Construction Management

OneSearch is a mega database that enables students to search most of the Carpenter Library's print and electronic content at one time. OneSearch is a comprehensive option to begin your research. Watch this brief video to learn more about the power of searching within a mega database for your research. This video will cover the following subtopics:

  • How to find OneSearch -00:41
  • Benefits of using - 01:01
  • Searching basics - 01:10
  • Signing in to OneSearch - 01:21
  • Tweaking to find better resources - 01:45
  • Find the full text of resources - 02:23
  • Saving with confidence - 02:31

Once you gain confidence with basic searching, watch the UNF Library's Advanced Search Tips for OneSearch tutorial. This video will cover the following subtopics:

  • How to get to Advanced Search - 00:18
  • Using multiple search terms - 00:35
  • Boolean operators - 01:15
  • Tweaking your results - 01:45
  • Saving searches and sources - 02:00
  • Cited references - 02:33

Start wit the the simple search box. As an example, search for sustainable construction.

Sustainable construction

Click on the OneSearch button to begin the search. Note that your result list is extensive.

Sustainable construction result list

Before exploring your results, consider refining your result list to achieve a more succinct list. You may choose to limit to peer-reviewed literature and/or creation (publication) date so that you see a result list of high quality materials that are more recent.

Filter your results bar

If you need to keep refining, click on the title of a record that appears applicable to your research. Once in the record, scroll down to find the subject headings. 

A constructiton article

You will see "Subject" and then a list of subject headings in blue.

Construction Subject list

If you see a subject heading representative of your topic, you can click on it or return to the UNF library homepage and opt to search in Advanced mode. Here, you will have the option to toggle from keyword to search by subject or keyword. 

Note that searching by a combination of keyword and subject heading will significantly reduce the number of results and may yield the most succinct result list based on your interests. 

An Advanced Search for Sustainable construction and Climate change and Polymers


The search query reduced the result list to 95 peer-reviewed articles.

95 results

Searching by a combination of subject and keyword terms and employing limiters are not unique to OneSearch. Take your new-found knowledge and use your advanced search strategies in subject-specific databases to retrieve a succinct list of results. Select the blue Computing Databases tab to learn more.