AMA 11th Edition

AMA 11th Edition

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Sarah Moukhliss

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Sarah Moukhliss

Rebecca Maynite

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Rebecca Maynite
Subjects: Nursing, Nutrition

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AMA citations banner

Welcome to this guide! This library guide will introduce you to The American Medical Association (AMA) Manual 11th Edition (online). The AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors is a guide to the frequently-used reference type followed by JAMA and its related journals. The manual is available online and periodically updated to reflect emerging citation needs, such as preprints, data repositories, and various forms of multimedia. Upon reviewing this Library Guide, you will be able to:

  • Access the online AMA Manual through the UNF Library's databases list
  • Point to the NLM Catalog in PubMed to retrieve journal abbreviations
  • Use sample references to generate correct AMA citations

AMA at a Glance

The Reference List

This page will provide you with brief examples for building a reference list.

Your reference list should begin on a new page following the text of your paper. Here, you will include complete citations for the resources you've used in your writing. 


Tips for formatting your reference list:

  • Number references should be listed in the order they appear in the text. Do not alphabetize.

  • Do not indent if the citation extends to a second line.

  • Authors are listed with the last name first followed by the first and middle initials without periods. (E.g.: Skinner, BF)

  • Up to 6 author names should be listed.  Over 6 authors, list only the first 3, followed by "et al." 

  • Journal titles abbreviated according to PubMed abbreviations and italicized.

  • In journal titles, capitalize the first letter of all major words.

  • For online journals, the DOI is preferred over the URL link.
  • In book titles, capitalize the first letter of all major words (Do not capitalize the, an, a, in, for, or but, unless this word begins the title.) and put in italics.
  • When URLs are used, ensure that they are a direct as possible and the link still functions as close to publication as possible.

Be sure to visit the Thomas G. Carpenter Library homepage to take advantage of UNF databases, resources, and tools available to students, faculty, and staff. 

When to Cite

This page will provide brief information regarding when to cite your sources.

You need to cite when:

  • using a direct quotation, even if it is in quotation marks
  • using facts that are not common knowledge (what the reader can reasonably be expected to know)
  • paraphrasing or rewriting the author’s ideas
  • summarizing the data or argument of an author
  • using the key words or phrases from the author or using synonyms
  • mentioning the author’s name in your text
  • writing a sentence that mostly consists of your own thoughts, but you have made a reference to another author’s ideas

 When in doubt, err on the side of caution, and cite.


This page will provide examples for citing journals.

Article, Print Single Author

Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year;Vol(Issue):page numbers. 

Moldofsky H. Sleep, neuroimmune and neuroendocrine functions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Adv Neuroimmunol. 1995;5(1):39-56.

Article, Print Multiple Authors

Author(s) al. Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year:Vol(Issue):page numbers.

Huang W, Lee SL, Lu LX. Mechanistic approaches to predicting oral drug absorption. AAPS J. 2009;11(2):2017-224.

*include up to 6 authors. If greater than 6, include the first 3 authors followed by ' et al.' 

Article, Online, DOI

Author(s). Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year;Vol(Issue):page numbers. doi: doi number.

Kitajima TS, Kawashima SA, Watanabe Y. The conserved kinetochore protein shugoshin protects centromeric cohesion during meiosis. Nature. 2004;427(6974):510-517. doi: 101038/nature02312

Article, Online, URL

Author(s). Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year;Vol(Issue):page numbers. URL. Accessed date.

Kapur VK. Obstructive sleep apnea: diagnosis, epidemiology, and economics. Respir Care. 2010;55(9):1155-1167. Accessed November 8, 2011.

Article, Online, No Page Numbers

Author(s). Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year;Vol(Issue). URL. Accessed date.

Gore D, Haji SA, Balashanmugam A, et al. Light and electron microscopy of macular corneal dystrophy: a case study. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2004;10. Accessed December 6, 2005. 


This page will provide examples for citing books.

Book - single author

Author. Title of Book. Edition. Publication City, State: Publisher; year.

Shepard TH. Catalog of Teratogenic Agents. 7th ed. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press; 1992.

Book - multiple authors

Author(s). Title of Book. Edition. Publication City, State: Publisher; year.

*Include up to 6 authors. If greater than 6, include the first 3 authors followed by 'et al.'

Baselt RC, Cravey RH. Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man. 4th ed. Foster City, CA: Chemical Toxicology Institute; 1995. 

