All 1,000,000+ images from the ARTstor Digital Library are now accessible through iPad, iPhone, and the iPod Touch to registered ARTstor users.
ARTstor Mobile provides read-only features such as searching, browsing, zooming, and viewing saved image groups. Also try the new Flashcard View, which allows you to test your knowledge by viewing the image without textual information, and then flipping the image to reveal the image record.
To access ARTstor Mobile:
The NML (Naxos Music Library) App lets you access more than 40,000 CDs (more than 580,000 tracks) of all kinds of music, including classical, jazz, blues, world, folk, and even spoken word. NML is available as an iOS app from the iTunes store or as an Android app from the Android Marketplace.
The Naxos app will allow you to listen to playlists already created on the Naxos web site. You can create personal playlists or listen to those your instructor has created for your class.
To use the NML app: