Item identifier:  N3-0778
Description: Photograph: "Pearly Gates", a musical morality play. February 15, 1955. Eartha White portrayed an angel. (Oversize photograph)
Item identifier:  N3-0779
Description: Program: "Pearly Gates", a musical morality play. February 26-28,1955. Program signed by author F. Hall. Given at the Temple Theatre under sponsorship of the Jacksonville Negro Welfare League. Eartha White served on the Program Committee of the League.
Item identifier:  O3-0776
Description: Photograph: Mollie Peartree. April 24, 1936.
Item identifier:  O3-0777
Description: Manuscript: "Interesting Characters." Brief description of Mollie Peartree. (page 20 - Negro Folk Customs and Folk Lore, Pearl Randolph, Jacksonville, Florida.)
Item identifier:  P3-0780a-b
Description: Photograph: Daniel Webster Perkins.
(2 copies)
Item identifier:  P3-0781a-b
Description: Photograph: Daniel Webster Perkins.
(2 copies)
Item identifier:  P3-0782
Description: Program: Testimonial honoring D. W. Perkins. February 11, 1954. Note: Eartha White's photograph on back of program with other officers of the Jacksonville Negro Business League.
Item identifier:  Q3-0783
Description: Photograph: John N. C. Stockton. Democratic candidate for nomination as United States Senator. September 1903?
Item identifier:  Q3-0785
Description: Photograph: Belle Anderson. (She wrote to Eartha White, August 20, 1913, from "Hville" N.C.. Address: c/o Mrs. John D. Baker, Tom's Hill.)
Item identifier:  Q3-0786
Description: Photograph: Marie Mangrum Singleton. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0787
Description: Photograph: Dr. Culp. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0788
Description: Photograph: Richard R. Ponce. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0789
Description: Photograph: Reverend Leo Elliot. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0790
Description: Photograph: Lola Mixon. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0791
Description: Photograph: Milton Flood. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0792
Description: Photograph: B. K. Barrs and ?? Blalock. 1886.
Item identifier:  Q3-0794
Description: Photograph: Mrs. F. M. Lembrick. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0795
Description: Photograph: Daisy Duncan. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0796
Description: Photograph: Adlee V. Davis. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0798
Description: Photograph: Ada Lee. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0799
Description: Photograph: Mrs. L. E. Powell. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0800
Description: Photograph: Maggie Carter. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0801
Description: Photograph: Vivian Brinkley. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0802a-b
Description: Photograph: Ida Coleman. No date given. (2 copies)
Item identifier:  Q3-0803
Description: Photograph: Sylvanus Hart. (Banker, lawyer, Clerk of Court "before Louila was annexed to Jacksonville.")
Item identifier:  Q3-0805
Description: Photograph: Maggie Williams. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0806
Description: Photograph: Mamie S. Freeland. St. Augustine, Fl. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0807
Description: Photograph: Lydia M. Barbee. 602 Massey Ave., Durham, N.C. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0808
Description: Photograph: Maude E. Grant. Jacksonville, Florida. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0809
Description: Photograph: Rosena Campbell. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0810
Description: Photograph: Mamie Campbell. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0811
Description: Photograph: George Butler. May 31, 1893.
Item identifier:  Q3-0813
Description: Photograph: Dr. D. W. Roberts, deceased August 1919. St. Augustine, Florida.
Item identifier:  Q3-0814
Description: Photograph: Anna Cook. On back: "wife Anna Cook, Jacksonville, now in London." Photograph: London, England.
Item identifier:  Q3-0815
Description: Photograph: Robert Sams. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0816
Description: Photograph: Charles Henry Douglass. Born Easter, April 11, 1901.
Item identifier:  Q3-0817
Description: Photograph: Melvin J. Chisum. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0819
Description: Photograph: Mary Johnson Davis, Gospel Singers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0820
Description: Photograph: Leo Bentley. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0821
Description: Photograph: Lillie Price. 6642 Carpenter St., Englewood, Ill. Photograph: Chicago, Ill. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0822
Description: Photograph: Johney Duncan. Photograph: Chicago, Illinois. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0823
Description: Photograph: J. C. H. Dickey. Photograph: Cincinnati, Ohio. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0824
Description: Photograph: Frances Archer. Photograph: Columbus, Ohio. July 24, 1898.
Item identifier:  Q3-0825-0827
Description: Photograph: Children of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hunter, Appalachicola, Florida. (see Q3 - 875 for photograph of Sayde Mae Hunter, 1914.)
Item identifier:  Q3-0832
Description: Photograph: Loud Simmons. Photograph: New York. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0834-0843
Description: Photograph: Snapshots of travels of Mrs. Francis Lewis. No dates given. (nos. 834-843)
Item identifier:  Q3-0844
Description: Photograph: Jane Taylor. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0845
Description: Photograph: Ivy? Dallow. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0847
Description: Photograph: Willie ?. March 8, 1903.
