Library Instruction

The library offers varied education and instructional opportunities for both students & faculty.

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Instruction Librarians

Lauren Newton, Head of Instruction
(904) 620-1531

Maria Atilano

Dan Feinberg

Becca Maynite

Sarah Moukhliss

Lauren Odom

Beryl White-Bing

Deborah Williams

Research Consultations

Individuals or small groups who need one-on-one assistance with research and library resources are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a librarian.  Individual research consultations may consist of a general orientation to library facilities and resources, or may focus on specific research needs that will assist the user in completing course assignments or projects.


Library Building

The Thomas G. Carpenter Library offers many opportunities for UNF students, faculty, staff, and members of the community to learn about our resources. Library instruction is offered via in-person and online instruction sessions, as well as workshops and individual research consultations. Instruction sessions are completely customizable based on individual needs.

Library Instruction

Library instruction sessions are typically tailored to class needs and cover research tools specific to the subject being taught. Instruction librarians welcome faculty involvement and will work closely with the course professor to provide an experience tailored to students' needs.

Topics that can be covered in library instruction session are:

  • Library website overview
  • Search techniques
  • Subject databases
  • Tips on choosing appropriate sources (peer reviewed/scholarly journals vs. other material types, etc)
  • RefWorks
  • How to contact the library for follow up questions
  • Research Consultations

How much time is involved?

Sessions can run anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on available class time and the type and level of instruction needed. 

What can faculty do to make this most meaningful to their students?

  • Provide a full description of the type of research students will be doing and instructions for an assignment. 
  • Coordinate the instruction to coincide with a research project that will require that students to use library resources.
  • Professors attend the session with the students to help reinforce the importance of the session and to drive home points made by the librarian.
  • Provide Lauren Newton, Head of Instruction, with feedback to help us improve what we do.

Where can classes meet a librarian?

  • Classes can be held in the library computer classrooms where students can experience hands-on active learning regarding library journals, databases, and other material types. Instruction sessions are held on the 2nd floor of the library in one or both of the library’s training rooms, 2102A and 2102B. Each room can accommodate up to 40 students and can be combined to provide training for up to 80 students.
  • A librarian is able to also hold an instruction session in any campus classroom. Encourage students to bring their own devices so they may follow along.

A minimum of 1 week's notice is required to ensure your preferred date(s).


Faculty Request for Library Class Instruction



Library instruction is available for online, hybrid, and/or face-to-face courses that have no flexible class time.  

Librarians can work with students online in a variety of ways, both synchronous or asynchronous:

  • Video tutorials can be created to instruct your students how to use a library resource.  Tutorials can be standalone or made into a series.
  • Students and professors can work one-on-one with an instruction librarian in an online environment.
  • Instruction sessions where some students and faculty are present and can be recorded for posting in Canvas.
  • An instruction librarian can monitor and respond to a discussion board in Canvas.  

Topics that can be covered in library instruction session are:​

  • Library website overview
  • Search techniques
  • Subject databases
  • Tips on choosing appropriate sources (peer reviewed/scholarly journals vs. other material types, etc)
  • RefWorks
  • How to contact the library for follow up questions
  • Research Consultations

A minimum of 1 week's notice is required to ensure your preferred date(s).


Faculty Request for Library Class Instruction


Instruction Librarians offer workshops on new library resources and refresher workshops on existing library resources. Workshops may be open to the public or can be directed to particular user groups in the UNF community. If you have an idea for a workshop, please email the Head of Instruction Lauren Newton,

First offered in Fall 1995, LIS1001, Beginning Library and Information Systems Strategies is a one credit, semester long course that investigates research strategies and provides hands-on instruction in the efficient use of library resources. Designed with beginning freshmen in mind, LIS1001 covers both traditional print sources and electronic resources common to university libraries. Although offered at the 1000 level, students at all levels enroll in the course, including the occasional grad student. For more information on LIS1001, contact the Head of Instruction, Lauren Newton,