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WRDS Registration

Note about WRDS

UNF has access to the below content and queries in the WRDS interface. Including content and queries from CRSP and Compustat

  • Bank Regulatory Database
  • Blockholders
  • CVOE Indexes
  • DMEF
  • Dow Jones
  • Fama-French Portfolios and Factors
  • FDIC Database Files
  • Federal Reserve Bank Reports
  • IRI Marketing Factbook
  • MSRP
  • OTC Markets
  • Penn World Tables
  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange
  • S&P Compustat Bank - daily updates
  • S&P Compustat Historical Segments - daily updates
  • S&P Compustat North America - annual update (current + historical data)
  • S&P Compustat North America - monthly update (current + historical data)
  • SEC Disclosure of Order Execution
  • Trace
  • CRSP Stock (Monthly)
  • CRSP Indexes (Monthly)
  • CRSP Compustat Merged (Monthly)
  • CRSP 10

WRDS Registration

  1. Navigate to

  2. The registration form will ask for your user type. If you select “student”, it will ask for your graduation date. Enter your graduation date as of now. 

  3. After you complete registration, you will see this message. Go to your email and click the link to confirm your email address.

  4. After you confirm your email, you will see the message below. Currently, accounts are reviewed by a librarian. If you register on an evening or weekend, it will not be reviewed until Monday.

  5. You will receive an email when your account is approved. Now go to to sign in. On the WRDS site, you can use the log in button at the top to sign in or use the Sign In box on the left.

  6. After you enter your username and password, you will be prompted to set up WRDS two factor authentication with Duo Push. You will see this screen.

    You can click on the blue button to be sent an email or click on the top orange banner to start 2FA authentication with Duo.

    At this point, some users can scan the QR code in the Duo app and complete two factor authentication with Duo. Others need to go back to the previous screen and click on “How to Log In to WRDS Using 2FA by Duo enrollment.” Send the URL in this section to your phone and then authenticate through Duo. If you are getting WRDS Duo on your phone but it’s sending you a passcode, go back a couple of screens on the computer, and then try authenticating via Duo on your phone again.  Some users need to authenticate via Duo twice to get to the approval screen.
  7. After you have been authenticated by Duo, you will need to accept the Terms of Use.

  8. After you accept the Terms of Use go back to and sign in. You can also click the Log In button on the black menu bar at the top of the page. You should see the page below indicating that you are signed in and have access to content and queries.