Articles in scholarly journals are written for and by experts in their chosen field and focus on a particular research interest, such as experimental psychology or aerodynamics. Scholarly journals are published in every academic discipline and are used as a means for scholars and researchers to share their research and discoveries with others who are also experts in their discipline. - Jim Alderman, UNF Library emeritus.
Scholarly or academic journals are essential resources for doing academic research. While popular magazines like Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report are excellent sources of information on nearly any topic, they are written with the average reader in mind and do not include the depth of coverage that an academic researcher would need. For in-depth examination of a topic, academic, scholarly publications are the researcher's first choice.
There are many ways to locate articles in scholarly journals, but one of the quickest ways to do so is to use OneSearch. In addition to OneSearch, the library subscribes to hundreds of research databases useful for searching for scholarly articles as well. To find an appropriate database for searching, look through the library's subject list of databases.