eBook Collections

Most of these are free Internet sites that collect ebooks.

Open Access eBooks

The UNF library offers some eBook collections where all the eBooks are Open Access. 

On the UNF Database List, you can identify the Open Access collections by selecting "Open Access" as Type. There are 35 Open Access Databases on the Database List. Only some of the 35 Open Access collections are eBook collections. 


There are other Open Access eBook collections not on the Database List. 

MERLOT provides a database of Open Educational Resources (OER) that can be used as textbooks for a variety of disciplines.

Open Stax is the largest collection of OER content for faculty to be used as textbooks.

OER Commons is a public digital library of OER materials. 

Open Textbook Library offers textbooks to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost.