Library Forms

The following forms are used to send requests and comments to specific library departments

List of Library Forms

A/V Equipment Request

Request checkout of A/V equipment.

Check My N Number

Request to check if your N# is current.

Course Reserve Request

Request to put physical items on course reserve in the library.

Database Trial Feedback

Submit your opinion on a trial database.

Exhibit Application

Submit to apply to have an exhibit displayed in the library. Available to departments and organizations.

Library Classroom Request

Request to reserve library classroom(s) 2012A or 2102B without a librarian present.

Library Instruction

Request instruction for your class.

Library Tour

Request a library tour for your class, group, and/or program. 

Purchase Request

Request materials for the library to purchase and add to make available (books, eBooks, streaming videos).

Resource Recommendation

Request E-Resources with recurring costs (databases or eJournals).

Special Borrower's Card Application

Apply for a Special Borrower's Card (non-UNF affiliates)