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ACRL & IPEDS Statistics

A guide to assist UNF librarians with ACRL and IPEDS surveys

Interlibrary Loan Service

81. Total Interlibrary Loans and Documents Provided to Other Libraries 

Leave this question blank if the counts for 81a and 81b are available. Report separately for all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents if the count is available. 

81a. ILL-01 Returnable (If Available)  

Report materials that the library expects to have returned. Examples of returnable items include books, dissertations and theses, microfilm reels, sound recordings, and audiovisual material. 

How to Calculate: (1) From the Alma Analytics 'UBorrow Dashboard' select the Lending Counts tab and obtain the UNF UBorrow Desk Filled Requests Total. (2) Log into OCLC Worldshare and run the 'OCLC Lender Activity Overview Report'. On this report look for the row named: Requests Filled - Loan. For question 81a enter the sum of the UNF UBorrow Desk - Lending Counts - Filled Requests Total and the Requests Filled - Loan'.   

UNF UBorrow - Lending Counts: Filled Requests - Loan 306 286
Tipasa:  Lender Activity: Requests Filled - Loan 635 650
TOTAL (81a) 941 936


81b. ILL-02 Non-Returnable (If Available) 

Report materials that the library does not expect to have returned. Examples of non-returnable items include photocopies or facsimiles, fiche-to-fiche copies, print copies from microfilm, electronic full-text documents, and gratis print copies of unpublished reports and/or departmental working papers.

How to Calculate: (1) Log in to ExLibris Rapid ILL and go to Statistics > Lending Summary Report.  Run report by Fiscal Year and look for the total in the Lending Filled column. (2) Log into OCLC WorldShare and run the 'OCLC Lender Activity Overview Report'. On this report look for the row named: Requests Filled - Copy. For question 81b enter the sum of the Rapid ILL Lending Summary - Lending Filled total and the Requests Filled - Copy'.   


Rapid ILL: Lending Summary - Lending Filled - Copy 1984 1852
Tipasa:  Lender Activity: Requests Filled - Copy 434 291
TOTAL (81b) 2418 2143

81c. Total if ILL-01 and ILL-02 are Reported Separately 

This is the sum of 81a ILL-01 and 81b ILL02 non-returnable.  This will be automatically calculated for you. 


81a ILL-01 Returnable (If Available) 941 936
81b ILL-02 Non-Returnable (If Available) 2418 2143
TOTAL (81c) 3,359 3,079


82a. ILL-03 Returnable (If Available)  

Report materials that the lending library expected to have returned. Examples of returnable items include books, dissertations and theses, microfilm reels, sound recordings, and audiovisual material.

How to Calculate: (1) Log into OCLC Worldshare and run the 'OCLC Borrower Activity Overview Report'. On this report look for the row named: Requests Filled - Loan. (2) In ALMA analytics run the UBorrow report and enter the count from the Borrowing Counts filled tab.     


Tipasa: Borrower Activity: Requests Filled - Loan 940 503
UBorrow: Borrowing Counts: # of Filled Requests 196 182
TOTAL (82a) 1136 685


82b. ILL-04 Non-Returnable (If Available)  

Report materials that the lending library did not expect to have returned. Examples of non-returnable items include photocopies, or facsimiles, fiche-to-fiche copies, print copies from microfilm, electronic full text documents, and gratis print copies of unpublished reports and/or departmental working papers.

How to Calculate: (1) Log into OCLC Worldshare and run the 'OCLC Borrower Activity Overview Report'. On this report look for the row named: Requests Filled - Copy.  (2) On the Rapid ILL Borrowing Summary report find the column named Borrowing Filled. For questions 82b enter the sum of Tipasa and Rapid ILL requests.


 REPORT NAME FY-2023 FY-2024
Tipasa: Borrower Activity: Requests Filled - Copy 2223 711
Rapid ILL: Borrowing Summary - Borrowing Filled 603* N/A (1852)
TOTAL (82b) 2223 711

*this number (603) was not reported on the ACRL Survey last year becuase the RapidILL number is already included in the Tipasa report. . The Rapid ILL Borrowing Filled report includes electronic journal articles and book chapters. 


FY19 - FY24 -- RapidILL Lending Summary Report - (FY24 Detailed Report)
FY19 - FY24 -- RapidILL Borrowing Summary Report (FY24 Detailed Report; FY23 Detailed Report)


FY 24 -- Tipasa: Borrower Activity Overview Report


FY 24 -- Tipasa: Lender Activity Overview Report 


FLVC provides a UBorrow Dashboard which contains borrowing counts, a borrowing requests list, lending counts, and a lending request list.

FY 24 -- UBorrow Borrowing Counts


FY 24 -- UBorrow Lending Counts