Item identifier:  Q3-0848
Description: Photograph: Mrs. J. E. Wing and sons. October 1900.
Item identifier:  Q3-0849
Description: Photograph: Adrian Olean Massey. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0850
Description: Photograph: A. R. Campbell. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0851
Description: Photograph: P. G. Douglass. Born December 25, 1910.
Item identifier:  Q3-0854
Description: Photograph: Juan Oliva. June 21, 1926. Ex-featherweight champion of Cuba, welterweight contender. Signed to "To my friend Buddy Austin, sincerely Juan Oliva. 6-21-1926 N.Y."
Item identifier:  Q3-0855
Description: Photograph: Mr. Carter and Lorraine. Sent to "Mrs. Austin" and signed Alice. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0856
Description: Photograph: Billy, Delores Lorraine and "George." (Children of Alice). No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0857
Description: Photograph: Theo Williams. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0858
Description: Photograph: Loise ?. (On back: "To my darling wil from Loise with all my love. Don't you know I care.") No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0859
Description: Photograph: Louis Ritter, Jacksonville Mayor. March 2, 1963.
Item identifier:  Q3-0860
Description: Photograph: Eulojia Garcia. September 30, 1903. Translation of writing on back of photograph: "To my unforgetable Octavio. This remembrance is dedicated to you so that you won't forget your Mulata."
Item identifier:  Q3-0861
Description: Photograph: Infant of Mrs. Lottie Williams. February 1936.
Item identifier:  Q3-0866
Description: Photograph: J. Dennis. Tampa, Florida. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0867
Description: Photograph: Florence Sewell. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0868
Description: Photograph: Inscription: "This was made in Sumter, S.C. The two kids are Heywards."
Item identifier:  Q3-0869
Description: Photograph: Jennie ?. Inscription: "To a very fine person and fine friend, Your friend, Jennie, June 4, 1942."
Item identifier:  Q3-0870
Description: Photograph: Dr. John E. L'Engle. Signed on back of photo. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0871
Description: Photograph: Erskine Tucker; Joseph Debore; Elvin Hunter; Joseph Thayer; William Geiger; James Williams; Daniel Akers; James Wooden; Alphonso Wheatbrook. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0872
Description: Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, and daughter Betty. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0873
Description: Photograph: Frances Lyon. Anchorage High School teacher, working at Hoosier Ordnance Plant during summer. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0875
Description: Photograph: Sadye ?. August 14, 1914. "To Bubber Chawncy from sister Sadye, August 14, 1914." Photo taken in Appalachicola, Florida. Music book belonging to Sadye Mae Hunter (April 1917) found in Eartha White's papers. See also Folder K - 2867.
Item identifier:  Q3-0876
Description: Photograph: Sandy Patrick. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0963
Description: Photograph: Peggy Humphrey. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-0969
Description: Photograph: Elizabeth Ford. Wife of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church Reverend Ford. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2018
Description: Inscribed on photograph: "From
Carolyn to Eartha." On back: "1432 Fla. Ave." No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2019-2023
Description: Photographs: Scenes from Jerry's Department Store. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2091-2092
Description: Photographs: The Riverview Maid, riverboat of Dr. Armstrong. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2100
Description: Photograph: Armstrong Party in
vintage automobile. Note: Taken the same day as the scene on the
Riverview Maid yacht (no. 2091).
Item identifier:  Q3-2199
Description: Photograph: Infants Moses Gabriel and Aron John Hepburn. Photographer: E. Weems, Jacksonville, Florida. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2221;2422
Description: Photographs: Mrs. S. A. Austin. Center Street (later Calhoun) No dates given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2232;2246
Description: Photographs: Mrs. Gussie Calif Cunningham Satterwhaite. No dates given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2253
Description: Photograph: Alice Johnson. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2254-2255
Description: Photographs: Victoria James. Wedding at Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. No dates given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2295
Description: Photograph: Arthur A. Wright. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2395
Description: Photograph: Group of majorettes from S. P. Livingston Elementary School, Sarah Lovett, teacher. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2396
Description: Photograph: Official staff of Sons and Daughters of Florida. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2416
Description: Photograph: Marceline ?, niece of Retha Howard, 1945. Signed: "To Aunt Retha and Uncle Howard with love, Marceline, 1945."
