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UNF 50th at the Library


Recording of Accountability and Leadership: What can organizations do to help
This event was presented by a panel of LGBTQ Center employees and customers and moderated by Manny Velásquez-Paredes (Director, UNF LGBTQ Center).

Date: January 25, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event was held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.

History Activated: Local Civil Rights Past and Present
This event was presented by a panel of local civil rights activists and historians, co-moderated by Dr. Felicia Bevel (Assistant Professor, History) and Dr. Tru Leverette (Associate Professor, English). Panelists were Rodney L. Hurst, Sr., Dr. James Beasley (Associate Professor, English), Mia McNair, and Ennis Davis.

Date: February 22, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event was held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.

Environmental Research and Education at UNF
This event was presented by James W. Taylor, Assistant Director, Institute of Environmental Research and Education.

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event was held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.

History of UNF Athletics Excellence
This event was presented by a panel including former Athletic Director Richard Gropper, current donor and original Osprey Club founder Dave Polovina, former Softball Coach Marcie Higgs, and former Tennis Coach Charlie Jenks. It was moderated by Nancy Miller, a former UNF student-athlete, coach, and current Associate Athletics Director.

Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event was held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.

UNF's Aerial Footprint: 50 Years of Land Use Change
This event was co-presented by Dr. Christopher W. Baynard (Associate Professor, Coggin College of Business) and Dr. Robert D. Richardson (Assistant Director, Research Technology Services). Additional research was provided by Christian Hobbs and Chris Wilson (UNF Graduate Students).

Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event was held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.

UNF at 50: Striving for a Greener, More Diverse Institution
Dr. Charles Closmann (Associate Professor, History) moderated a panel including Dr. David Courtwright (Former Full Professor of History, Emeritus, Former Presidential Scholar), Dr. Radha Pyati (former UNF professor of Chemistry, former President of UNF Faculty Association, currently Dean of Arts and Sciences at West Chester University), and Michael Woodward (former UNF student, Sawmill Slough Conservation Club president, and retired attorney formerly practicing in Putnam County).

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: This was a hybrid event. The event will be held in the Carpenter Library, Second Floor, Classroom 2102A and 2102B and hosted on Zoom simultaneously.