Student Guide for OER Advocacy

OER Readings

Farrow, R. (2016). A framework for the ethics of open education. Open Praxis, 8(2), 93–109.

Hilton III, J. (2020). Open educational resources, student efficacy, and user perceptions: a synthesis of research published between 2015 and 2018. Educational Technology Research & Development, 68(3), 853–876.

McGeary, Guder, C., & Ganeshan, A. (2021). Opening up educational practices through faculty, librarian, and student Collaboration in OER creation: Moving from labor-intensive to supervisory involvement. Partnership, 16(1), 1–27.

McLure, & Sinkinson, C. (2020). Caring for students in postsecondary open educational resource (OER) and open education initiatives: inviting student participation and voice. Reference Services Review, 48(3), 473–487.

Seiferle-Valencia, M. (2020). It’s not (just) about the cost: Academic libraries and intentionally engaged OER for social justice. Library Trends, 69(2), 469–487.

Wright, R. E. (2018). OER adoption in higher education: A case study of stakeholders’ perceptions at a Florida state college. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.