Legacy RefWorks

Using RefWorks Off Campus

In order to use RefWorks off campus, you need to have an active n-number and password.  As long as you are signed in to the library's homepage, you should be able to access RefWorks.

Using Write-N-Cite Off Campus


You are able to use Write-N-Cite to create in-text citations and generate a bibliography when writing a paper.  You need to follow these instructions to ensure you can access Write-N-Cite off campus.


If you are using Windows 7, Microsoft Vista, or XP do this:

  • Click on the Microsoft flag icon , or the Start button Start button at the bottom left of your screen.
  • Select All Programs.
  • Select RefWorks from the list.
  • Select WNC Proxy Configuration Utility.
  • Copy and paste the following URL:
  • Click OK.


If you are using a Mac, do this:

  • Activate Write-N-Cite.
  • Select Preferences from the Write-N-Cite menu.
  • Select the Proxy option.
  • Copy and past the following URL:
  • Restart Write-N-Cite for this proxy configuration to take effect.
Subjects: General Research
Tags: bibliography, citation styles, refworks, write-n-cite