Look for the UBorrow link to order print books from other Florida University Libraries.
This is a free service for UNF students, faculty and staff. When you do a search in the UNF catalog, you may see an icon that says there are other items on this topic that you can order from other libraries. Just select the UBorrow link to get what you need.
The Library will get articles, books, primary documents, etc., for you through Interlibrary Loan. Very seldom is there a cost to you.
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) is an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries. It acquires and preserves newspapers, journals, documents, archives, and other traditional and digital resources from a global network of sources. It enables institutions to provide students, faculty, and other researchers liberal access to rich source materials through interlibrary loan and electronic delivery. The services are designed to support major research projects, the production of scholarly monographs and studies, dissertations, and graduate and advanced undergraduate seminars. -- CRL webpage
If a print book that the library already owns is available as an ebook through CRL, a link to the full online book will appear in the UNF Library catalog.
All the CRL records are in the combined (union) catalog of Florida's university libraries or you can search the CRL catalog.
CRL periodically hosts informational online seminars highlighting holdings in specific subject areas. Many of the webinars are available on the CRL YouTube channel.