VR on Display

July is Disability Pride Month

On July 26, 1990 President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. Each July is celebrated as Disability Pride Month in commemoration of the historic moment. 

Virtual Reality Experiences

Wheelchiar Simulator VR

"Wheelchair Simulator VR is a comedic game about a serious issue. Try to traverse the city by pushing the wheels with your hands and learn the story of a person who does that every day." - Steam Store

Experience Colorblindness

Experience Colorblindness Have you ever wondered how colorblind people see the world? Now you can experience it yourself. Let yourself be guided in narrative mode, explore 3 immersive environments, try fruit shopping or painting. Color vision tests also included.

Bystander VR in the Vive Store

Bystander VR immerses you in the inner world of a patient with childhood PTSD and depersonalization disorder through the use of VR spatial montage.

Augmented Reality Experience

Google Lens

Google Lens

AR enhances physical content with 3D effects so that users remain external observers and observe the augmented effects through apps such as Google Lens. Shopping?  Use your camera or an image to search. Get inspired by similar clothes, furniture, and home decor—without having to type what you're looking for. Also, translate text in real-time from over 100 languages. Studying? Quickly find explainers, videos, and results from the web for math, history, chemistry, biology, physics, and more. Just in general find information for example, what plant is in your friend's apartment, or what kind of dog you saw in the park.

Available in the Apple App Store Get in on Google Play

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