Library Equipment

Using GoPro Quick App to Convert 360 Files to MP4

  1. Begin by downloading the “GoPro Quik: Video Editor & Maker” on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  2. Launch the application on your device and make sure that your Bluetooth setting is switched on. The application will prompt you to switch on your Bluetooth if it is off.
  3. From the Homepage of the application, select GoPro on the navigation bar located at the bottom of the application. Then click on the Connect a GoPro button.

  4. Next page displayed will ask you to select a camera. Select the type of camera which is currently being used. The library uses the GoPro MAX. Select the MAX option.

  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  6. You may begin using the camera to record videos or capture images.
  7. To export any media, simply navigate to GoPro on the navigation bar located on the bottom of the application screen and tap on the View Media button.

  8. Tap and hold the media you would like to export, and then tap on the download button.

  9. Once the download is completed, head over to the Homepage. Select Media on the navigation bar located on the bottom of your screen. Your downloaded video should be seen under the App selection.

  10. Tap on the video to be exported. On the top right corner, tap the arrow button and then tap on the share icon at the bottom of the screen. Select the platform you wish to export it to, for example OneDrive, Google drive etc. Exported video will be in .mp4 file format.