UNF has access to the below content and queries in the WRDS interface. Including content and queries from CRSP and Compustat
- Bank Regulatory Database
- Blockholders
- CVOE Indexes
- Dow Jones
- Fama-French Portfolios and Factors
- FDIC Database Files
- Federal Reserve Bank Reports
- IRI Marketing Factbook
- OTC Markets
- Penn World Tables
- Philadelphia Stock Exchange
- S&P Compustat Bank - daily updates
- S&P Compustat Historical Segments - daily updates
- S&P Compustat North America - annual update (current + historical data)
- S&P Compustat North America - monthly update (current + historical data)
- SEC Disclosure of Order Execution
- Trace
- CRSP Stock (Monthly)
- CRSP Indexes (Monthly)
- CRSP Compustat Merged (Monthly)
- CRSP 10