
Using Write-N-Cite

Write-N-Cite is an MS Word plug that allows you to create in-text citations in your papers. Note: To use Write-N-Cite you will need to download and install it onto your computer. Write-N-Cite is compatible with both PCs and Macintoshes. Also compatible with Word 97-2003 and Word 2007 documents.

  1. To download Write-N-Cite, click on Tools on the toolbar, then select Write-N-Cite. A Web page will appear with instructions to download and install the plug-in.

  2. Once installed, the Write-N-Cite button will appear in your MS Word toolbar (in Word 2007, it will appear under the Add-ins Tab) or as a Write-N-Cite Icon on your desktop.

  3. Click on the button to launch Write-N-Cite. It will open a new window on top of your paper and ask you to log in. After logging in with your RefWorks login and password, you will see a list of your references. 
    • Note: You can keep the Write-N-Cite window always visible by checking the box at the top of the window that says  "Always on top."
  5. Click on View in the Write-N-Cite tool bar, then Folder to choose the folder that contains the references you need to insert in your paper.

  6. In your Word document, place the cursor in the text where you need to insert a citation. Then, click on Cite to the left of the reference you are citing. A placeholder (that looks like this: {{109 Greene, Andy 2007}} ) will appear in your text. This placeholder connects your paper to your RefWorks account.

  7. After you have entered all the placeholders into your paper and saved your document a final time, click on Bibliography on the Write-N-Cite toolbar. Choose your Output Style and click on "Create Bibliography".

  8. The placeholders in your paper and a bibliography have been formated in the style you choose.

  9. Proofread and save your paper.

One line/Cite

If you are unable to download and install Write-N-Cite on your computer, you may use the Cite icon in RefWorks to create in-text citations.

  1. When viewing your references, look just below the toolbar for the Switch to drop down box.  Choose One line/Cite View
  2. Click  next to the reference you wish to cite
  3. A pop-up window will appear with a citation placeholder: {{109 Greene, Andy 2007}}
  4. Copy and paste the citation placeholder where you want the in-text citation to appear in your document.
  5. IMPORTANT! Save your paper with these placeholders.
  6. After you have entered all the placeholders into your paper and saved your document a final time, close your document. 
  7. Click on  located on the toolbar.
  8. Choose your Output Style, and then select "Format Paper and Bibliography."
  9. Browse for your document and upload the file.
  10. A final version of your paper is created. The placeholders and your bibliography are formated in the style you chose.
  11. Proofread and save your paper.
Subjects: Citation Styles, General Research
Tags: bibliography, citation, refworks, write-n-cite