If you don't cite your sources properly, you are plagiarizing, a violation of the Academic Integrity Code outlined in your Student Handbook.
Scholarship is a conversation. As a scholar, you are expected to present your new ideas through the lens of other scholars' publications. Whether you discuss someone's ideas in your own words or verbatim, you should always give credit to those before you. Watch this brief video from Bainbridge College that reviews plagiarism, quoting sources, paraphrasing, and citing.
Bainbridge State College (n. d.). Plagiarism: How to avoid it.
OneSearch can help generate a rough draft for a citation! When you click on the title of the record, you will see a Citation button directly under the "Send To" section of the record.
By clicking on the Citation button, OneSearch will generate a rough draft citation for you. You may copy this draft into a Word document. it will not be perfect, so you will have to fix the mistakes.
EndNote Web bibliographic software allows you to collect and organize references, format a bibliography, collaborate with others, and export references to an EndNote account.EndNote is commonly used in the sciences because it has several built-in science databases.
EasyBib is an automatic bibliography composer. When you have sources you need to cite properly for a research paper, EasyBib will help format the sources quickly and accurately. Millions of students use EasyBib to cite sources for their papers.
Zotero is a free, open-source citation manager that works as a browser plugin and also as a stand-alone application on your computer. Zotero's browser plugins can automatically extract citation information from websites, library catalogs, databases, and more. It also allows users to save PDFs, images, screenshots, and notes along with the citation records.
Mendeley is a free reference manager (registration required) that can help you store, organize, annotate, share and cite references and research data.