POS 3733 - Research Design for Political Scientists

APSA Manual

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Note on Refworks/Endnote

We are aware that RefWorks (and possibly EndNote) does not properly format bibliographies in APSA style.  It's ok to still use the handy tools to create bibliographies for you but it is crucial that you check the final product against your APSA manual to ensure correct references.

Avoid Plagiarism

Books on shelf

If you don't cite your sources properly, you are plagiarizing. Not only will this negatively impact your grade, but it's a violation of the Academic Integrity Code outlined in your Student Handbook.

Plagiarism is intentionally or knowingly presenting the work of another as one’s own (i.e., without proper acknowledgment of the source). The sole exception to the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the ideas, information, etc., are common knowledge.

(Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Some examples of plagiarism include:

  • Buying a paper online
  • Passing someone else's paper off as your own
  • Copying all or part of any previous work without proper acknowledgment (citations)

RefWorks & EndNote


Link to EndNote Web - you should be in the library or logged in when you first sign up for an account

Select Sign up for an Account


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Lauren Newton
(904) 620-1531