funeral
director. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0457
Description: Photograph: Lucille G. Coleman. No date
Item identifier:  A2-0458
Description: Photograph: Robert Gray, attorney. No
date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0459
Description: Photograph: James Lewis, President of
Afro-American Life Insurance Company. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0460
Description: Photograph: Major Capers G. Bradham,
educator and civic leader. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-0574
Description: List: Names and addresses of prominent African Americans in Jacksonville. (8 sheets)
Item identifier:  A2-2012
Description: Photograph: Joe F. Hammond. No date
Item identifier:  A2-2033
Description: Photograph: Eartha White and James H.
Green, principal of James Weldon Johnson Junior High School. No date
Item identifier:  A2-2099
Description: Photograph: Pleasant Holt, Jacksonville
City Councilman. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-2148
Description: Newsclipping: "Death Takes Pastor After Brief Illness," (Reverend William Ira Sanders), January 22, 1959.
Item identifier:  A2-2149
Description: Newsclipping: "N. Finkelstein, Civic Leader, Passes Away," Florida Times-Union, November 20, 1930.
Item identifier:  A2-2150
Description: Newsclipping: "J. E. T. Bowden Funeral Set This Afternoon," Florida Times-Union, November 20, 1930.
Item identifier:  A2-2408
Description: Photograph: Alpha Phi Alpha Program
showing Capers Braddock and James Greene. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-2439
Description: List: Names and addresses of Jacksonville citizens. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-2809
Description: Photograph: Group of prominent
community leaders. No date given.
Item identifier:  A2-2864
Description: Newsclipping: "Mrs. Georgia N. Barnes (Fraternal Leader) Praises Chest Plan." Florida Times-Union, November 20, 1930.
Item identifier:  Z1-0461
Description: Newsclipping: "Jacksonville Business League Sets its Meeting, Newly Elected Officers will be Installed Thursday," Florida Times-Union, December 16, 1953. Eartha White elected as Chaplain at age 77.
Item identifier:  B2-0462
Description: Postcard: Notice of the annual meeting of the Jacksonville Historical Society, November 10, 1931.
Item identifier:  B2-0463
Description: Letter: From Herbert Lamson to Eartha White, thanking her for sending in dues. May 4, 1929. Eartha White was a charter member of the Society.
Item identifier:  C2-0464
Description: Letter: Anonymous writer to Mr.& Mrs. Seymore Carroll, concerning Humane Week. Dated May 16, 1935. Eartha White was a founding member of the Society.
Item identifier:  C2-0465
Description: Form letter from Winthrop Bancroft, soliciting donations for the Society. No date given.
Item identifier:  P3-0782
Description: Program: Testimonial honoring D. W. Perkins. February 11, 1954. Note: Eartha White's photograph on back of program with other officers of the Jacksonville Negro Business League.
Item identifier:  D2-0466
Description: Letter: From Joe H. James, Jr. to Eartha White, concerning pledge made to 1928 Community Chest Fund. Dated May 1, 1928.
Item identifier:  D2-0467
Description: Letter: From A. L. Lewis to board member Eartha White, concerning meeting of the Board of Directors. Dated January 18, 1930.
Item identifier:  D2-0468
Description: Letter: From T. T. Pollard, secretary of League, to Eartha White requesting her monthly report. Dated February 10, 1930.
Item identifier:  D2-0469
Description: Letterhead: Stationery of Jacksonville Negro Welfare League. Eartha White's name on Board of Directors list. (4 sheets)
Item identifier:  D2-0470a-c
Description: Postcard: Form card from the Employment Bureau of the Citizens' Committee, Negro Welfare League. Eartha White's signature as "Directed by." (3 copies)
Item identifier:  D2-2065
Description: Record Book: Reports and assorted papers of the League. No dates given.
Item identifier:  D2-2443
Description: Card: Free Employment Bureau of the
League. No date given. (Full text from UNF Digital Commons.)
Full text
Item identifier:  D2-2683
Description: Letter: From A. L. Lewis, President of League, concerning Community Chest drive. Dated November 12, 1930.
