An ethical digital user knows how to work with and use digital information responsibly. Not all materials available online are free to use or disperse. However, organizations such as Creative Commons are creating a set of best-practices for sharing resources ethically. Ethics in the digital world entail knowing when to ask to use or borrow information and how to cite the author(s) to give appropriate credit. Not citing sources or failing to give appropriate credit is considered to be a form of plagiarism. Additionally, ethics entails how the digital user should interact with others in the online environment.
Infographic Transcript for Ethical Dimensions of Massive Online Open Courses CC BY SA 4.0 International (attribute
This infographic shows the results of a systematic literature review by Viv Rolfe into the socio-ethical dimensions of MOOCS, and how they extend the ethical dimension of Khan's 2003 Learning Framework.
The Ethics of eLearning (Khan 2003) involves the following: digital divide, etiquette, legal issues, bias and political issues, geographic diversity, learner diversity and social and cultural diversity.
The articles retrieved centered around geographical diversity, learner diversity, social and cultural diversity, social media literacy and digital literacy, ethical behavior in teaching and research, intellectual property ownership, data privacy, quality assurance, academic quality, and bias and political issues.
Cardenas-Garcia, J. F. (2018). Information ethics in the information age. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14(3), 147-166.
Herr, M. (2021). The interpretation of Creative Commons licenses by US federal courts. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1).
Louw, H. (2017). Defining plagiarism: Student and staff perceptions of a grey concept. South African Journal of Higher Education, 31(5), 116–135.
Seibert, H., Miles, R., & Geuther, C. (2019). Navigating 21st-century digital scholarship: Open Educational Resources (OERs), Creative Commons, copyright, and library vendor licenses. Serials Librarian, 76(1–4), 103–109.
Soler-Costa, R., Lafarga-Ostáriz, P., Mauri-Medrano, M., & Moreno-Guerrero, A. J. (2021). Netiquette: Ethic, education, and behavior on Internet-A systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3).
Machine Learning and Human Bias
Citation: A Very Brief Introduction
Anne Burke: Project Lead, Script, Storyboards
Daria Dorafshar(broken link): Graphics and Animation
Kyle Langdon: Narration
Andreas Orphanides: Writing, Editing, Technical Infrastructure
Kim Duckett: Team Lead
This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States license.
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