Item identifier:  Q3-2455
Description: Photograph: Group in auditorium, including Edward Thurston, Mrs. Morse, Amy Currie, Oscar Hillman, Mrs. Bowman, Florence McLaughlin, Grayce Bateman, James Greene, Ada Braddock, Capers Braddock, Eartha White, Chester Cowart and others. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2759
Description: Photograph: J. C. Greeley. No date
Item identifier:  Q3-2804
Description: Photograph: Emily Norton Stewart, daughter of Isabella Tatton. Photograph taken in Nassau, Bahamas. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2805
Description: Photograph: Hooten and Hooten, 1305 Penna Ave., Baltimore, Maryland. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2812
Description: Photograph: Henry Sherman, early Postman and City Marshal. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2813
Description: Photograph: Rob
Item identifier:  Q3-2816
Description: Photograph: Ellen Johnson. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2820
Description: Photograph: Miss Cafrera (?) of South Carolina. No date given.
Item identifier:  Q3-2835
Description: Photograph: Twentieth Annual Convention of the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. August 18-23, 1940. (Oversize photograph - 15" x 22 1/2")
Item identifier:  W3-2834
Description: Photograph: Unidentified seaport. No date given.
Item identifier:  W3-2798
Description: Photographs: A family album. Various dates.
Item identifier:  W3-2838
Description: Photograph: Unidentified group. No date given. Oversize.
Item identifier:  W3-0905+
Description: Photographs: 905-906; 914; 931; 936;
940; 964; 966; 974; 1022;1089; 2029-2032; 2053; 2062; 2097-2098;
2103; 2311-2328; 2332; 2334-2370; 2374-2386; 2406-2407; 2418; 2453;
2700-2701; 2705-2708; 2808; 2817
Item identifier:  U3-0901+
Description: Photographs: 901-902; 916-918; 920; 923-924; 929; 933; 943; 1000; 2200-2220; 2303; 2410-2413
Item identifier:  X3-0895+
Description: Photographs: 895; 899-900; 903; 907; 910; 913; 915; 921-922; 927-928; 935; 937-939; 941-942; 944; 946; 949; 950-952; 995; 997; 1001-1003; 1006-1010; 1012; 1014; 1021; 1968; 2004; 2112; 2273-2279; 2281-2302; 2305-2309; 2414-2415; 2424; 2696; 2698; 2703-2704; 2768; 2803; 2806; 2810-2811; 2814; 2818-2819; 2860
Item identifier:  V3-0896+
Description: Photographs: 896-898; 904; 908-909; 911-912; 919; 925-926; 930; 932; 959-963; 965; 967-973; 975-981; 984-986; 990-993; 996; 998-999; 1004-1005; 1011; 1013; 1015-1020; 1985; 1997; 2221-2272; 2310; 2418-2423; 2811
Item identifier:  V3-2844
Description: Photograph: Oversize octagonal photograph of unidentified woman.
Item identifier:  Y3-1023
Description: Postcard: From Victor and Beulah to S. A. (Buddy) Austin. No date given.
Item identifier:  Y3-1024
Description: Postcard: From R. Loftin Smith to Eartha White, December 1962.
Item identifier:  Y3-1025-1030
Description: Postcard: Miscellaneous postcards. (Five cards - no. 1025-1030)
Item identifier:  Y3-1033
Description: Postcard: From J. Earl Morse to Eartha White, coronation of Miss Florida 1941. (1 copy in Folder S4; copy 2 in Folder H5 (White, E. M. M.--Photographs)
Item identifier:  Y3-2770
Description: Postcard: Colored Masonic Temple, Jacksonville, Florida. Erected by John H. Hickerson, Grand Master of Masonics. Two duplicate cards in Folder Y1 (Jacksonville under no. 440)
Item identifier:  K-2856
Description: Photograph: Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Signed 8 x 10 glossy print. No date given.
Item identifier:  D1-0330
Description: Photograph of funeral home in The
Crisis Magazine (January 1942 issue).
Full Text
Item identifier:  Z3-1034
Description: Program: Funeral program, December 13, 1943.
Item identifier:  Z3-1035
Description: Photograph: Lawton Pratt as a young man. Autographed. No date given.
Item identifier:  Z3-1036
Description: Photograph: Lawton Pratt. No date given.
Item identifier:  Z3-1037
Description: Thank you card from family of Lawton Pratt for condolences. (Photograph of the deceased on the card)
Item identifier:  Z3-1038
Description: Calendar: Lawton L. Pratt Funeral Homes, Jacksonville and Deland, 1945.
Item identifier:  Z3-1039
Description: Photograph: Lawton Pratt. No date given.
Item identifier:  Z3-2676
Description: Photograph: Group outside of the Lawton Pratt Funeral Home. No date given.
Item identifier:  H1-0362
Description: Booklet: Address of President Roosevelt at Hampton Institute. Decoration Day, 1906. Hampton, Virginia: Hampton Institute Press, 1906?