Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum

This program guide is made to help center your knowledge about research databases and resources.

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Education and Human Services Liaison Librarian

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Danny Feinberg
Danny E. Feinberg
Online Learning Librarian
UNF Thomas G. Carpenter Library



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Welcome to the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum LibGuide! This guide features useful resources and tools to help you begin your research on topics related to education. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance, individual instruction, troubleshooting, and specific research requests.

Research Technique Search Strategies:

Search by Keywords, Subject, Title, or Author
Saved marked records by RefWorks, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc....

To Narrow or expand a search use:

  • Boolean Operators: AND, OR, and NOT

EX: critical thinking AND teaching AND (universities or colleges)

  • Truncation: Cut off the end of the work and add the Asterisk symbol

    • teach* = teaching, teachers, teacher, teachable....

  • Use synonyms to expand your search or phrase searching

    • education, educational, "educational ideals"

  • Use subject headings to limit to a more narrow search in the limiters

  • Limit by resource type, year, etc....