GEY3660: Aging Policy & Politics - Additional Resources

Aging Politics

Image that says Elderly Care

Roff, S. (2001). Analyzing end-of-life care legislation: A social work perspective. Social Work in Health Care, 33(1), 51–68. 

Rushton, C. H., & Schwartz, J. (2011). A legislatively mandated council: A model for palliative care policy integration. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 14(11), 1240–1245. 

Wilkinson, D., Truog, R., & Savulescu, J. (2016). Ifavour of medical dissensus: Why we should agree to disagree about end-of-life decisionsBioethics, 30(2), 109–118. 

Buchbinder, M. (2018). Access to aid-in-dying in the United States: Shifting the debate from rights to justiceAmerican Journal of Public Health, 108(6), 754–759. 

Huang, H.-L., Yao, C.-A., Hu, W.-Y., Cheng, S.-Y., Hwang, S.-J., Chen, C.-D., … Chiu, T.-Y. (2018). Prevailing Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Physicians in Terminal Cancer Care Changed After the Enactment of the Natural Death Act: 15 Years’ Follow-up Survey. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 55(3), 843–850. 

  • Health

Stern Center for Evidence-Based Policy. (2016?). Addressing the health needs of an aging America: New opportunities for evidence-based policy solutions. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, Health Policy Institute. Retrieved from:

Rowe, J., Berkman, L., Fried, L., Fulmer, T., Jackson, J., Naylor, M., Novelli, W., Olshansky, J., & Stone, R. (2016). Preparing for better health and health care for an aging population. Discussion Paper, Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series. Washington, DC: National Academy of Medicine. Retrieved from:

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. (2018). 2018 Policy priorities: Promote the health, security and well-being of older adults. Washington, DC: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Retrieved from:

Hunter, R. H., Sykes, K., Lowman, S. G., Duncan, R., Satariano, W. A., & Belza, B. (2011). Environmental and policy change to support healthy agingJournal of Aging & Social Policy23(4), 354–371. 

  • Financial

Keehan, S. P., Stone, D. A., Poisal, J. A., Cuckler, G. A., Sisko, A. M., Smith, S. D., Madison, A. J., Wolfe, C. J., Lizonitz, J. M. (2017). National health expenditure projections, 2016-25: Price increases, aging push sector to 20 percent of economyHealth Affairs, 36(3), 553-563. 

Palmer, J. L. (2006). Entitlement programs for the aged: The long-term fiscal contextResearch on Aging 28(3), 289–302. 

Curtin, L. L. (2004). The coming gerontocracy: Social and ethical ramifications. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 5(3), 196–204. 

  • Oldest old  90+

Wetle, T. F. (2008). The oldest old: missed public health opportunities. American Journal of Public Health, 98(7), 1159. 

Gonyea JG. (1995). Age-based policies and the oldest-oldGenerations, 19(3), 25–31. 

Johnson, M. L. (1997). Dignity for the oldest old: Can we afford it? Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 29(2-3), 155–168.