Library Equipment


            Audio Technica ATH-M30X Headphones

  • 1x Audio-Technica System 10 Pro.

            Audio Technica Sysem 10 Pro

            A System 10 Body-pack Transmitter ATW-T1001 how to turn it on

            Rode NTG2 Shotgun Microphone

  • Lumix GH5 Mirrorless Camera
    • Help: 
    • Help:

            Lumix GH5 Camera

           SP-AD120 SpectroLED-14 Flood light

          Magewell USB Capture Plus



Starting a Adobe Premiere Pro Project:

  1. First, open Adobe Premiere Pro. 
  2. Then select "new project"
  3. Premiere Pro will now open a different window, where you can name said project and change settings. After you're done, press the ok button.
  4. Now you are in the main workspace for premiere pro.
  5. To add audio and video drag your clips into the "Import media to start" section. 
  6. Now take said clip or audio, and drag it onto the "drop media here, to create a sequence" This is actually called the "timeline." (Make sure to move over the audio and video clips you'd like to edit, to the timeline section). 
  7. Now you can edit your clips, as you see fit. When finished, go to File, Export, Media. 


If the following does not help, please go to the help section above or get a library employee to assist you.

  • Start by insuring that everything is turned on. The Rodecaster Pro Production console is turned on by pressing the red button on the back of the audio interface. 
  • Next, make sure that all cables are connected, from the microphones and camera to the Rodecaster Pro. 
    • Make sure the Lumix GH5 Camera is plugged into the wall. (This allows the camera to not lose battery while recording).
    • Make sure the Lumix GH5 Camera HDMI cable is plugged into the camera and into the iMac 27-Inch computer. 
  • Make sure that the correct dial you are using, is turned up along with the volume dial(s) on the Rodecaster Pro.
  • There is also a button with a number above the volume dial(s) that needs to be activated for the microphone being used. When turned on, it is illuminated with a soft-colored light. If not turned on, you will not be able to hear yourself, therefore the mic is not working. Also, make sure the Mute button is off. When the Mute button is on, it is illuminated red.

Getting Started with the Rodecaster Pro

Rodecaster Pro: Using Sound Pads


  • 1x RodeCaster Pro (Podcast Production Studio).
    • Intro: The sound pads can be used to play music beds, intro and outro music, stings and sound effects, segment intros, and much more. Despite their ease of use, there are countless ways to customize and deploy them. 
    • Triggering Sound Pads: 
      • Turn the fader for the sound pads channel up to the fifth line from the top and tap one of the pads firmly. You should be able to hear them in your headphones if your RODECaster Pro is properly configured.
      • When you press a pad, the sound pad icon on the home screen changes to the color of the last sound pad you pressed. It will also show how much time is left on that particular sound pad. If you press another pad while the first is still playing, this icon will change to show the color of the sound pad that will finish first.
    • Additional Tips on Using the Sound Pads
      • If you accidentally delete any sounds from the original sound pads and want to restore them, simply go to 'File' > 'Restore Factory Sounds' from within the Companion App. If you want to quickly clear an entire bank of sounds, go to 'File' > 'Clear Current Bank'.
    • Saving and Loading Settings
      • ​​​​​​​If you have your RODECaster Pro configured exactly how you want it, you can save a snapshot of all the settings and sound pads. This is useful if you have multiple people using an RODECaster Pro or if you create different podcasts that require different settings. To save all of your settings, go to 'File' > 'Save Show'. This will save a file specific to the RODECaster Pro, which you can load onto your podcast at any time in the future by going to 'File' > 'Load Show'.
      • Help: 

Rodecaster Pro top view diagram​​​​​​​

How to use the Microphones with Rodecaster Pro

The Rodecaster Pro production console is connected to four microphones in total.

Two wired boom microphones are attached to microphone stands and are directly connected to the Rodecaster Pro production console in channels 1 and 2.

The other two mics are wireless microphones, which are connected to the Rodecaster pro. The second is a wireless microphone, which is connected to a computer (plugged into channels 3 and 4).

Getting Started: 

  • To set up using the microphones, we want to first make sure that the Rodecast Pro production console is powered on. (Red color button on the far, right of the back of the console). 