Item identifier:  D2-2807
Description: Photograph: Group standing on steps of
Stanton High School, Eartha White, first row, third from left. Dated
October 26, 1952? Directors of League: J. A. Thomas, Executive
Secretary, 1928.
Item identifier:  D2-2866
Description: Form letter: To workers in Community Chest Drive. No date given.
Item identifier:  D2-0624
Description: Form letter from the Committee,
soliciting donations. Eartha White listed as "Chairman, Milk Fund
Item identifier:  D2-0625
Description: Notice: Meeting of the Mother's Club, to discuss plans to begin serving free milk to elementary school children. Dated March 25, 1931.
Item identifier:  D2-0626
Description: Statistical report detailing milk furnished to undernourished children. (2 copies)
Item identifier:  D2-0627a-b
Description: List of children receiving aid through the Committee. Notice from Eartha White to members of the Mothers Club of Stanton High and Milk Fund Committee report.
Item identifier:  D2-2437
Description: Bill: From the Milldale Company to LaVilla School for four quarts of milk. Signed by W. M. Raines, April 17, 19--?.
Item identifier:  E2-0471
Description: Report: Formation of the Committee. Eartha White organized Patriotic Leagues in the schools during the War. After the War, she urged them to do community work.
Item identifier:  A2-0453
Description: Photograph: Joseph James, organizer of
Jacksonville Negro Welfare League. No date given. See also
Jacksonville (Y1, 2177)
Item identifier:  D2-0466
Description: Letter: From Joe H. James, Jr. to Eartha White, concerning pledge made to 1928 Community Chest Fund. Dated May 1, 1928.
Item identifier:  Y1-2177
Description: Badge: Dedication of Joe H. James Community Center, 1968.
Item identifier:  F2-0472
Description: Newsclipping: "Mrs. Johnson feted with Birthday Party," Florida Times-Union, September 3, 1954.
Item identifier:  F2-0473;475-478;481-482
Description: Photographs: Mrs. Johnson receiving
congratulations from Eartha White and others at her ninetieth birthday
celebration. September 1959.
Item identifier:  F2-0474
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Johnson receiving birthday cake from Mrs. Daisy Ford at her ninetieth birthday celebration. September 1959.
Item identifier:  F2-0479
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Johnson and four generations of descendants at her ninetieth birthday celebration. September 1959.
Item identifier:  F2-0480
Description: Newsclipping: "Mission Worker honored on Birthday," Florida Times-Union, September 6, 1959.
Item identifier:  F2-0483-0484
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Johnson with her grandchildren and great great grandchildren at her one hundredth birthday celebration. September 1, 1969.
Item identifier:  F2-0485
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Johnson at her one hundredth birthday celebration at Clara White Mission. September 1, 1969. With Mrs. Amy S. Currie, mistress of ceremonies.
Item identifier:  F2-0486
Description: Photograph: Mrs. Johnson at her one hundredth birthday celebration at Clara White Mission. September 1, 1969. With Miss Erma Brookings.
Item identifier:  F2-0487
Description: Newsclipping: "Grandma Johnson, 100, Going Like 60," Jacksonville Journal, August 29, 1969.
Item identifier:  F2-0488
Description: Program: Funeral services for Mrs. Aurellia Johnson, October 31, 1970. Eartha White presented a resolution in memory of her life-long friend.
Item identifier:  G2-0494
Description: Letter: Certifying Eartha White to solicit funds and supplies for Florida Baptist College. Signed by James Weldon Johnson. No date given.
Item identifier:  G2-0495a-c
Description: Biography: Life of James Weldon Johnson, by Eartha White. No date given. (3 copies)
Item identifier:  G2-0496
Description: Biography: Life and works of James Weldon Johnson. No date given.
Item identifier:  G2-0497-0498
Description: Envelopes addresssed to: Mrs. Grace Johnson, wife of James Weldon Johnson; James Ward of Florida Times-Union; James Weldon Johnson.