Book - with editors

Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Publication City, State: Publisher; year.

Armitage JO, Antman KH, eds. High-dose Cancer Therapy: Pharmacology, Hematopoietins, Stem Cells. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1995.

Book - Monographic Series

Author(s). Title of Book. Publisher City, State: Publisher; year. Series Title, No. Number in Series.

Davidoff RA. Migraine: Manifestations, Pathogenesis, and Management. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis; 1995. Contemporary Neurology Series, No 42. 

Book - Chapter

Chapter Author(s). Chapter Title. In: Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Publication City, State: Publisher: year: page number(s).

Degner LF, McWilliams ME. Challenges in conducting cross-national nursing research. In: Fitzpatrick JJ, Stevenson JS, Polis NS, eds. Nursing Research and its Utilization: International State of the Science. New York, NY: Springer; 1994:211-215.

Book - Online

Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Edition. Publisher City, State: Publisher; year. URL. Accessed date.

DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posey LM, eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Psychophysiology Approach. 9th ed. New York: NY: McGraw-Hill; 2014. http://accesspharmacy.mhmedical/com/book/aspx?bookid=689. Accessed April 3, 2016. 

*follow the above example to cite online books in various formats.


This page provides guidance for citing miscellaneous source types.


Author(s). Page Title. URL. Published date. Accessed date. 

National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Diabetic foot problems: prevention and management. National Guideline Clearinghouse.$&search=diabetes. Published August 26, 2015. Accessed April 25, 2016.

Website - no author, no dates

Page Title. Website Title. URL. Accessed date.

Compound summary for CID 146571: Escitalopram Oxalate. PubChem Compound Database. Accessed April 16, 2019.

Drug Monograph - print

Author(s). Monograph Title. Publisher City, State: Publisher; Year. 

Lisinopril. McEnvoy GK, ed. AHFS Drug Information 2014. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.;2014.

Drug Monograph - online

Author(s). Monograph Title. Publisher. URL. Update date. Accessed date.

Lisinopril. AHFS DI (Adult and Pediatric). Lexicomp. Updated March 11, 2016. Accessed May 11, 2016.

Package Inserts - print

Drug name [package insert]. Publisher City, State: Publisher; Year.

Lamasil [package insert]. East Hanover, NJ: Sandoz Pharmaceutics Corporation; 1993.

Package Inserts - online

Drug name [package insert]. Publisher City, State: Publisher. URL. Published date. Accessed date.

Lovenoz [package insert]. Bridgewater, NJ: sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC. Published April 20, 2011. Accessed May 10, 2016. 

Online Video

Video Title [video online]. Year. URL. Accessed date.

The Narcotic Farm - Part 1/3 [video online]. 2008. Accessed October 22, 2017.

Point of Care Tool

Author(s). Article Title. In: Author(s), ed. Database Name. Publisher City, State: Publisher; Year. URL. Accessed date.

Townsend, RR. Major side effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. In: Post, T, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA.: UpToDate; 2016. Accessed March 24, 2016.


Authors(s). Podcast Title. Date. URL. Accessed date. 

Mason J, Bavolek R. Placenta Previa. Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives. October 1, 2018. Accessed November 21, 2018.

Citation Management Tools

This page will introduce you to tools that provide a first-draft AMA citation. Don't forget to fix the mistakes yourself!

Citation Management tools such as RefWorks, Mendeley, and EndNote can help store your articles and generate rough drafts of reference lists. No tool is perfect. Spend time exploring each one. Talk to your professor to see which one they use. Then, invest time in learning about its functionality. UNF supports RefWorks. There may be free versions of other citation management tools to try. Below is a screenshot from OneSearch showing options for exporting articles to RefWorks and EndNote. The Export RIS option will enable you to export the record's information to other citation management tools that are not listed. Most databases provide the functionality to export articles to a citation management tool. 


Screenshot of the Send To area in OneSearch highlighting options to export to RefWorks, Mendeley, or by using the Export RIS option.


Quick Cite Function

Many databases provide you with a Quick Cite feature. By clicking on the Citation icon, you will obtain a generated reference in a style you choose. The screenshot example below is from OneSearch. 

►It is still your responsibility to proofread the citation for accuracy! Pay close attention to capitalization and the formatting of names and pages. The citation may indicate missing data that you need to insert to complete your citation. Copying and pasting may result in the loss of indentation or formatting.


Arrow pointing to the Quick Cite feature