        Rodecaster Pro production console

        The front of a Rodecaster Pro production console

You now want to add a Source to one of your scenes in OBS Studio. Go ahead and add an "Audio Input Capture." Then, Select RODECaster Pro Stereo in the property window. If this option does not appear, please make sure the console is turned on and properly connected to the computer.

The two boom microphones are connected to channel 1 & 2. You can adjust the incoming input by sliding the fader up (Sliding up to the 5th line starting from the top is usually a good place to start). The same can be done for the microphone connected to channel 2.  

        The front of a Rodecaster Pro production console

To use the wireless bodypack microphone systems, you will have to power on the Audio Technica System 10 PRO, using the flip switch found on the left side panel. With the Audio Technica System switched on, turn on the power for the wireless bodypack microphone system by holding down the power button for a couple of seconds. The light will turn green when it's on. Slide up the faders for channels 3 and 4 respectively, and the audio should be captured by the microphone by the Rodecaster Pro and OBS Studio. 

       Audio Technica Sysem 10 ProA System 10 Body-pack Transmitter ATW-T1001 how to turn it on

You can always plug in a headphone to the Rodecaster Pro by simply connecting the headphones to one of the four headphones input found on the back of the Rodecaster Pro, then turning up the volume using the knobs found on the top right of the console (turn it up to about halfway) Sound captured through your microphones will play back as audio in the headphones. 

With everything now set up, you can simply hit the record button in OBS Studio. 

Very similar to how you would set up the microphones. You want to make sure that the camera that you wish to record with is powered on and is detailed by the computer, by ensuring it is connected to the iMac computer. 

In OBS Studio, you want to add a new Source to your scene by navigating to the Sources Panel and then clicking on the "+" icon. In the box that opens, select "Video Capture Device." In the property window, select the camera device that you wish to record with. (You can also change the preset resolution to "High," if you would like to.) 

OBS Studio user interface OBS Studio adding a video capture device

OBS Studio how to change camera resoultion

You should be able to now see the input captured by your camera device in the OBS Studio preview window. You can adjust the display size on OBS Studio and position it however you would like. You can hit the record button on OBS Studio to start recording. 

How to use the Audio/ Visual Equipment with OBS Studio


Using the Audio and Visual Equipment with OBS Studio is easy once all of the devices are connected and detectable by the computer. 

1. Launch OBS Studio. (as an administrator)

How to start obs as an Admin on Windows

2. In OBS Studio, you can create a new Scene simply by clicking on the "+" button under the Scenes panel on the bottom left of OBS studio. How to add a new scene in OBS

3. In your newly created Scene, we want to add two new sources. One will be for Video Capture and another for Audio Input Capture. Click the "+" button under the Sources panel and add a "Video Capture Device" & "Audio Input Capture."

How to add a video capture device and a audio input capture device

  • Video Tutorial: If you are having difficulties with this step, Video Capture Device Help, Audio Input Capture Help
  1. For the Video Capture Device, we want to change its properties of it to select the device we want to capture with. Simply double-click on Video Capture Device in OBS to open the properties window, and change the device to the Lumix G Camera, or any other video capture device of your choosing. You should now be able to see the video being captured through the camera. Please make sure the camera is switched on and is connected through the HDMI cable to the computer being used. 
  2. For Audio Input Capture, we can leave the Device in the Properties window set to default. We have available to us, four sets of microphones, two of which are wireless body kit microphones (Audio-Technica), and the other two are placed on the boom stands. Switch on the Rodecaster pro device. It is important to note that the Rodecaster has four audio input channels for each microphone. To control the volume of each audio input device, we can adjust the sliders found on the Rodecaster. If the slider is all the way down, the microphones will not pick up any audio. Channels 1 and 2 are for the microphones on the boom stands. Channels 3 and 4 are for wireless microphones. To use the wireless microphones, we have to make sure to turn on the Audio-Technica System 10 Pro device. Once that is on, we can slide up the sliders for any channel 1 - 4 and OBS Studio should indicate audio coming in through any of the four different microphones. You can test each microphone individually by sliding the sliders for each individual channel on the Rodecaster.  
  3. With that setup, we can hit the "Start Recording" button in OBS Studio to start recording. 
  4. After you finish recording, you can hit the "Stop Recording" button in OBS Studio to stop recording.