Item identifier:  G2-0499
Description: Letter: From Grace Nail Johnson, wife of James Weldon Johnson, to James Ward of Florida Times-Union, concerning proof of residency of James and J. Rosamond Johnson in Jacksonville. Dated September 26, 1972.
Item identifier:  G2-0500
Description: Letter: From Grace Nail Johnson, wife of James Weldon Johnson, to James Ward of Florida Times-Union, thanking him for series of articles on her husband. Dated August 21, 1972.
Item identifier:  G2-0501
Description: Letter: To Dena Snodgrass, of the Jacksonville Historical Society, from James Ward of Florida Times-Union, concerning Johnson letters and envelopes from Grace Johnson. Dated September 26, 1972.
Item identifier:  G2-0502
Description: Letter: From Dena Snodgrass, of the Jacksonville Historical Society, to Daniel Schafer of the University of North Florida History Department, giving Johnson letters and envelopes to the University. October 11, 1975.
Item identifier:  G2-2772
Description: Poem: "Fifty Years" written by James Weldon Johnson for the Tri-Celebration in Jacksonville, Florida. Fifty years of freedom, 1863-1913. (Program from the event, February 12, 1913, in Folder O2 - Lincoln Memorial Association.)
Item identifier:  Z10-2893
Description: Photograph: Matted reprint of James Weldon Johnson. No date given.
Item identifier:  H2-0489
Description: Certificate of birth for Mildred Louise Johnson, daughter of J. Rosamond Johnson. Dated May 25, 1914.
Item identifier:  H2-0490
Description: Calling card: With Mr. & Mrs. J. Rosamond Johnson's compliments, Wynstay, Golders Green Road, London, N.W. (with envelope) Full Text
Item identifier:  H2-0491
Description: Wedding announcement: Capt. & Mrs. Jas. W. Floyd beg to announce the Marriage of their daughter Nora Ethel Floyd to Mr. J. Rosamond Johnson. July 3rd, 1913, London, England. Full Text
Item identifier:  H2-0492-0493
Description: Photographs: Early photographs taken in Jacksonville, Florida. No dates given.
Item identifier:  H2-2089
Description: Photograph: John Rosamond Johnson. Inscription: "To My Dear Mother, From Rosamond." Taken in New York City. No date given.
Item identifier:  I2-0503
Description: Receipt: To Rachel Johnson from Legal Department and the Headquarters of Civil War Cotton Tax Claimants. Dated April 22, 1917; March 31, 1917; August 17, 1921; April 22, 1922.
Item identifier:  I2-0504
Description: Letter: From Cornelius J. Jones to Rachel Johnson, concerning payment of taxes to Headquarters Legal Department of Civil War Revenue Cotton Tax Claimants. March 24, 1922.
Item identifier:  I2-0505
Description: Leaflet: Photocopy of Internal Revenue Collections of taxes on Raw Cotton, 1863-1868.
Item identifier:  W2-0830
Description: Photograph: Missionary Aquilla
Johnson-Scott. No date given.
Item identifier:  J2-0506-0507
Description: Photographs: James Lloyd Jordan, dated
August 1894. Mr. Jordan was engaged to Eartha White but he died one
month before the official announcement of their engagement.
Item identifier:  J2-0508
Description: Letter: From James Lloyd Jordan to Eartha White. Dated January 4,1895.
Item identifier:  J2-0509
Description: Letter: From James Lloyd Jordan to Eartha White. Dated August 31,1895.
Item identifier:  J2-0510
Description: Letter: From James Lloyd Jordan to Eartha White. Dated November 5, 1895.
Item identifier:  J2-0511
Description: Letter: From James Lloyd Jordan to Eartha White. Dated December 15, 1895.
Item identifier:  J2-0512
Description: Letter: From James Lloyd Jordan to Eartha White. Dated March 9, 1896. (Last letter before his death)
Item identifier:  J2-0513
Description: Letter: From George ? to Eartha White, informing her of death of James Lloyd Jordan. Letter dated April 30, 1896.