OER: Open Educational Resources


Here are the discipline resources that are broken down into colleges or content areas. Each resource tag gives you the ability to look at depositories, courseware, ebooks, and other resources.

Understanding Open Educational Resources

Notes about these Tools

In addition to all of the tools below, consider contributing content to UNF's Digital Commons.  UNF's Institutional Repository (IR) is a great place to house your finished OER resources. The UNF Digital Commons is highly optimized for Google search results, making your open access content easy to find.  Contact Courtenay McLeland, Head of Digital Strategies & Technology (lib-digital@unf.edu), to discuss ways we can host material in the repository and in your faculty research profile.

OER Authoring & Creation Resources/Tools

Audio Authoring Tools

Web-based & Audio Recording

Website Authoring Tools

Video Authoring Tools