Theses and Dissertations Deposit Guide

A guide to depositing your thesis or dissertation in the UNF Digital Commons

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Deposit Requirements

The University requires that the approved final version of all graduate dissertations, theses, or doctoral projects, which satisfy UNF degree requirements, be permanently and electronically deposited in the Thomas G. Carpenter Library. Since libraries no longer accept paper submissions, the term Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) is often used to refer to born-digital or online theses and dissertations. 

Submitted theses and dissertations will be retained in the institutional repository, UNF Digital Commons, and students may also opt to submit their ETDs to the ProQuest database. (*If submitting to the ProQuest database in addition to the institutional repository, it takes an average of 6-12 weeks for the work to appear in the ProQuest database.) The Certificate of Approval with signatures of the thesis, dissertation, or project committee is submitted as supplemental material and retained in the system. 

Graduate School - Thesis and Dissertations Procedures Page

For more information on writing your thesis or dissertation at the University of North Florida, see the page below:

Electronic Submittal

Theses and dissertations are only accepted electronically by the library.  Do not submit drafts or preliminary versions of the paper with comments, edits, or "track changes" visible. Only the final version is acceptable for the repository.  Copies of the signed Availability Agreement and Certificate of Approval are uploaded by students as supplemental files accompanying the paper. 

After papers are approved by the Graduate School, the library commences its work behind the scenes ensuring that the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) have the appropriate metadata, bookmarks, name authority records, and archival versions. This process involves several members of the Digital Projects & Preservation department and may take up to 5 months from the date the paper is approved by the Graduate School. 


Availability Agreement

Each paper must be accompanied by the Thesis/Dissertation Availability Agreement. Within this agreement you'll have the opportunity to choose a length of time for an embargo, if applicable, and a choice of whether to submit your paper to the ProQuest Theses and Dissertations Global database. *If you submit your paper to the ProQuest database in addition to the institutional repository, it takes an average of 6-12 weeks for the ETD to appear in the ProQuest database.



1.  Click here to be taken to the UNF Digital Commons ETD submission page. 

2.  Log in using your UNF N# and password.

3.  Read through the Instructions and Submission Agreement, click to agree, then continue.

4.  Fill in the form with title, author, and other required fields.  Be ready to provide an abstract.  You may need to add your middle name by clicking the pencil icon.  Be sure to include University of North Florida as the institution name. 

Screenshot showing that title is required

Screenshot showing the form

5.  Upload the final approved version of your paper in Word or PDF. 


6.  You may also have supplemental files to upload such as associated source code or documentation related to your attempts to seek permission for copyrighted images.  Source code must be uploaded as a zipped file and named with your last name, the supported platform(s), and the programming language.  For example:  JonesLinuxC++       
Copyright documentation sould be named with your last name and permission.  Ex.  Jonespermission. 








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