The digital world enables people to connect globally to create and disperse information quickly. In this fast-paced environment more businesses and institutions are looking for creative individuals with an understanding of the design-thinking paradigm. Because we live in a fast-paced world, designers and educators have used the design-thinking paradigm to create, edit, and revise digital objects to meet the demands for quick turnover. Regarding scholarship, the Internet has enabled scholars to publish their materials online. Some choose to publish their work in Open Access (OA) journals so that their scholarship reaches a broader audience because the journals are free to the public.
Design Thinking Infographic Transcript
The infographic describes the 7 steps of the design thinking process:
1. Discover
2. Empathize
3. Define
4. Ideate
5. Prototype
6. Evaluate
7. Refine
Design thinking is an innovations process.
Baker, F. W., & Moukhliss, S. (2020). Concretising design thinking: A content analysis of systematic and extended literature reviews on design thinking and human‐centred design. Review of Education, 8(1), 305–333.
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Blau, I., & Shamir-Inbal, T. (2018). Digital technologies for promoting “student voice” and co-creating learning experience in an academic course. Instructional Science, 46(2), 315–336.
Borham-Puyal, M., & Escandell-Montiel, D. (2020). Strategies of (in)visibility and resilience: Women writers in a digital Era. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature & Culture: A WWWeb Journal, 22(4), 1–13.
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Vasilieva, E. V. (2018). Developing the creative abilities and competencies of future digital professionals. Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics, 52(5), 248.
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