Mobile Apps

EBSCO eBooks

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   Here is information about downloading EBSCO eBooks to your iPad.


Library Catalog

works with most smartphones

Put the library in your pocket with our mobile catalog! You can search for books, music, cds, government documents, etc. You can also check your library account, view and renew your current checkouts, and more.

The mobile catalog is not an app.  It recognizes that you are using a mobile device and automatically switches to the mobile interface.

app for iPhone Here's a link to the catalog. 

Text to your Phone

text message iconworks with all smartphonesIn the "classic" library catalog, you don't need to scramble for a pen and paper.

Just text that call number and location to your cell phone and then proceed to the library stacks. Save a tree; send a text.


To send a text from the catalog:

  • Look fro the "Txt" icon under the item description. 
  • Input your mobile number and choose your carrier.


Google Book Search Mobile

Google Logo

works with most smart phonesGoogle BookSearch  offers a mobile site with more than 1.5 million public domain books that can be read with most phones.

Just point your browser to

HathiTrust Mobile

 Hathi Trust logoHathitrust mobile at allows you to search and read more than 2.5 million open access books online. works on most smart phones

HathiTrust is a digitization project created by a consortium of research libraries.



WorldCat Mobile

WorldCat Logoworks with all smartphonesWorldCat Mobile lets you search the world's catalog of more than almost 150 million items in libraries worldwide from your phone.

Use WorldCat to locate books, entire journals, dissertations and theses, videos, audio recordings, manuscript materials, and other publication types. Items identified in WorldCat may often be borrowed from owning libraries using the Interlibrary Loan service.

WorldCat mobile is not an app; use your device's browser and bookmark the catalog page at